[AISWorld] ACM SIGMIS Doctoral Dissertation Award Competition 2010 - call for nominations

Sudha Ram ram at eller.arizona.edu
Thu Jul 1 21:12:47 EDT 2010

The International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) invites
nominations for the ACM SIGMIS Doctoral Dissertation Award Competition 2010.
We look for outstanding doctoral dissertations around the globe in the field
of information systems that have been completed in the time period from July
1, 2009, to June 30, 2010. The competition is sponsored by SIGMIS, the ACM
Special Interest Group on MIS.

Nominations should be submitted no earlier than midnight US EDT, July 14,
2010, and no later than 5:00 PM US EDT, July 31, 2010.  The candidate's
Ph.D. advisor or department chair should submit the nomination.  Only one
nomination can be made from an institution. 

Detailed instructions are available at

The ACM SIGMIS Doctoral Dissertation Competition 2010 is chaired by Sudha
Ram and Doug Vogel. The judges include the faculty who participated at the
ICIS 2009 doctoral consortium and possibly other faculty members from the

Questions about this competition may be addressed to the co-chairs.



Dr. Sudha Ram

McClelland Professor of MIS

Professor of Computer Science

Member, Bio5 Institute and Institute of the Environment

430J McClelland Hall

Eller School of Management

University of Arizona

Tucson, AZ 85721

Phone: (520)-621-2748

Email: ram at eller.arizona.edu

URL: http://vishnu.eller.arizona.edu/ram



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