[AISWorld] ICST Transactions on e-Education and e-Learning - Call for Papers

Giovanni Vincenti giovanni.vincenti at icst.org
Mon Jun 20 13:23:24 EDT 2011

ICST Transactions on e-Education and e-Learning
Call for Papers


Education is one domain that has accompanied civilization through the 
centuries, adapting its tools to fulfill the expectations of the 
students and the needs of the teachers. Such tools can be as obvious and 
traditional as pencils and a notebook, or as complex and innovative as 
websites and multi-user virtual environments. Typical in-person learning 
environments, such as classrooms and meeting rooms, are at times not the 
best solution to enable and maximize a student’s ability to learn. 
Although they do fulfill their purpose of giving students the 
possibility of reaching course material and instructors, they also 
create a barrier that cannot be easily overcome.

Web-based instruction and multi-user virtual environments break the 
time-limited barrier innate to typical lectures and explore, through 
innovative technologies, a concept as old as humankind: socialization 
and the feeling of belonging to a community. Many universities, public 
institutions and private businesses are projecting themselves on the 
Internet and in virtual worlds to reach the customer at any time, giving 
them the idea of virtual presence that cannot be delivered through a 
simple website.

Topics to be discussed in this journal focus on (but not limited to) the 
following concepts:
• Teaching / Educational Models and Frameworks
• Accessibility and usability of web-based instruction in the classroom
• Best Practices
• Developing courses and content to be used in on-line educational 
• Student engagement
• Experiments
• Impacts of on-line on traditional teaching and learning strategies

Editors in Chief
Giovanni Vincenti, Towson University, Towson, MD, USA
James Braman, Towson University, Towson, MD, USA

Unique Advantages of Publishing with ICST
ICST offers authors the revolutionary e-SCRIPTS system – a Web 2.0-based 
peer-review and manuscript management application that guarantees 
objective and fast reviewing, through an innovative reviewer bidding 
process that automatically matches the most qualified reviewer to the 
paper based on internationally recognized indicators such as H-index. 
Also based on that, acceptance decisions are expected to be now made in 
weeks instead of many months. In addition, ICST provides extremely short 
publication times by posting the paper on-line immediately after 
acceptance and extreme visibility/impact to the scientific community via 
synergies with the other ICST tools such as EU Digital Library and a 
broad abstract dissemination channel without compromises on the 
protection of authors’ intellectual property. All these innovative 
aspects are coupled with traditional elements of technical excellence, 
such as indexing by ISI, EI, DBLP, INSPEC, Google Scholar, and all other 
major indexing organizations, as well as ISSN registration.

Publishing models
ICST offers a variety of publishing models. Authors can choose to 
publish their article in a mostly traditional manner, letting only 
subscribers access their work. The innovation that ICST is embracing 
consists in the copyrighting of the articles. Publishing through the 
Transactions won’t limit you to reuse your work. By retaining the full 
rights to the articles, authors will be able to re-use the material 
without the need of requesting permission to the publishing 
organization, like in most cases.
We also provide the Open Access publishing method. If authors choose to 
make their articles freely available to anyone, they will be required to 
offset editorial costs by paying a set fee. Such fee will ensure that 
the articles will be freely available for anyone to read for the 
lifetime of the publication. Articles submitted before September 1, 2011 
will receive the option of the Open Access method WITHOUT PAYING ANY FEES.

In short:
• Fast and high-quality review;
• Rapid publication;
• Innovative publishing tools;
• Open Access publication;
• Retention of the copyright for re-use of the material without the need 
to gain permission;
• Decision-making really open to the community.

Special Issues Proposals
ICST Transactions on e-Education and e-Learning is aiming at devoting 
space for special issues on specific topics proposed by Guest Editors. 
We welcome special issues proposals: for instructions on their 
submission, please contact the giovanni.vincenti at icst.org or eeel at icst.org.

What to submit
Original unpublished contributions are solicited that can improve the 
knowledge and practice in the field. Tutorial and survey articles of 
permanent reference value are also welcome.

Submissions must be original and should not have been published, or 
submitted for publication, elsewhere. Authors are encouraged to submit 
extended versions of papers previously presented at a conference or 
workshop with clear indication of how the paper has been extended for 
the journal submission.

This journal is being submitted to ISI, EI, DBLP, INSPEC, Google 
Scholar, and all other major indexing organizations. ISSN # 2032-9253

When to submit
Authors can submit their work on e-Scripts at any time. The next 
deadlines are as follows:
September issue: August 1, 2011;
December issue: November 1, 2011.
Remember that submitting your article by September 1, 2011 will ensure 
the ability of publishing through the Open Access model without paying 
any editorial fees.

How to submit
To submit a paper to the journal, please register at 
Manuscript preparation instructions may be found at: 

For any further info, please feel free to contact: 
giovanni.vincenti at icst.org or eeel at icst.org

For more information on ICST and its Publications Program, please email: 
publications at icst.org

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