[AISWorld] ICHRIE case study competition & e-book: call for case studies

Marianna Sigala m.sigala at aegean.gr
Thu Mar 17 09:44:01 EDT 2011

ICHRIE Hospitality & Tourism Case Study Competition


Dear colleagues,

It is my pleasure to announce the launch of the I-CHRIE Hospitality & Tourism Case Study Competition and Publication Series. This is a new initiative of I-CHRIE that aims to:

  a.. enhance the I-CHRIE services and benefits to its membership 
  b.. create a new publication outlet of I-CHRIE 
  c.. provide a new way of I-CHRIE and its members to participate in the advancement of tourism & hospitality education 
  d.. foster and strengthen the communication between academia and industry within tourism and hospitality 
  e.. establish I-CHRIE as a valuable source for tourism & hospitality educational material 
  f.. reinforce the role of I-CHRIE as a communication hub and facilitator of knowledge exchanges between research, academia and industry in tourism & hospitality.

Case studies provide innovative ideas, business (best) practices, professional dilemmas, and lessons learned from the tourism and hospitality reality. In this vein, case studies are an invaluable source of knowledge for educators, professionals and researchers alike. Simultaneously, case studies can nurture and strengthen knowledge exchanges between research, education and industry.

The I-CHRIE Hospitality & Tourism Case Study competition will take place on an annual basis. 

Worthy case studies submitted to the competition will be published in an e-book with an ISBN that will be part of the ICHRIE Case Study Publication Series. 

All case studies submitted to the I-CHRIE Hospitality & Tourism Case Study Competition will be double-blind reviewed by three reviewers. The three most highly evaluated and commented case studies will receive prestigious (financial and material) prizes as well as recognition and promotion in the annual ICHRIE conference and other promotional material. 

The case studies may refer to any topic and subject area related to the tourism & hospitality field and industry. Case studies may be compiled from field research, published sources and/or generalized experience. Case studies do not have to follow any strict structure. However, each case study is expected to include sections related to the following topics: a) a background of the subject organisation and/or of the topic; b) an analysis of the dilemma and/or the teaching objective; c) a section explaining the questions and dilemmas of the case study; d) related bibliography and additional reading. 

The case studies must be a maximum of 5,000 words, excluding figures, tables, annexes and bibliography. Each case study submission must be accompanied by a teaching note for which there is no world limit (although a teaching note of a minimum of 1,000 words is expected). The case studies and the teaching note will be evaluated against three criteria: content, theoretical underpinning, and presentation. Case studies must adhere and follow the submission guidelines of case study writing.

For more information about the submission guidelines, the competition rules, the type and amount of the prizes/awards, the evaluation criteria and the ethical/legal requirements for submitting case studies, please visit the website 


The deadline for submitting case studies to the ICHRIE case study competition is the 15th of May 2011.

Author(s) wishing to submit a case study ONLY for the ISBN e-book to be published by I-CHRIE in October 2011 can submit their case study until the 30th of June 2011. 

If you require further information and/or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

This is your opportunity to contribute to the Hospitality & Tourism Education as well as to be rewarded and recognized for your efforts.

Looking forward to receiving your case studies and thank you in advance for your valuable support to this great new initiative.

With my best regards,

Dr Marianna Sigala

Chair of the I-CHRIE Case Study 

m.sigala at aegean.gr

Marianna Sigala, PhD
Assistant Professor of Service Management in Tourism
The Business Administration Department
University of the Aegean
Michalon 8. Chios, 
Greece, GR-82100
Tel: +30 22710 35160
Fax: +30 22710 35165
e-mail: m.sigala at aegean.gr 

Co-Editor of Managing Service Quality (MSQ)

Books' Review Editor of the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management

Books' Review Editor of TOURISMOS: 
An International Multidisciplinary Refereed Journal of Tourism

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"
George Santayana (1863 - 1952)
Philosopher and Poet 
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