[AISWorld] 2nd Call for Participation: Post-ICIS Workshop of the SIG on Grounded Theory Method (Early Bird Registration closes 8th October 2013)

Chakraborty, Suranjan SChakraborty at towson.edu
Tue Oct 8 17:19:31 EDT 2013

We would like to invite you to participate in the 7th annual International Workshop on Grounded Theory Methods to be held in Milan, Italy. Wednesday, December 18h 2013, between 12:00 and 18:30. Everybody is welcome to register and attend!

The program schedule is as follows:




Arrival and Snacks


Welcome and Introductions


Making GTM more mainstream: What’s going on and what can we do? by Natalia Levina


Keynote: Mixed (Qual and Quant) Method GTM

By Isabelle Walsh


Deconstructing Paper Publication Process 1

MISQ Forthcoming Paper. Presented by Robert Gregory & Roman Beck


Deconstructing Paper Publication Process 2

MISQ Forthcoming Paper. Presented by Liz Davidson


Dealing with a difficult revision

Paper after 1st round of review. Presented by Suranjan Chakraborty.




Slam Session (up to 10 participants)

Present your own Challenge in Applying/Publishing GTM Papers
(4 min present; 5 min discussion) (chaired by Supra Sarker)


What can we do to legitimize GTM in our journals?

Discussion Open to all (moderated by Walter Fernandez)


SIGGTM Annual Meeting: Elections

Chair: Natalia Levina; Secretary: Supra Sarker




Drinks and Dinner – to be organized during the workshop (not included in the fee)

Please register here:


In the attempt to make the workshop more participatory this year we are introducing a new “Slam Session” consisting of 4 min presentations followed by 5 min of discussion. The purpose of the presentation is to have researchers bring in issues they are struggling with in using GTM for their research projects (during any stage of the project: data collection, analysis, writing, or publication). The participation in this part of the workshop is on the first-come first-serve basis with the focus on covering a broad spectrum of questions (maximum 10 slots are available). In order to present please send an email to nlevina at stern.nyu.edu<mailto:nlevina at stern.nyu.edu> answering the following questions:

  1.  Will you commit to registering and attending the workshop if your presentation is selected?

  2.  Your name, affiliation, and stage of your career (e.g., PhD Student, untenured Faculty, tenured faculty).

  3.  One sentence formulating the issue you are struggling with (e.g. “not sure whether I have reached theoretical saturation,” “not sure if my use of quantitative data is in line with GTM principles,” “not sure if I should claim GTM use in my paper even though I followed some methods from GTM”) and would like help from the group. Please focus on a question that is not easily answered through GTM textbooks (e.g., “How do I decide how much to sample?” is answered by the textbooks, for example, “when you feel you reached theoretical saturation.”)

  4.  One paragraph (up to 200 words) detailing NOT your research topic, but rather how you used GTM, and where you got stuck and need help.

Note, that you are most welcome to attend the workshop without presenting. You will have opportunities to participate in the discussion throughout the program both through Q&A after each presentation as well as in the general discussion at the end of the workshop.

If you are interested in participating, send your email answering the posed question by November 1st, 2013.

Suranjan Chakraborty
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer and Information Systems
Towson University
Phone: 410-704-4769
E-mail: schakraborty at towson.edu<mailto:schakraborty at towson.edu>
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