[AISWorld] European Journal of Information Systems 21(3) is out. 4th article summary 'Reviewing Enterprise content management: a functional framework'

Myriam RAYMOND myriam.raymond1 at univ-nantes.fr
Tue Jun 12 04:10:48 EDT 2012

Dear IS Colleagues,


In the fourth article 'Reviewing Enterprise content management: a
functional framework', the five authors Knut R. Grahlmann from Ernest &
Young Advisory in the Netherlands, Remko W. Helms from Utrecht University,
Cokky Hilhorst from Tilburg University, Sjaak Brinkkemper from Tilburg
University, and Sander van Amerongen from PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory
in the Netherlands critically examine the literature on a clear definition
and scope of what is exactly meant by Enterprise Content Management (ECM).
Because of the literature inconsistencies, they perform a meta-literature
review that considers some 32 articles treating the ECM subject and
propose a comprehensive definition of an ECM that could be useful for
future IS studies: that is, Enterprise Content Management comprises the
strategies, processes, methods, systems, and technologies that are
necessary for capturing, creating, managing, using, publishing, storing,
preserving, and disposing content within and between organizations. They
also point out why Enterprise content management should not be considered
as an under discipline of knowledge management, but rather an adjacent
field on its own.  Further, they propose a functional ECM framework (FEF)
that could be used by practitioners to assess their ECMs and take future
ECM investment decisions. To propose the FEF, the researchers combine
groups with the layers found in literature and then progress by refining
and detailing their four main categories of the FEF: ‘Repository’,
‘Service’, ‘Process’ and ‘Access’. The methodology consists in
investigating in three organisations their proposed framework by following
up on ECM functionalities. The interest of the article is that their work
brings closer the views of IS scholars and those of IS practitioners. It
is pragmatic in the sense that they suggest a ready-to-use visual
representation tool of all captured ECM functionalities in their FEF
(Functional ECM Framework).

Myriam Raymond
Research Assistant & PhD Student
Université de Nantes

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