[AISWorld] Extended CFP (July 29) - 8th INFORMS Workshop on Data Mining and Health Informatics

Seref, Onur seref at vt.edu
Tue Jul 2 09:38:25 EDT 2013

8th INFORMS Workshop on Data Mining and Health Informatics
October 5, 2013, Minneapolis, MN
Organized by INFORMS Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, and Health Applications Subdivisions
Keynote Speaker
Professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
University of California, Berkeley

On behalf of the INFORMS DM-HI 2013 Organizing Committee, we would like to invite you to submit an abstract for review. Authors of accepted abstracts will be expected to give a presentation at the workshop and submit a short paper for the workshop proceedings. The published proceedings will be available on a CD at the workshop.

?  The abstract should not exceed 200 words.

?  The related paper should not be more than 6 pages.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
   Data Mining (DM)

?  AI/DM in Op. Research and Op. Management

?  Foundations of Data Mining and Machine Learning

?  Clustering and Classification

?  Data Mining and Social Networks

?  Pattern Recognition

?  Text Mining and Analytics

Health Informatics (HI)

?  Healthcare and bio surveillance

?  Bioinformatics

?  Disease Modeling and Prevention

?  Healthcare Analytics

?  Healthcare Decision Support Systems

?  Healthcare Logistics


?  July 29: Abstracts due (EXTENDED)

?  August 5: Acceptance decisions announced

?  September 16: Proceedings papers due (final date to make changes)

?  October 5: DM-HI Workshop

Submit abstracts and papers online at:

Submission Policy
Submissions can describe work at any stage of publication (unpublished, submitted, accepted or published). If the work has already been published it is essential to check with the publisher to be certain that a submission to INFORMS does not violate the publisher's policy.

Program Co-Chairs
Onur Seref (Virginia Tech)
E-mail: seref at vt.edu<mailto:seref at vt.edu>
Nicoleta Serban (Georgia Institute of Technology)
E-mail:  nserban at isye.gatech.edu<mailto:nserban at isye.gatech.edu>
Daniel Zeng (University of Arizona)
E-mail: zeng at email.arizona.edu<mailto:zeng at email.arizona.edu>

Management Committee
Victoria Chen (University of Texas at Arlington)
Dolores Romero Morales (University of Oxford)
Kwok-Leung Tsui (City University of Hong Kong)
Helen Hao Zhang (University of Arizona)

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