[AISWorld] AIS IS Program Survey

Tmitri A. Owens towens at cis.gsu.edu
Wed Sep 7 15:58:36 EDT 2011

CALL FOR PARTICIPATION:  AIS Information Systems Degree Program Survey
FROM:  Tmitri Owens, AIS Program Director
DATE:  September 7, 2011


As part of the AIS mission we are taking steps to improve the visibility of the IS field and profession by collecting important data and contact information from institutions offering IS degrees.  We would appreciate you taking 5 minutes to complete this survey.    

PLEASE decide on one person to complete this survey to help us minimize duplicate returns.  

This survey has two parts.  PART I asks you to identify and provide the contact information for your department chair or other key contact.  This information will be used primarily to communicate information about AIS programs such as institutional membership benefits, job placement services, and conference sponsorship opportunities.  By providing this information you will enable us to consolidate future mailings thus targeting mailings intended for department chairs/key contacts.  

PART II asks for IS census data such as enrollments, department name, number of majors, number of IS academics, number of IS doctoral students, etc.  Please note that specific data is desired but estimates are acceptable.  The results of the survey will be compiled and released only in aggregate.

Here is the survey link:  http://www.zoomerang.com/Survey/WEB22CVH6UVTMY/. 

 If you have any questions about this survey please contact us at: onestop at aisnet.org.  All complete IS program survey submissions are eligible to win a new Wi-Fi Kindle. Just complete the survey  by September 9, 2011 and your name will be placed in the drawing.
It's that easy!

Visit http://www.zoomerang.com/Survey/WEB22CVH6UVTMY/ and complete the IS Program Survey Today

All current submissions will be included in the drawing.*

Tmitri Owens
Program Director
Association for Information Systems
404-413-7443 (fax)

AIS is hosted and located in the Computer Information Systems Department
Georgia State University, 35 Broad Street, Suite 917, Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone:  +1 404 413 7445   Fax:  +1 404 413 7443   E-mail: onestop at aisnet.org   Internet:  http://www.aisnet.org

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