[AISWorld] TOC: International Journal of e-Collaboration

Ned Kock nedkock at gmail.com
Wed Dec 7 19:50:04 EST 2011

The contents of the latest issue of:

International Journal of e-Collaboration (IJeC)

Official Publication of the Information Resources Management Association

Volume 8, Issue 1, January-March 2012

Published: Quarterly in Print and Electronically

ISSN: 1548-3673 EISSN: 1548-3681

Published by IGI Publishing, Hershey-New York, USA



Editor-in-Chief: Ned Kock, Texas A&M International University, USA




A Policy-Based Team Collaboration

Jae W. Hwang, The George Washington University, USA

Shmuel Rotenstreich, The George Washington University, USA


This paper presents a policy-based coordination model for team
collaboration. Team collaboration requires an agreement that utilizes a
negotiation protocol to find candidate teams and to decide on a
collaboration partner. The decision relies on policies that are rules
governing team situations in an organization. Contexts and rules allow
reasoning about team situations. The authors describe a policy-based
negotiation protocol. It introduces an ontology-based whiteboard component
that uses the Semantic Web technologies such as Web Ontology Language (OWL),
Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL), and Semantic Query-enhanced Web Rule
Language (SQWRL). The negotiation protocol facilitates whiteboards as a
computational foundation for awareness of situations and policies, and it
assists with the final decision using a measure based on the combination of
rule-based queries and functions.


To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.



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Supporting Secure Information Flow: An Engineering Approach

Shane Bracher, SAP Research, Australia

Padmanabhan Krishnan, Bond University, Australia


The authors describe a model to provide access control for information flow
that crosses organisational boundaries. The model specifies a distributed
access control enforcement approach for workflow objects (e.g., a document
assigned to a pre-defined workflow) using software agents and data
encryption techniques. Access to restricted content within the workflow
object is based on the possession of encryption keys and role enactment. The
model relies on trusted software agents to verify and ensure the validity of
the workflow object. The authors construct a prototype and report on a case
study that demonstrates the feasibility of the proposal.


To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.



To read a PDF sample of this article, click on the link below.





Is More Technology Better for Communication in International Virtual Teams?

Cleber Marchetti Duranti, University of São Paulo, Brazil

Fernando Carvalho de Almeida, University of São Paulo, Brazil


With the advent of the collaboration tools based on ICT (Information and
Communication Technology), the distances between the team members of a
company spread around the world have shrunk, at least virtually. Using the
most complete collaboration/communication technologies for project meetings,
although beneficial at first glance, is not always the best choice when one
considers the diverse cultural aspects of the team members of different
nationalities. This article examines the adequacy of the communication tools
for project communication in line with the cultural differences by comparing
the views of American and Brazilian groups used to communicating through ICT
on a daily basis for project related work. The results show significant
differences between the perceptions and attitudes of the two groups
regarding the adequacy of the communication tools in addressing usual
project tasks.


To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.



To read a PDF sample of this article, click on the link below.





SME E-Cooperation: A Theoretical Team Contract Analysis Under Hidden

María Verónica Alderete, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina


Virtual Cooperation among SME firms can be analyzed from different
theoretical perspectives. This paper considers e-cooperation among firms
under asymmetric information. Firms cooperate jointly to produce some output
or service, and they organize in teams whose firms’ characteristics are
imperfectly observed. Suppose firms can observe their efforts or actions but
they cannot observe the disutility of effort which they can discover after
the contract is signed. The objective of this paper is to analyze virtual
cooperation contracts under hidden information based on the original papers
of Holmstrom (1982) and Rasmussen (1987). Some conditions are derived under
which it is possible to implement an optimal sharing rule for a virtual team
of SME under a hidden information frame.


To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.



To read a PDF sample of this article, click on the link below.




For full copies of the above articles, check for this issue of the
International Journal of e-Collaboration (IJeC) in your institution's
library. This journal is also included in the IGI Global aggregated
"InfoSci-Journals" database:




Mission of IJeC:


The mission of the International Journal of e-Collaboration (IJeC) is to
publish papers that address the design and implementation of e-collaboration
technologies, assess the behavioral impacts of these technologies on
individuals and groups, and present theoretical considerations on links
between the use of e-collaboration technologies and behavioral patterns.
This journal emphasizes technologies that include Web-based chat tools,
Web-based asynchronous conferencing tools, e-mail, listservs, collaborative
writing tools, group decision support systems, teleconferencing suites,
workflow automation systems, and document management technologies.


Coverage of IJeC:


Topics to discussed in this journal include (but are not limited to) the


•             Analysis of different research methods and their impact on the
study of e-collaboration technologies in organizations

•             Collaborative writing tools

•             Comprehensive reviews of previous studies on e-collaboration
technologies in organizations

•             Design and evaluation of asynchronous learning networks (ALNs)
in organizational setting

•             Design and evaluation of intelligent e-collaboration
technologies in organizational settings

•             Design, implementation, and assessment of e-business solutions
that include e-collaboration features

•             E-collaboration technologies impact on individuals and society

•             E-collaboration technologies impact on knowledge management
and organizational learning

•             E-collaboration technologies support for distributed process
reengineering and process improvement

•             E-collaboration technologies support for quality certification

•             E-collaboration technologies support for the creation of
virtual teams and virtual organizations

•             E-mail

•             Listservs

•             Organizational and national culture as moderating factors in
the adoption and use of e-collaboration technologies in organizations

•             Web-based asynchronous conferencing tools

•             Web-based chat tools


Interested authors should consult the journal's manuscript submission
guidelines www.igi-global.com/ijec.


All inquiries and submissions should be sent to:

Editor-in-Chief: Ned Kock at nedkock at scriptwarp.com

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