[AISWorld] [CFP] - Workshops of Third International Conference on Social Computing and its Applications (SCA) 2013

Martin Chorley m.j.chorley at cs.cardiff.ac.uk
Tue Jun 18 08:36:20 EDT 2013

Dear Colleagues,

Apologies if you recieve multiple copies of this message. You are cordially
invited to submit papers for Workshops attached to the Third International
Conference on Social Computing and its Applications (SCA), to be held in
Karlsruhe, Germany, on Sept 30th. Please pass this message on to colleagues
who may be interested.

**** Conference Website ****

    * http://socialcloud.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/confs/SCA2013/

    * https://www.facebook.com/IEEESCA

    * https://twitter.com/scaconf2013

**** Overview ****

Several workshops are to be held in conjuction with the conference:

Analyzing Social Media for the Benefit of Society

Qualitative and quantitative social research has changed significantly with
the rise of Web 2.0, which has enabled publishing of user-generated content
on an epic scale. This ‘Big Social Data’ is most evidently manifest in the
advent of social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and
MySpace, and its analysis is becoming incredibly important to the empirical
study of society. Recent academic studies of social media provide some
interesting insights into the “online” society. They also highlight the
importance of developing appropriate digital analysis methods and tools to
enable researchers to capture, analyze and visualize the vast amount of
data now becoming available. This workshop will be a blend of positional
presentations, novel research presentations, discussions about the current
status, emergent areas and trends in social media analysis.

Paper Submission: 30.6.2013
Notification: 10.7.2013
Workshop website: http://www.cs.cf.ac.uk/cosmos/node/12.
Contact: Dr. Pete Burnap (p.burnap at cs.cardiff.ac.uk).

Collective Social Awareness and Relevance

Humans are one of the few species that exhibit self-awareness; the ability
to think about one’s own thoughts, manage one’s own behaviour and to action
and respond to stimuli based on secondary and cumulative effects. Such
self- awareness represents a higher state of consciousness that allows
humans to reason, motivate action, influence situations, impact upon others
as well as derive knowledge and understanding. It is possible to extend
awareness to ICT by harnessing human cognitive principles and the implicit
and explicit relationships captured within social networks between people
and devices.

The CSAR workshop seeks novel research that develop the concept of
cognitive self and collective- awareness at the device, at the artifact and
at the system levels as a fundamental property of pervasive ICT systems. To
achieve such collective awareness requires a deep understanding of our
dynamic social relationships and communities, mechanisms to ensure privacy
and participation within such networks, and a thorough understanding of the
local conditions and individual characteristics to give local context
surrounding awareness.

Paper Submission: 01.07.2013
Notification: 22.07.2013
Workshop website: http://www.cs.cf.ac.uk/csar/
Contact: Martin Chorley (m.j.chorley at cs.cardiff.ac.uk).

Crowdwork and Human Computation

The objective of the workshop is to build an interdisciplinary community of
researchers and practitioners that tend to answer to the following
What are opportunities and threats addressed by the crowd work?
Taking into consideration studies on HCI, behavioral science, sociology,
psychology, international and fiscal law, how can a platform or
crowdsourcing process be effectively designed?
What protocols, standards, rules and regulations are needed?
What are viable use cases for organizations?
How can crowd workers profit from the flexibility to perform work
independent from fixed work locations and well-defined schedules?
How could crowd work help to address the challenges of unemployment and
What are the social implications of crowd work?

Paper Submission: 1.6.2013
Notification: 10.7.2013
Workshop website:
Contact: Roberta Cuel (roberta.cuel at unitn.it).

Graph Databases and Social Networking

Graph Databases and Social Networking are important trends in modern
Information Technology infrastructures as well as Informatics Engineering.
Graph Databases represent a generalized form of conventional database
systems representing “nodes” and “arcs” to consolidate a lot of
applications such as web, patent, chemical, xml, rdb, service science, and
even relationships between partners and vendors. Social Networking is also
a social structure made up of individual "nodes", which are linked by one
or more specific types of interdependency networks. Recently, these two
topics have begun to come together and produce motivational insights to the
future research and industries. Nowadays, the emergence of web‐based
communities and hosted services—such as social networking sites, wikis and
folksonomies bring tremendous freedom to Web autonomy and facilitate
collaboration and sharing between users. Along with the interactions
between users and computers, social media is also rapidly becoming an
important part of our digital experience ranging from digital textual
information to rich multimedia formats. These aspects and characteristics
form the core of the second generation of Web.

This workshop will bring together the academia, researchers and industrial
practitioners from computer science, information systems, statistics,
sociology, behavior science and organization science discipline, and
provide a forum for disseminating and exchanging recent advances in the
field of social networks and social media, from the perspectives of data
management and mining.

Paper Submission: 12.7.2013
Notification: 25.7.2013
Workshop website: https://sites.google.com/site/gsn2013workshop/.
Contact: Wookey Lee (trinity at inha.ac.kr).

Please see individual workshop websites for submission guidelines and paper

**** Publication ****

Accepted and presented papers will be included in the IEEE Conference
Proceedings published by IEEE CS Press. Authors of accepted papers, or at
least one of them, are requested to register and present their work at the
conference, otherwise their papers will not be submitted for inclusion to
IEEE Digital Libraries.

**** More Information: Conference Website ****

    * http://socialcloud.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/confs/SCA2013/

    * https://www.facebook.com/IEEESCA

    * https://twitter.com/scaconf2013
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