[AISWorld] Workshop: Social Web Analytics for Trend Detection (New call for papers- Extended deadline)

Despoina Chatzakou deppych at csd.auth.gr
Tue Aug 28 05:02:23 EDT 2012


Social networks on the Web are growing rapidly and offer a fertile 
ground for data mining and analysis. So many social networks flourish in 
an unforeseen manner and social data are evolving from various social 
streams. Such data embed human interactions and interests and their 
analysis is valuable for detecting trends, events and phenomena on 
today's Web reality. Methodologies and techniques of information 
retrieval, databases, preference modeling, graph theory, etc. have been 
leveraged and adapted into the social web dynamic environment but still 
open questions remain in terms of introducing new methodologies which 
will facilitate trend detection. The workshop addresses these issues by 
providing a forum for researchers and practitioners to discuss the 
social data analytics relevant topics with emphasis on the critical 
actors in emerging online social networks. The workshop aims at taking 
up the topics of the main WISE conference (such as Web Data Models, Web 
Information Retrieval, Web Metrics and Performance, Web Mining and Web 
Warehousing, Web Monitoring and Management, etc) and specializing them 
on the issues relevant to trend detection. Trend detection is vital in 
today's societies, academia and industries since major applications can 
rely on them (recommendations, content outsourcing, policy making, 
advertising etc).

Having said that, this workshop aims at gathering researchers from the 
fields of social computing, machine learning, and data mining to think 
about the obstacles that hurdle the leveraging of understanding and 
capturing of trends in the social Web. We target researchers from both 
industry and academia to join forces in this exciting area. We intend to 
discuss the recent and significant developments in the general area and 
to promote cross-fertilization of techniques. In particular, we aim at 
identifying techniques that will enable researchers to understand and 
predict those trends in social networks and social media, as well as 
specify important directions for the research communities. 
Understanding, capturing, mining and being able to predict the trends in 
social media is interesting for several areas such as marketing, 
security, and Web search. The workshop will include the following topics 
of interest (but not limited to...):

     - Trend detection principles in social networks
     - Network evolution and growth mechanisms
     - Social Web statistical analysis for trends
     - Social networks computational aspects
     - Behavioral modeling for trends in social networks
     - Affective social computing and emerging trends
     - Mining techniques for the social trends
     - Semantic analysis and social networks trends
     - Privacy and anonymity in social networks
     - Social networks communities for trends discovery
     - Information diffusion in social networks
     - Prediction and trends developing in online social networks.
     - Collaborative Filtering in the social Web
     - Social networks analytics tools
     - Experiments and applications of trends detection in social networks

Submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based on originality, 
significance, technical soundness, and clarity of exposition. All papers 
will be refereed by at least three members of the program committee. All 
submitted papers MUST be formatted according to the author guidelines 
provided by Springer LNCS format and MUST NOT exceed 14 pages for full 
papers and 6 pages for short/work in progress papers. Submission must be 
done electronically using the following link: 

     - Paper submission :         September 17th, 2012 - *Extended*
     - Paper notification :         October 8th, 2012 - *Extended*
     - Camera ready :             October 15th, 2012 - *Extended*
     - Workshop date:             November 28-30, 2013

     - Athena Vakali, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
     - Hakim Hacid, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, France

PROGRAM COMMITTEE (under construction...):
     - Ludovic Denoyer, University of Paris 6, France
     - Arne Barre, Sintef, Norway
     - Ernestina Menasalvas, Universidad Polit?cnica de Madrid, Spain
     - George Pallis, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
     - Helen Paik, University of New SOuth Wales, Australia
     - John Garofalakis, University of Patras, Greece
     - Shengbo Guo, Xerox Research Centre Europe, France
     - Grigoris Tsoumakas, Aristotle University, Greece
     - Julien Velcin, ERIC Lab, University of Lyon, France
     - Tetsuya Yoshida,Hokkaido University, Japan

If you have any question, please contact the workshop chairs:
     - Athena Vakali, avakali at csd.auth.gr
     - Hakim Hacid,  hakim.hacid at alcatel-lucent.com

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