[AISWorld] Big XII+ Research Symposium Apr 19-21

George, Jordana jgeorge at mays.tamu.edu
Thu Feb 1 13:28:46 EST 2024

Join the  2024 Big XII Plus MIS RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/sites.google.com/tamu.edu/bigxiiplus2024/home__;!!KwNVnqRv!BuZ-WNT_MuyDobHIilqKcIqrxZ3qNnDmZIVGoZE8fmiaTP2IlXAKr0goegdObNoxSSxjw8HRuJzRLhGKVdJ50XFb8KMKias$> for present, past, and prospective members of the Big XII.

This year we are holding the conference at Texas A&M in the Mays Business School in College Station, beginning the evening of Friday, April 19 through noon Sunday, April 21. Be sure to register<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/forms.gle/WEBT3Z4vAt3hVupb6__;!!KwNVnqRv!BuZ-WNT_MuyDobHIilqKcIqrxZ3qNnDmZIVGoZE8fmiaTP2IlXAKr0goegdObNoxSSxjw8HRuJzRLhGKVdJ50XFbXjHIsOQ$> by March 29, 2024.

The following objectives for the Big XII+ MIS Research Symposium<https://big12plusmis.org/index.html> have been emphasized from the beginning of the symposium in 2003:

? Networking among Big XII+ faculty members and PhD students

? Learning about ongoing research at Big XII+ schools

? Identifying potential areas for research collaboration

? Identifying potential areas for joint funding proposals

? Providing opportunities for graduating PhD students to interact with faculty members from potential hiring institutions

? Providing a collegial environment to advance MIS research and teaching

What do we do at this conference?

  *   Network with our peers
  *   Attend moderated developmental paper presentations by junior faculty and PhD students (2 presentations per school max)
  *   Enjoy panels and learning opportunities by senior scholars in our field
  *   Party at our Saturday night social event
  *   Eat! Most meals provided

Note that lodging and transportation are the responsibility of the participants. Discount room block information will be communicated soon.

PhD coordinators and department heads: please identify your two presenters and send me their contact information by March 22. More information is available on our website<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/sites.google.com/tamu.edu/bigxiiplus2024/home__;!!KwNVnqRv!BuZ-WNT_MuyDobHIilqKcIqrxZ3qNnDmZIVGoZE8fmiaTP2IlXAKr0goegdObNoxSSxjw8HRuJzRLhGKVdJ50XFb8KMKias$>.

Your conference co-chairs are Jordana George, Parisa Aasi, and Rajiv Mukherjee. The Big XII Plus MIS Research Symposium is now in its 21st year. Visit the conference's original informational website<https://big12plusmis.org/index.html> to learn more about the history, past conference locations, and objectives of the conference.

Dr. Jordana George
Assistant Professor
Mays Business School | Texas A&M University
Talk/Text: 512-626-1878| jgeorge at mays.tamu.edu<mailto:jgeorge at mays.tamu.edu>


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