[AISWorld] Call for papers - DASC2011 (Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing)

Jinjun Chen jinjun.chen at gmail.com
Mon Jun 20 12:27:20 EDT 2011

Call for papers: DASC2011 - 9th IEEE International Conference on Dependable,
Autonomic and Secure Computing, Dec.12-14, Sydney, Australia.
Website: http://www.swinflow.org/confs/dasc2011/

Key dates:
Submission Deadline: July 15, 2011
Submission site: http://cse.stfx.ca/~DASC2011/sub/
Workshop Proposal: Ongoing as received (to workshop chairs listed on the

Proceedings will be published by IEEE CS Press.

Distinguised papers will be selected for special issues in Journal of
Computer and System Sciences and others.


As computer systems become increasingly large and complex, their
Dependability, Security and Autonomy play critical role at supporting
next-generation science, engineering, and commercial applications. These
systems consist of heterogeneous software/hardware/network components of
changing capacities, availability, and in varied contexts. They provide
computing services to large pools of users and applications, and thus are
exposed to a number of dangers such as accidental/deliberate faults, virus
infections, malicious attacks, illegal intrusions, and natural disasters
etc. As a result, too often computer systems fail, become compromised, or
perform poorly and therefore untrustworthy. Thus, it remains a challenge to
design, analyze, evaluate, and improve the dependability and security for a
trusted computing environment. Trusted computing targets computing and
communication systems as well as services that are autonomous, dependable,
secure, privacy protect-able, predictable, traceable, controllable,
assessable and sustainable. The scale and complexity of information systems
evolve towards overwhelming the capability of system administrators,
programmers, and designers. This calls for the autonomic computing paradigm,
which meets the requirement of self-management by providing
self-optimization, self-healing, self-configuration, and self-protection. As
a promising means to implement dependable and secure systems in a
self-managing manner, autonomic computing technology needs to be further
explored. On the other hand, any autonomic system must be trustworthy to
avoid the risk of losing control and retain confidence that the system will
not fail. Trusted and autonomic computing and communications need
synergistic research efforts covering many disciplines, ranging from
computer science and engineering, to the natural sciences to the social
sciences. It requires scientific and technological advances in a wide
variety of fields, as well as new software, system architectures, and
communication systems that support the effective and coherent integration of
the constituent technologies.

Scope and Topics

Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:

#Autonomic Computing Theory, Models, Architectures and Communications
#Dependable Automatic Control Techniques and Systems
#Cloud Computing with Autonomic and Trusted Environment
#Dependability Models and Evaluation Algorithms
#Dependable Sensors, Devices, Electronic-Mechanical Systems,
Optic-Electronic Systems, Embedded Systems, etc.
#Self-improvement in Dependable Systems
#Self-healing, Self-protection and Fault-tolerant Systems
#Hardware and Software Reliability, Verification and Testing
#Software Engineering for Dependable Systems
#Safety-critical Systems in Transportation, Power System, etc.
#Security Models and Quantifications
#Trusted P2P, Web Service, SoA, SaaS, EaaS, PaaS, etc.
#Self-protection and Intrusion-detection in Security
#DRM, Watermarking Technology, IP Protection
#Context-aware Access Control
#Virus Detections and Anti-virus Techniques/Software
#Cyber Attack, Crime and Cyber War
#Human Interaction with Trusted and Autonomic Computing Systems
#Security, Dependability and Autonomic Issues in Ubiquitous Computing
#QoS in Communications and Services

Submission Guidelines

Submissions must include an abstract, keywords, the e-mail address of the
corresponding author and should not exceed 8 pages for main conference,
including tables and figures in IEEE CS format. The template files for LATEX
or WORD can be downloaded here. All paper submissions must represent
original and unpublished work. Submission of a paper should be regarded as
an undertaking that, should the paper be accepted, at least one of the
authors will register for the conference and present the work. Submit your
paper(s) in PDF file at the DASC2011 submission site:


Accepted and presented papers will be included into the IEEE Conference
Proceedings published by IEEE CS Press. Authors of accepted papers, or at
least one of them, are requested to register and present their work at the
conference, otherwise their papers will be removed from the digital
libraries of IEEE CS and EI after the conference.

Distinguished papers presented at the conference, after further revision,
will be published in special issues of Journal of Computer and System
Sciences, and other quality journals.

General Chairs
Jennifer Seberry, University of Wollongong, Australia
Vijay Varadharajan, Macquarie University, Australia

Program Chairs
Jinjun Chen, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Hua Wang, University of Southern Queensland, Australia

Workshop Chairs
Xiao Liu, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Jemal Abbawajy, Deakin University, Australia

Publicity Chairs
Jiankun Hu, UNSW at ADFA, Australia
Jong Hyuk Park, Kyungnam University, Korea

Steering Chairs
Laurence T. Yang, St. Francis Xavier University, Canada
Jianhua Ma, Hosei University, Japan
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