[AISWorld] Innovation in Information Infrastructures (III) Workshop - Call for participation

Gian Marco Campagnolo g.campagnolo at ed.ac.uk
Tue Sep 11 10:04:07 EDT 2012

Call for participation - excuse cross-posting

Innovation in Information Infrastructures (III) Workshop

9th - 11th October 2012

For further information contact: i.i.i at ed.ac.uk.

This workshop focuses on the emergence and continuing evolution
of new kinds of Information Infrastructures (IIs) in business,
the corporate world and other settings. By connecting a growing
number of systems and data, Information Infrastructures support user
work in everyday life, but also bring about increased organizational
and technological complexity. As IIs permeate an increasingly broad
range of social and institutional contexts, they generate both new
kinds of challenges for information systems development, and new
social, organizational and market forms as foci for social study.
The workshop will bring together researchers to share empirical
studies, analytical approaches and methodological concerns in the
understanding of Information Infrastructures innovation, and to
explore what the future holds for research in this area.

Please visit: http://iiied2012.wordpress.com/registration

Keynote Speakers
Steve Sawyer              Geoff Walsham
Syracuse University       University of Cambridge

Eric Monteiro             David Ribes
NTNU                      Georgetown University

Marina Jirotka            Neil Pollock
Oxford University         Edinburgh University

Split over 3 days, the workshop will consider 24 selected
papers, along with 5 keynote presentations and a panel discussion.
On the final day we will host an advanced doctoral training
session considering methodological issues relevant to early s
tage researchers, but potentially of interest to all.

Please see the website for full details of the papers and speakers.

Day 1 - Registration, Keynotes, Sessions, Reception
Day 2 - Keynotes, Sessions, Panel, Dinner
Day 3 - Keynotes, Sessions, Advanced Doctoral Training

Selected papers will appear in a forthcoming JAIS special edition.

Funding for doctoral students to participate
Free workshop places are available for PhD students from ESRC Doctoral
Training Centres to attend this international research workshop and
benefit from advanced research training. The event is organised with
support from the Scottish Graduate School in Social Sciences, in
collaboration with the White Rose Doctoral Training Centre. Please send
an email with ‘Funding for III 2012’ in the subject to i.i.i at ed.ac.uk
with the following information:

1. Name
2. Email
3. University and Department
4. Programme of Study and/or Discipline
5. How your study is funded (i.e. ESRC, self, other)
6. Topic of PhD

About the University of Edinburgh Social Informatics Cluster
Social Informatics is an informal and multi-disciplinary group
of scholars at the University of Edinburgh sharing the interest
in studying the social and technical aspects of information and
communication technology.

Executive Committee
Gordon Haywood  Hajar Mozaffar
Ali Eshraghi    Valeri Wiegel

Scientific Committee
Prof. Robin Williams        Dr. Neil Pollock
Prof. Stuart Anderson       Dr. Mark Hartswood
Dr. Gian Marco Campagnolo   Dr. Ian Graham

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