[AISWorld] cfp: 20 Years of ETHICOMP: A Celebration

Bernd Carsten STAHL bstahl at dmu.ac.uk
Wed Oct 30 07:38:43 EDT 2013

Philosophy and Technology (Springer), Editor in Chief Luciano Floridi

Call for Papers for a special issue on 20 Years of ETHICOMP: A Celebration



Charles Ess, Bernd Carsten Stahl



The ETHICOMP conference series began in 1995. In 1995 the World Wide Web was
a new phenomenon unheard of by most people. It was a time of initial
experimentation with electronic government and electronic commerce. The
dominant computing paradigm was still focused on mainframes, with networked
machines starting to gain prominence. Personal computers existed but were
expensive. Mobile telephones were the preserve of well-paid executives.
Increasingly, however, the emerging characteristics and growing social
consequences of computing technologies evoked and required ethical
reflection. It was in this context that Simon Rogerson and Terry Bynum had
the vision of organizing the first ETHICOMP conference in 1995 (Leicester,


Technologies, their organisational, individual and social use and the
resulting social and ethical consequences have developed rapidly.
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are now converging and
diffusing into an ever-increasing number of social domains. ETHICOMP remains
one of the main venues for the exchange of ideas about ethics and ICTs.
Among the defining features of ETHICOMP are the explicit attempts to bring
together people from different backgrounds from within and outside of
academia with a strong interest in practice and policy. The ETHICOMP
conference series furthermore prides itself in being inclusive, supportive
and providing a friendly environment for new entrants in the discussion to
voice their ideas. These distinctive characteristics of the conference
series are due first of all to the vision and labour of its two leading
figures, Terry and Simon.


During the nearly two decades of its existence, the conference has branched
out from being a local event in Leicester to spanning several continents
with the events occurring in places as diverse as China, Japan and South

Recently, Terry and Simon have stepped down as chairs and leaders of the
ETHICOMP conference series and have handed over the responsibility to the
next generation of scholars. This special issue celebrates the achievements
of the ETHICOMP conference series, of the two individuals who have steered
it, and the community of researchers, scholars and practitioners who have
discovered and helped shape it as a place to develop their understanding and



In this special issue we want to look back on the discourse that has
developed within and around ETHICOMP. This special issue will be linked to a
dedicated track of the 2014 ETHICOMP / CEPE conference. Potential authors
are encouraged to submit an extended abstract to the 2014 ETHICOMP track.
The track will allow potential authors to develop their ideas further. 


Possible topics include:

.         Technological changes and resulting ethical challenges

.         Themes of ethical discussion in ICT since 1995, both within and

.         Relationships of different scholarly and disciplinary communities
(e.g. computer science, software engineering, philosophy, science and
technology studies, information systems) and conferences (e.g., CAP, ECAP,
IACAP, CEPE, and of course, ETHICOMP) in ethics and ICT

.         Personal insights, accounts or viewpoints that demonstrate the
relevance of ETHICOMP and its two founders - e.g., Terry Bynum's focus on
"flourishing ethics" as rooted in the work of Norbert Wiener, Simon
Rogerston's attention to ways in which professional practice can become
relevant in the ICT industry.

.         Historical, bibliometric or other analyses of ETHICOMP content

.         Likely topics of ETHICOMP conferences in 2035, i.e., what might
current patterns of research topics and anticipated technological
developments suggest as future directions for research and critical



30.11.2013                  Submission of extended abstracts to ETHICOMP
2014 (recommended)

25-27.06.2014             2014 ETHICOMP, in conjunction with CEPE

01.08.2014                  Submission online of full paper to the journal
(see instructions below)

31.10.2014                  Deadline for peer-reviewed, double-blind

15.11.2014                  Editorial feedback to authors

01.02.2015                  Submission of revised papers 

31.03.2015                  Final editorial decision

June 2015                    Publication of the special issue  



To submit a paper for this special issue, authors should go to the journal's
Editorial Manager (EM) http://www.editorialmanager.com/phte/  

The author (or a corresponding author for each submission in case of co-
authored papers) must register into EM. 

The author must then select the special article type: "20 Years of ETHICOMP:
A Celebration" from the selection provided in the submission process. This
is needed in order to assign the submissions to the Guest Editors.  


For any further information please contact:

Stahl, Bernd Carsten  <mailto:bstahl at dmu.ac.uk> bstahl at dmu.ac.uk 

Ess, Charles c.m.ess at media.uio.no 



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