[AISWorld] CFP HICSS-47 Minitrack on Emerging Issues in Distributed Group Decision-Making:

Anil Aggarwal aaggarwal at ubalt.edu
Tue Apr 9 14:58:40 EDT 2013

Dear Colleagues:

After successful sessions last three years, we are continuing our mini track on Emerging Issues in Distributed Group Decision-Making: Opportunities and Challenges.  If you are doing research in virtual groups, distributed groups, asynchronous decision making, cloud collaboration or similar areas we invite you submit your paper to the following:

Minitrack: Emerging Issues in Distributed Group Decision-Making: Opportunities and Challenges

Which is part of the

Track: Collaboration Systems and Technology
For the 47th HICSS conference in Big Island


Anil Aggarwal
Doug Vogel
Yuko SJ Murayama

I have attached the Call for your reference.



 Distributed teams face many challenges of time, location, infrastructure, language, customs, socialization and politics. This is further compounded in globally distributed teams by diversity, nationality and cultural issues. As old issue are resolved, new challenges emerge that require knowledge from multiple disciplines such as information systems, social sciences, international management, leadership and political science. It is almost impossible for one individual to have expertise in so many domains, which makes this a very challenging but ultimately rewarding collaborative area of research. Given the richness and research potential of this area, it is essential to brainstorm and bring diverse points of view to develop underlying theory and frameworks. The mini track will attempt to accomplish these objectives.
The mini track will address emerging issue such as diversity, culture, adaptability and agility related to teams in distributed group decision making, as well as the underlying theories of group dynamics, coordination, communications and decision-making in distributed environments, in creation of competitive advantage. Examples of topics in the discussion of globally distributed decision making mini-track will include the following (but are not limited to):

*         Framework for distributed decision making in the cloud.
*         Economics of distributed decision making in the clouds
*         Trust and distrust as motivator in distributed decision making
*         Can agile teams be globally distributed?
*         Agile/Adaptable team configuration in globally distributed teams
*         The "e (internet)" to "m (mobile)" transformation of globally distributed teams
*         Communication and coordination in globally distributed teams
*         Diversity issues in globally distributed teams
*         Customer satisfaction, performance and "trust" building in globally distributed  teams
*         Synchronous and asynchronous decision making in globally distributed teams
*         Comparison of issues across internal, inter-, intra and offshore distributed teams
*         Turbulent economy and its impact on outsourcing
*         Models of globally distributed agile/adaptable teams
*         Knowledge creation, transfer and integration across globally distributed teams
*         Leadership/cohesiveness issues in globally distributed teams
*         Issues related to functional and dysfunctional globally distributed teams
*         Security, privacy and risk associated with globally distributed teams
*         Case Studies (success/failures) related to decision making by globally distributed teams

Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-47)
January 6-9, 2014 (Monday-Thursday)
Hilton Waikoloa, Big Island, Hawaii, USA
HICSS papers must contain original material. They may not have been previously published, nor currently submitted elsewhere.

Important Dates:
June 15, 2013              Submit full manuscripts for review as instructed
August 15, 2013         Acceptance notices to authors
September 15, 2013    Final paper versions due
October 15, 2012        Author registration deadline (at least one author must register)
January 6-9, 2014        Conference

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