[AISWorld] CFP: 6th Global Sourching Workshop

Ilan Oshri IOshri at rsm.nl
Wed Sep 7 10:55:02 EDT 2011

Sixth Global Sourcing Workshop


12 - 15  March 2012


Courchevel 1850, France


Following the success of the past Global Sourcing Workshops, we are
pleased to release this Call for Papers for the Sixth Global Sourcing
Workshop which will be held March 12-15, 2012 in Courchevel 1850,


The workshop will focus on Global Sourcing with a specific interest in
practices that improve firm's performance and those that affect
communities and societies. This workshop aims to bring together
viewpoints from various disciplines, including IB, Strategy, OM, OB and
IS on global sourcing of IT, Business and Knowledge Processes and
Innovation. This year we also focus on teaching aspects related to
outsourcing and offshoring. 


Paper Track


We invite research articles, works in progress and 'focus on practice'
papers that investigate topics relating to global outsourcing and
offshoring. In particular, the workshop will endeavour to present the
views from client, vendor and intermediary firm perspectives. Some of
the specific themes that are of interest in this workshop are:


*	Sourcing models (e.g. offshoring, offshore-outsourcing,
near-shoring, cloud services, micro-sourcing and SaaS)
*	Sourcing decision making
*	Sourcing settings (multi-sourcing, bundle services, etc.)
*	Supplier capabilities 
*	Client capabilities  
*	Outsourcing life cycle
*	Captive centres
*	Emerging topics and concepts in sourcing



We are interested in papers that are both conceptual and


Teaching Track


As more and more business schools and corporate academies launch core
and elective modules on outsourcing and offshoring, we have decided to
allocate time to this important aspect in global sourcing. We therefore
invite proposals from academics and practitioners who teach outsourcing
and offshoring and would like to share with us their knowledge. In
particular we are interested (1) to learn about your teaching
experiences, including sharing your course outline, key readings and
case studies, creative assignments and innovative approaches to share
with students the realities of outsourcing and offshoring beyond the
frontal lecturing teaching method. (2) We are also interested in
teaching cases on outsourcing and offshoring which we would consider for
publication in Journal of IT Teaching Cases (JITTC) 
http://www.palgrave-journals.com/jittc/ .  


Please note that a small conference venue has been reserved with
guaranteed attendance restricted to those having papers accepted for
presentation. Participants need to book early to secure reserved
accommodation at the conference location or other rooms nearby. See full
details on our website: www.globalsourcing.org.uk.


In the last two years we have published selected papers as book chapters
in a book by Springer. It is likely that we will publish another book
based on the papers from this Workshop. Furthermore, selected papers
will be invited to submit a revised version for a publication in either
Journal of Information Technology, Journal of Strategic Information
Systems or Strategic Outsourcing journal, and teaching cases to JITTC. 



Important Dates:


October 17th 2011 - Deadline to submit extended abstracts/teaching
proposals to the Workshop on Global Sourcing

November 1st  2011 - Notification of accepted extended
abstracts/teaching proposals

Registration deadline: December 1st 2011 (Registration fees will be 285
EURO per person which include a reception and 2 dinners)

January 16th 2012 - Deadline to submit full papers/teaching case and
notes to the Workshop on Global Sourcing

March 1st 2012 - Reviews sent to authors 


March 12-15, 2012 - Workshop on Global Sourcing, Courchevel 1850, France


Paper Track: Extended abstracts should be between 600-800 words.


Teaching Track: Proposals for teaching-related presentations should be
between 1000-1200 words. Once accepted, no full paper submission will be
required. Proposals for teaching cases should be between 600-800 words
and include the teaching case outline and learning objectives. For
teaching cases, the submission of full teaching case and teaching notes
will be required.


All submissions should be sent in MS Word format to: 
globalsourcing.org.uk at gmail.com with 'Abstract submission GSW 2012' as
the subject of the e-mail.


For preparation of full papers please follow Guidelines for Authors
posted on the workshop site: http://www.globalsourcing.org.uk/



Important Links


Courchevel 1850 ski resort: www.courchevel.com

Our Representative at the Tourism Office for enquiries about
accommodations is Ms. Sohie Jemin, her email: sophie at courchevel.com


Workshop Organizers: 


Leslie P. Willcocks (http://personal.lse.ac.uk/willcock/)

Julia Kotlarsky (http://www.juliakotlarsky.com)

Ilan Oshri (http://www.ilanoshri.com/)



Sponsorship: The workshop is partly sponsored by Accenture.




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