[AISWorld] Reminder: AMCIS 2012-SIGGlobDev Call for Minitrack Proposals

Narcyz Roztocki roztockn at newpaltz.edu
Mon Nov 14 10:17:39 EST 2011

Reminder: The deadline for Minitrack Proposals is November 16, 2011 


AMCIS 2012 – Call for Minitrack Proposals: ICTs in Global Development (SIGGlobDev) Track 

Reflect and Redefine: Designing the Digital Future 

The deadline: November 16, 2011 
All mini-track proposals must be submitted at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/amcis2012 

Track co-chairs: 
Narcyz Roztocki, State University of New York at New Paltz, roztockn at newpaltz.edu 
H. Roland Weistroffer, Virginia Commonwealth University, hrweistr at vcu.edu 

Track Summary: Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has a major impact on economic and societal development. Though developing, emerging, and transitional economies play an increasingly important role in the global market, mainstream information systems research continues to focus on the relatively small group of countries with highly developed economies. The business, social, and legal environments of developing, emerging, and transitional economies often mandate that ICT implementations and uses are dissimilar from those in highly developed regions. Practices and models that have been tested in highly developed countries may not be applicable in the global setting. The intention of this track is to encourage more research and publications on ICT focused on developing and emerging markets and communities. 

Thus, the ICTs in Global Development track, sponsored by the Special Interest Group on ICT and Global Development (SIGGlobDev), serves as a forum for research on the appropriate use and diffusion of information and communication technologies and associated management practices in the distinctive environments of developing, emerging, and transitional economies. 

Suggested topics for minitracks (additional topics welcome): 
- Information Technology in Developing Economies 
- Information Technology in Emerging Economies 
- Information Technology in Transition Economies 
- ICT Issues in Africa 
- ICT Issues in China and the Pan-Pacific Region 
- ICT Issues in Latin America 
- Cross-Organizational and Cross-Border IS/IT Collaboration 
- ICTs in Micro & Small Enterprises of Developing Regions 
- Digital Collaboration as a Driver for Economic Growth 
- Information Technology as a Driver for Social and Political Change 
- Disability and Information Technology in Underserved Populations 
- Education and ICT in Developing Regions 

Submit your mini-track proposal using the manuscript central system at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/amcis2012 

The deadline for proposal submissions is November 16, 2011 (12 midnight EST) 

Proposals should be a maximum of 2 pages long. Proposals should provide a brief one- or two-paragraph description of the main theme, its importance and relevance to information systems research and practice, and its relevance to the track. You should also list some potential topics for your mini-track. Each proposal must list names and contact information of mini-track chair(s). 

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