[AISWorld] Journal of Information Systems Education

Kruck, S - kruckse kruckse at jmu.edu
Sat Aug 25 13:30:34 EDT 2012

IS Professors and IS Education Professionals around the world:

The Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE) is pleased to announce that Volume 23, Number 1 has been published. JISE is the leading academic journal dedicated to IS education and is the official publication of the Education Special Interest Group (EDSIG) of AITP (the Association of Information Technology Professionals). The index and abstracts for each paper for this issue and abstracts for all papers in Vol. 23(1) can be found at http://jise.org/Volume23/23-1/Contents-23-1.html.

Contents of Vol. 23(1) include:

Writing IS Teaching Tips: Guidelines for JISE Submission<http://jise.org/Volume23/23-1/pdf/Vol23-1pg11.pdf>

Diane Lending and Chelley Vician

(pp 11-18)

Teaching Case-The Animal Genetic Resource Information Network (AnimalGRIN)<http://jise.org/Volume23/23-1/pdf/Vol23-1pg19.pdf>

Database: A Database Design & Implementation Case <http://jise.org/Volume23/23-1/pdf/Vol23-1pg19.pdf>

Gretchen Irwin, Lark Wessel, and Harvey Blackman

(pp 19-28)

Teaching Case-Implementation of an Interorganizational System:<http://jise.org/Volume23/23-1/pdf/Vol23-1pg29.pdf>

The Case of Medical Insurance E-clearance<http://jise.org/Volume23/23-1/pdf/Vol23-1pg29.pdf>

Indranil Bose, Han Liu, Alex Ye

(pp 29-40)

Does Technology Acceptance Affect E-learning in a Non-Technology-Intensive Course?<http://jise.org/Volume23/23-1/pdf/Vol23-1pg41.pdf>

Mari W. Buche, Larry R. Davis, Chelley Vician

(pp 41-50)

Technology in the Classroom: Using Video Links<http://jise.org/Volume23/23-1/pdf/Vol23-1pg51.pdf>

To Enable Long Distance Experiential Learning<http://jise.org/Volume23/23-1/pdf/Vol23-1pg51.pdf>

Michael A. Chilton

(pp 51-62)

An Employment-Oriented Definition of the Information Systems Field:<http://jise.org/Volume23/23-1/pdf/Vol23-1pg63.pdf>

An Educator's View<http://jise.org/Volume23/23-1/pdf/Vol23-1pg63.pdf>

Ralph D. Westfall

(pp 63-70)

Implementation of an Automated Grading System with an<http://jise.org/Volume23/23-1/pdf/Vol23-1pg71.pdf>

Adaptive Learning Component to Affect Student Feedback and Response Time<http://jise.org/Volume23/23-1/pdf/Vol23-1pg71.pdf>

Kevin Matthews, Thomas Janicki, Ling He, and Laurie Patterson

(pp 71-84)

An Alumni Assessment of MIS Related Job Skill Importance and Skill Gaps<http://jise.org/Volume23/23-1/pdf/Vol23-1pg85.pdf>
<http://jise.org/Volume22/22-3/Pdf/1199124%20-%2010%20pgs.pdf>Jerod W. Wilkerson

(pp 85-98)

Call for Papers <http://jise.org/CFP-GlobalSecInfoAssurance.pdf>

Global Information Security and Assurance in IS Education


About the Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE):

SAMPLE COPIES: If you have not received a free sample and would like to receive one, please send an e-mail message with your name and full mailing address to editor at jise.org<mailto:editor at jise.org>.

CALL FOR MANUSCRIPTS: JISE invites contributions from IS educators and scholars involving IS education. We accept manuscripts in the following areas: IS education research, teaching tips, innovative classroom practices, curriculum issues, teaching cases, classroom minicases, current topics in IS education, IS education trends and new ideas and other IS education-related topics. Submissions should be sent electronically to editor at jise.org<mailto:editor at jise.org>.

REVIEW PROCESS: Each article submitted to JISE is blind reviewed by members of the Editorial Board and/or other reviewers. Authors are informed of the results of the review by the Editor. The final decision for the publishing of any manuscript is made by the Editor.

JISE is indexed by ABI/Inform, EBSCO Business Source Complete & Education Research Complete, Gale Group, Inc., ProQuest, H.W. Wilson, Educational Research Abstracts (ERA), Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), WilsonWeb/Wilson OmniFile, Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities, and Ulrich's Periodicals Directory.

The JISE web site is located at http://jise.org

S.E. Kruck, Ph.D., CPA, CCP
KruckSE at JMU.edu<mailto:KruckSE at JMU.edu>
Professor, Computer Information Systems Department - http://cob.jmu.edu/kruckse
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Information Systems Education - http://jise.org<http://jise.org/> (editor at jise.org<mailto:editor at jise.org> or jise at jmu.edu)
    LinkedIn:  Journal of Information Systems Education
    Twitter: J_Info_Sys_Educ
    Facebook:  JISE

Board of Directors, EdSIG (AITP) - http://www.aitp-edsig.org<http://www.aitp-edsig.org/>

President, Friends of Valley Charities - http://tinyurl.com/FriendsofValleyCharities

James Madison University
800 Main Street
College of Business - MSC0202
Harrisonburg, VA 22807

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