[AISWorld] [Job] Fellowship (Italian Assegno di Ricerca) position in Resilient AI at the University of Naples Federico II (Deadline: Feb 19, 2024)

luigiliberolucio.starace at unina.it luigiliberolucio.starace at unina.it
Mon Feb 5 11:36:23 EST 2024

The University of Naples "Federico II", Italy, is seeking candidates for a 22-month research fellow position (Italian Assegno di Ricerca) in the field of Software Engineering for AI Systems. 

The position is open to graduate students (Ph.D. is preferred).


The successful candidate will work within the PNRR (NextGenerationEU) project "Future Artificial Intelligence Research" (FAIR), focusing on Resilient AI.


* Salary and Duration *

A gross salary of € 29.250,00 per year.

The duration of the contract is 22 months, tentatively starting in March 2024.


* Call and documentation *



* Application *

By filling the form attached to the official call (https://www.dieti.unina.it/images/assegni_di_ricerca/2024/4-2024/Bando_Rif_DIETI_Ass_Ric_4-2024.pdf) and by sending it via email or certified email (PEC or REM) to the office in charge, as detailed in the call.


* Application Deadline *

February 19, 2024, h 13.00 (Italian Time)


* Keywords *

Software Testing, Artificial Intelligence, Simulation-based Testing, Resilient AI


* Research *

The main goal of the research activity will consist in advancing automated test case generation techniques for simulation-based testing of complex AI-driven systems such as Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), which are widely adopted in modern vehicles. The research activity will be focused on developing and validating new techniques that systematically generate effective tests for these systems within the vast and intricate space of potential test case scenarios that can be potentially simulated, advancing the state-of-the-art. The activities will leverage cutting-edge simulation platforms to enable an effective exploration of diverse scenarios, ensuring a thorough verification of AI-based systems. Thus, the overarching goal is to enhance the reliability, safety, and resiliency of AI-based systems, by automatically generating more effective test scenarios.


* Ideal candidate *

- Experience in Software Engineering, Software Testing, AI, and Search-based Heuristics

- A publication record on topics related to the skills required by the project

- Fluency in English. Italian is not mandatory.


* Desirable requirements (preferred but optional) *

- A PhD in Computer Science, Data Science, and similar disciplines.


* Scientific Supervisor *:

- Prof. Sergio Di Martino, University of Naples Federico II


Feel free to circulate the information to potential candidates. Do not hesitate to contact sergio.dimartino at unina.it <mailto:sergio.dimartino at unina.it>  for further details.



Luigi Libero Lucio Starace, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II” 
Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

Via Claudio 21, 80125, Naples, Italy

 <https://luistar.github.io/> https://luistar.github.io

 <https://www.docenti.unina.it/luigiliberolucio.starace> https://www.docenti.unina.it/luigiliberolucio.starace


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