[AISWorld] DEADLINE EXTENDED: Pre-ICIS 2013 SIG eGovernment workshop

Rony Medaglia rm.itm at cbs.dk
Mon Oct 14 09:13:19 EDT 2013

Please notice the extended deadline.

Apologies for cross-posting



*2013 Pre-ICIS Workshop*

*Digital Public Sector Evolution: Big Data, Smart Cities, and Open 

Sponsored by AIS SIG eGovernment

Milan, Italy, 15 December 2013





.Submissions due: *October 20, 2013//*

.Notification of Acceptance: October 28, 2013.


Please submit your papers to: sigegov13 at gmail.com


You are invited to submit a paper for presentation and discussion at the 
2013 pre-ICIS Special Interest Group (SIG) eGovernment workshop, to be 
held on 15 December 2013, in Milan, Italy.

The general objective of SIG eGovernment is to promote quality and 
relevance in eGovernment research. As previous SIG eGovernment pre-ICIS 
workshops, this workshop is dedicated to open discussions about the most 
important issues today, theoretical streams and different possible ways 
forward. The focus of the workshop is informed discussion.

*/Workshop Objective/*

This year, the workshop aims to focus on Digital Public Sector 
Evolution: Big Data, Smart Cities, and Open Innovation. As increasing 
demands are put on actors involved in eGovernment policies and services 
(governmental agencies, companies, and NGOs), the digital public sector 
is faced with challenges related to making sense of increasing amounts 
of data, to governing complex metropolitan systems, and to opening up 
its information infrastructure to citizens.

This workshop tackles the new development on eGovernment, bringing 
together academic perspectives from the areas of management information 
systems, public administration and social sciences, as well as from the 
practitioner areas.

Questions to be examined include (but are not limited to):

- Big data in eGovernment;

- Open data in eGovernment;

- Smart Cities;

- Social media and eGovernment services;

- Open innovation in eGovernment;

- eGovernment and eParticipation;

- Citizen-centric eGovernment;

- User-driven eGovernment design, management, and implementation;

- Transparency and openness in eGovernment services;

- What is the relationship of eGovernment with new areas such as 
eParticipation and old ones such as eLearning, eBusiness, and eHealth;

- What is the relationship of eGovernment with the wider IS research area;

- Engaging stakeholders in eGovernment research;

- Challenges of open-source and open-standard solutions in eGovernment;


We welcome full research papers, research in progress, and discussion 
papers. Full papers should be max 5000 words. Discussion papers may be 
short, just a few pages, but should clearly and distinctly address one 
or more issues pertinent to eGovernment research including research 
methods and quality as well as focus of studies. Papers should be 
designed to support in-depth discussions of one of these issues during 
the workshop. The workshop papers will be clustered and each session 
will discuss a small set of papers focusing on similar or related issues.

Each submission will be reviewed by the workshop co-chairs and at least 
one external reviewer. The submission will not be published as 
proceedings, and the authors will retain full authorship rights.

File Format: Word

Please submit your papers to: sigegov13 at gmail.com

Details of the programme will be made available online.

*/Important Dates/*

.Submissions due: October 20, 2013*//*

.Notification of Acceptance: October 28, 2013.

For any questions, please contact:

*Workshop chair:*

·Rony Medaglia, Copenhagen Business School, rony at cbs.dk

Rony Medaglia
Associate Professor, PhD
Department of Information Technology Management (ITM)
Copenhagen Business School
Howitzvej 60
DK-2000 Frederiksberg
Phone: +45 2479 4327
Skype: rony.medaglia

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