[IRIS] OLKC Conference 2022

Ulrika Lundh Snis (HV) ulrika.snis at hv.se
Tue Dec 14 07:39:54 EST 2021

Call for Papers, OLKC 2022!

Dear all,

We are delighted to announce the Call for Papers for the Organisational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities, OLKC, Conference 2022. It will be hosted by University West and will be held in Trollhättan, Sweden, in September 7-9, 2022. This year’s overall theme is “Learning future workforce capabilities for global sustainability".

A copy of the Call for Papers (short version) is attached, and further details of the conference will be published on the conference website: www.hv.se/en/olkc<http://www.hv.se/en/olkc>

Please note that the deadline for submission of extended abstracts is April 10 April, 2022. The deadline for submission of Doctoral students’ extended abstracts is April 17, 2022.

We really hope that you will submit your work to the OLKC Conference, and we look forward to seeing you there. Please share with anyone who might be interested in submitting!

With best wishes,

Ann Svensson, Irene Bernhard, Ulrika Lundh Snis
University West, Trollhättan, Sweden

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