[AISWorld] CAiSE 2013

Sergio España sergio.espana.work at gmail.com
Fri Jan 11 05:09:29 EST 2013

Dear all,

This is a kind invitation to submit your scientific work or industrial experiences to one of the top conferences in information systems engineering.
You will find the call for papers below and more information in the event website: http://www.pros.upv.es/index.php/en/home-caise2013

This year it is held in Valencia, Spain and I am sure that the technical content of the presentations will be of high quality, as in previous CAiSE editions, and that the social programme being prepared is great, also a constant in this conference ;)

 Best regards,
  Sergio España


25th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2013)

Valencia, Spain,

From June 17, 2013 to June 21, 2013
Valencia, SPAIN



2013 will be the 25th birthday of the International Conference CAiSE series. What has changed since the last century, and what does it tell us about future trends in information systems engineering? 

Information systems play, more than ever, a strategic role at the very core of organisations. More than ever, emerging innovative platforms, architectures and technologies raise new questions that need to be addressed in a thorough way by science. More than ever, results from within laboratories need to be shared across the academic community and industry to address new educational and business opportunities. This year, CAiSE will, as it has always been, act as a forum of discussion that brings together researchers and practitioners in the field of information systems engineering. It will be the place to share mature research results as well as ground-breaking ideas, and experience reports in information systems engineering. 

CAiSE welcomes all submissions that fall in the domain of information systems engineering, in particular those in the following list. Four kinds of contributions are accepted: technical papers, empirical evaluation papers, reports of experience, and exploratory papers. This year, the conference will be particularly glad to receive exploratory papers that share visions, novel approaches, or insight into new information systems engineering paradigms.

Topics of Interest

Methods, techniques and tools for IS engineering:
-Innovation and creativity in IS engineering
-Enterprise architecture and enterprise modelling
-Requirements engineering
-Business process modelling, analysis and management
-Requirements, models, and software reuse
-Adaptation, evolution and flexibility issues
-Domain engineering
-IS in networked & virtual organizations
-Method engineering
-Knowledge, information, and data quality
-Languages and models
-Mining, monitoring and predicting
-Variability and configuration
-Matching, compliance and alignment issues 
-Conceptual design and modelling
-Service science

Innovative platforms, architectures and technologies for IS 

-Service-oriented architecture
-Model-driven architecture
-Component based development
-Agent architecture
-Distributed, mobile, and open architecture
-Innovative database technology
-Semantic web
-IS and ubiquitous technologies
-Adaptive and context-aware IS

Domain specific IS engineering: 

-Enterprise applications (ERP, COTS)
-Data warehouses and business intelligence
-Workflow systems
-Knowledge management systems
-Content management systems
-Sustainability-aware IS
-Semantic web

Types of Contributions
We invite four types of original and scientific papers:

-Formal and/or technical papers describe original solutions (theoretical, methodological or conceptual) in the field of IS engineering. A technical paper should clearly describe the situation or problem tackled, the relevant state of the art, the position or solution suggested and the potential - or, even better, the evaluated - benefits of the contribution.

-Empirical evaluation papers evaluate existing problem situations or validate proposed solutions with scientific means, i.e. by empirical studies, experiments, case studies, simulations, formal analyses, mathematical proofs, etc. Scientific reflection on problems and practices in industry also falls into this category. The topic of the evaluation presented in the paper as well as its causal or logical properties must be clearly stated. The research method must be sound and appropriate.

-Experience papers present problems or challenges encountered in practice, relate success and failure stories, or report on industrial practice. The focus is on "why" and on lessons learned, not on an in-depth analysis of "why". The practice must be clearly described and its context must be given. Readers should be able to draw conclusions for their own practice.

-Exploratory Papers can describe completely new research positions or approaches, in order to face to a generic situation arising because of new ICT tools or new kinds of activities or new IS challenges. They must describe precisely the situation and demonstrate how current methods, tools, ways of reasoning, or meta-models are inadequate. They must rigorously present their approach and demonstrate its pertinence and correctness to addressing the identified situation.

Submission Conditions
Papers should be submitted in PDF format. The results described must be unpublished and must not be under review elsewhere. Submissions must conform to Springer's LNCS format and should not exceed 15 pages, including all text, figures, references and appendices. Submissions not conforming to the LNCS format, exceeding 15 pages, or being obviously out of the scope of the conference, will be rejected without review. Information about the Springer LNCS format can be found at http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html. Three to five keywords characterizing the paper should be indicated at the end of the abstract. The type of paper (technical/empirical evaluation/experience/exploratory paper) should be indicated in the submission.

Accepted papers will be presented at CAiSE'13 and published in the conference proceedings, which is published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).

19 October 2012: Workshop submission deadline
30 November 2012: Paper submission deadline
14 December 2012: Tutorial submission deadline
17 February 2013: Notification of acceptance
17-21 June 2013: Conference, Workshops & Related Events	 

Organising Committee
- Steering Committee
    John Krogstie, Norwegian Univ. of Science and Techn., Norway
    Oscar Pastor, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
    Barbara Pernici, Politecnico di Milano, Italy 
- Advisory Committee
    Janis Bubenko Jr, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
    Colette Rolland, University of Paris 1, France
    Arne Sølvberg, Norwegian Univ. of Science and Techn., Norway
- General Chair
    Oscar Pastor, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
- Program Chairs
    Moira Norrie, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland
    Camille Salinesi, Université Paris 1 Panthéon - Sorbonne, France
- Organising Chairs
    Matilde Celma, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
    Sergio España, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
    Ignacio Panach, Universitat de València, Spain
- Workshops Chairs
    Xavier Franch, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
    Pnina Soffer, University of Haifa, Israel
- Tutorial Chairs
    Giancarlo Guizzardi, Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil
    Ernest Teniente, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
- Forum Chairs
    Rebecca Deneckere, University of Paris I, France
    Erik Proper, CRP Henri Tudor, Luxembourg
- Industrial Chairs
    Vicente Pelechano, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
    Yves Pigneur, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
    Gil Regev, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
- Doctoral Consortium Chairs
    Barbara Weber, University of Innsbruck, Austria 
    Marta Indulska, University of Queensland, Australia
- Publicity Chairs
    Daniel Amyot, University of Ottawa, Canada
    Renata Guizzardi, Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil
    Tanja Vos, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
    Naoufel Kraiem, ENSI Tunis, Tunisia
- Website
    Arthur Baars, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
    Francisco Valverde, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain

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