[AISWorld] CfP UKAIS 2012 - Special Track Innovating Business Intelligence and Performance Management

Diana Limburg dlimburg at brookes.ac.uk
Mon Jan 9 11:17:53 EST 2012

*Call for Papers – UKAIS 2012*

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*Special Track: **Innovating Business Intelligence and Performance

*Track chairs:*

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*Dr. Diana Limburg, Oxford Brookes University, UK, Faculty of Business*

*Professor David Wainwright, Northumbria University, UK, IMI Research Group*

*CfP special track on Business Intelligence and Performance Management*

Maturing of enabling technologies as well as competitive pressures have
contributed to a surge in practitioner and business interest in Business
Intelligence (BI). BI is increasingly applied within a context of
performance management (PM), relating the analysis of internal and external
data to evaluating and enhancing business outcomes and processes across
organisational functions and levels.  BI and Analytics are therefore also
hot topics in Information Systems research and education.

Teaching of BI is becoming increasingly important from an employability
perspective, as many prospective employers are looking for skills in this
area. There are also many opportunities for research, spanning the entire
IS spectrum from IT, through data, to use, and business impact.

Many (IS) academics involved with researching and/or teaching BI and PM
might be part of different knowledge networks and thus not necessarily be
aware of each others’ endeavours. In order to bring these academics
together, a special track at the UKAIS 2012 conference will offer a
platform for presenting and discussing BI and PM.

If you are teaching and/or researching BI and PM, we would encourage you to
submit a paper and join us at the conference. Topics for papers within this
track could include (but are not limited to):

   - *BI within particular business sectors and functions, e.g. Marketing,
   HR, operations, strategic management related for example to:  Insurance,
   Banking, Manufacturing, Construction*
   - *BI within SMEs;*
   - *Cloud computing and BI*
   - *BI within Public Sector Organisations eg. (Healthcare, Education,
   Local Government)*
   - *New Innovations in BI, Mobile BI applications*
   - *Combining internal and external data (including open data) within
   - *Experiences of teaching BI to different audiences, e.g.
   Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Executive*
   - *Role of advanced statistics and modelling within BI education and use*
   - *ETL and data warehousing – enhancing data quality*
   - *BI users – levels and functions (e.g. empowerment)*
   - *Role of BI in Performance Management*
   - *Critical or sociotechnical/sociomaterial theories and relevance to BI*
   - *Relating BI to organisational success (case studies)*
   - *Risks, issues and problems with BI*


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Case studies may be anonymised where information is particularly sensitive,
and would hinder publication otherwise. We are looking for research that is
up-to-date, though historical accounts of BI in practice or teaching
experiences of BI will be of interest.

Full papers should be 5000-8000 words. Short papers including concept
papers, position papers and research-in-progress will also be considered
and should be 1500-2000 words. *UKAIS actively encourages submissions from
early researchers *and *early researcher group submissions. *All papers
should be formatted using the UKAIS 2012 conference template which can be
downloaded from the UKAIS website (www.ukais.org).

*EasyChair will be the online submission system and further details and
links will be announced over the next weeks.*

The paper title and authors’ names and contact details should appear on a
cover sheet as should a clear indication of the topic areas and that the
authors want the paper to be considered in the BI/PM track. To facilitate
the blind refereeing process the body of the paper should be presented
anonymously, with the title at the head of each page. Each paper will
receive a double peer review. All accepted papers will appear in the
published proceedings of the conference which will be ISBN registered.

The best papers from the UKAIS 2012 conference will be considered for
further development and publication in associated journals including
the *International
Journal of Information Management*  – as well as being published to a
global audience on the Association of Information Systems electronic

*Submission deadlines*

16th January 2012 Submission of papers

10th February 2012 Referees comments returned to authors

1st March 2012 Final version submitted.

Please send all informal enquiries and *the Title and Abstract* information

dlimburg at brookes.ac.uk <dlimurg at brookes.ac.uk>  and
david.wainwright at northumbria.ac.uk

*Actual submission* of papers should be formatted and then made using
the *EasyChair
online submission System* using the instructions available on the UKAIS
website www.ukais.org.

The track chairs are available for informal discussion via email.

Diana Limburg

David Wainwright

Dr Diana Limburg
Senior Lecturer Information Management
Faculty of Business
Oxford Brookes University
Wheatley Campus
Wheatley, Oxford
OX33 1HX

email: dlimburg at brookes.ac.uk
phone: (01865 -48)5939

If you have received this email in error, you must treat the information in
it (and in any attachment) as strictly CONFIDENTIAL and should delete it
immediately.  Oxford Brookes University is not responsible for any personal
opinion expressed in this e-mail.
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