[AISWorld] Submission deadline extended for the International Conference on Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems 2011, Denmark

Tina Blegind Jensen tbj.inf at cbs.dk
Thu Jun 2 01:57:20 EDT 2011

Dear colleagues,

I would like to attract your attention to the Social Theories in Enterprise Systems Research Track at the CONFENIS 2011 Conference. The submission deadline has been extended as follows:

Paper Submission: 15/06/2011 (extended)

Submission of camera-ready paper: 01/09/2011

Conference: 16-18/10/2011

See the attached CFPs for the track.

We look forward to receiving your submission.


Tina Blegind Jensen  -  Assistant Professor, PhD
Department of Informatics  -  Copenhagen Business School
Howitzvej 60 - DK2000 Frederiksberg
Phone: +45 38 15 24 55 - E-mail: blegind at cbs.dk<mailto:blegind at cbs.dk> - www.cbs.dk/staff/blegind<http://cbs.dk/forskning/institutter_centre/institutter/inf/menu/medarbejdere/menu/videnskabelige_medarbejdere/videnskabelige_medarbejdere/adjunkter/blegind>

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