[AISWorld] IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management

Rajiv Sabherwal RSabherwal at walton.uark.edu
Wed Oct 5 17:03:07 EDT 2011

I am delighted to announce that two papers ate joint winners of the 2010 best paper award for IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management: (1) "The Strategic Implications of Web Technologies: A Process Model of How Web Technologies Enhance Organizational Performance," by Barney C. C. Tan, Shan L. Pan, and Ray Hackney. 57(2), May 2010; (2) "Indirect Network Effects and Platform Dominance in the Video Game Industry: A Network Perspective," by A. Srinivasan and N. Venkatraman. 57(4), November 2010. Please join us in congratulating the authors of both papers.
Rajiv Sabherwal, Ph.D.
Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
University of Missouri Curators Professor, and
    Emery C. Turner Professor of Information Systems
CCB 206, University of Missouri, St. Louis
One University Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63121
Phone: 314-516-6490
FAX: 314-516-6827
E-mail: sabherwal at umsl.edu
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