[AISWorld] Dealine Extension: IOS 2.0 - New aspects on inter-company integration through Enterprise 2.0

Holger Schrödl holger.schroedl at wiwi.uni-augsburg.de
Wed Apr 27 08:12:35 EDT 2011

Deadline Extension: IOS 2.0 - New aspects on inter-company integration through Enterprise 2.0

Workshop at the 41st annual-meeting of the "Gesellschaft fuer Informatik" "INFORMATIK 2011 - Informatik schafft Communities", October 4th-7th 2011, Berlin

Today inter-company integration as a model for the cooperation of organizations is strongly influenced by new communication methods. For example, the electronic communication subject in a natural way the community thought. The use of temporary inter-organizational systems forms temporary and strategic relationships between companies. Inter-organizational systems create a technology base that enables new value added models between the involved companies. The core question is how the new forms of communication and cooperation - summarized under the term "Enterprise 2.0" - can support and develop the value added significantly.
Inter-company integration is the enabler for inter-company business processes. The use of highly integrated inter-organizational allows the establishment of innovative and comprehensive value-added processes between multiple involved companies, partners and customers. The development of inter-company integration of paper-based methods through EDI-solutions to complex inter-organizational systems now faces the possibilities of Enterprise 2.0. The successful in-house use of technologies such as blogs, wikis, digital social networks and instant messaging has been shown sufficiently. Design principles of Enterprise 2.0, which are applied to any inter-company information systems, provide new challenges for the participants. These are found for example in the adoption of organizational structures and business processes. Against this background the question is how Enterprise 2.0 technologies can affect inter-company value significantly, which recipes for success are available for their use and how this affects the players involved.

Central issues and themes
This workshop is intended for academics and practitioners and will allow a discussion between theory and praxis. Central topics are:

*         Application areas and purpose in inter-company use of Enterprise 2.0 technology

*         New business models of inter-company integration

*         Changes in inter-company integration

*         Optimization of strategic and ad-hoc value added networks by Enterprise 2.0 technologies

*         Changes of actors and roles in inter-company integration

*         Case studies on inter-company integration on the basis of Enterprise 2.0 technologies

*         Service orientation and cloud-technology for inter-company integration

*         The impact of cloud-computing on inter-company integration

*         Enterprise 2.0 as a new inter-organizational paradigm

*         Challenges and opportunities for Enterprise 2.0-based inter-organizational systems

*         New architectures for inter-organizational aspects (architectural concepts, reference models, architectural artifacts)

*         Trends of inter-company integration

*         Economic, social, political and legal changes through Enterprise 2.0 technologies in the inter-company integration

Organizing committee:

*         Klaus Turowski, Chair of information systems & systems engineering, University of Augsburg

*         Holger Schroedl, Inter-organizational systems research group, University of Augsburg

*         Stefan Wind, Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Program committee:

*         Martin Gaedke, TU Chemnitz

*         Ulrich Frank, University of Duisburg-Essen

*         Viktoria Kapitany, BMW Group

*         Ralf Knackstedt, ERCIS Muenster

*         Michael Koch, Universität der Bundeswehr Munich

*         Heinz Korbelius, Fujitsu Technology Solutions

*         Jörg Larsson, Software AG

*         Peter Loos, Saarland University

*         Wolfgang Niemeyer, Siemens IT Solutions and Services Management GmbH

*         Alexander Richter, Universität der Bundeswehr Munich

*         Susanne Robra-Bissantz, TU Braunschweig

*         Roland Röder, Software AG

*         Armin Weh, Fujitsu Technology Solutions

Dates and submission
The assessment of submissions is made double-blind by the program committee. The decision on acceptance or rejection of the paper is made by the workshop organizers based on the results of the expert reports.

*         Submission deadline for the workshop: May 08 2011 (NEW!)

*         Decision of the acceptance of the workshop articles: June 06 2011 (NEW!)

*         Submission of the printable version: July 1st 2011

*         The workshop takes place at the "Informatik 2011": October 4th-7th 2011

We accept articles with a maximum length of 12 pages (including bibliography) in the LNI format. Please note the formatting (available at http://www.gi-ev.de/service/publikationen/lni/). Submissions will be made via the EasyChair system:

Accepted articles will be published in the conference proceedings. At least one author of each article is expected to register for the conference and present the article in the workshop.

Holger Schrödl
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Systems Engineering
Universität Augsburg
Universitätsstr. 16
86159 Augsburg

Telefon:         +49 821-598-4419
Telefax:         +49 821-598-4432
E-Mail:            holger.schroedl at wiwi.uni-augsburg.de<mailto:holger.schroedl at wiwi.uni-augsburg.de>
Homepage:    http://wi-se.wiwi.uni-augsburg.de

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