[AISWorld] Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems (PAJAIS) Vol. 5. Number 4

Michelle Yen yenjumin at mail.nsysu.edu.tw
Sun Jan 26 21:25:16 EST 2014

Dear Colleagues,


On behalf of the Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems (PAJAIS), I am pleased to announce that Vol. 5. Number 4, 2013 issue of PAJAIS is now available at the journal web site: http://journal.ecrc.nsysu.edu.tw/pajais/

PAJAIS is also available through AIS e-library: http://aisel.aisnet.org/pajais/


Table of Contents 


Editor’s Introduction

Ting-Peng Liang



As the last issue of 2013, the journal presents two papers that cover two important issues in information systems. Online marketing is an important area in electronic commerce. Social media provides a platform for many creative relationship marketing mechanisms. The first paper by Carol and Shirley examines social networking behavior of part-time blog marketer. In a case study on tourism blogs, they identified three different network pictures of tour guides: fan club, compliance, and creative outlet. They have different boundaries and interaction styles. *********************************************************************

1)      Achieving Online Relationship Marketing via Tourism Blogs: A Social Network Perspective

Carol Hsu & Shirley Ou Yang  



Drawing upon the literature on social network analysis, this research examines how part-time marketers use tourism blogs to conduct relationship marketing with their customers. The findings from an interpretive case study indicate that the network pictures of part-time blog marketers can be categorized into three distinct models: the “fan club,” the “compliance,” and the “creative outlet” models. Our findings also suggest that different network pictures lead to different network management strategies for blogs. Moreover, providing instrumental support and especially material support by blog marketers play significant roles in aggrandizing this transitivity, which helps to attract more visitors to blog sites. We believe that the innovation and the potential connections derived from the individualistic styles of some bloggers and the hedonic emotional support given to tourism blogs should not be overlooked. Our findings also indicate that more incentives and freedom should be provided to tourism business bloggers in order to prosper in their grassroots use of technology.


Keywords: Web 2.0 marketing, social networks, business blogging, relationship marketing, tourism industry, qualitative research


2)      The Influence of IT Investment on Business Performance: A Comparative Study of Regression Analysis and Artificial Neural Networks

Shin-Yuan Hung, Ya-Han Hu, Chin-S Ou, Kuanchin Chen, and Chun-Chuan Lu



Due to the considerable advances and tangible benefits of information technology (IT), almost all top-tier firms invest heavily in IT applications. However, the phenomenon of the “IT productivity paradox” prevents firms from investing in IT freely. Despite the number of studies exploring the relationship between IT investment and business performance, the value of IT investment remains difficult to justify. Specifically, evidence of a payoff from massive IT investments is still very limited. Added to the complexity is a wide range of key performance indicators that target different aspects of business performance. According to previous studies, the reasons behind the IT productivity paradox may be a shortage of accurate and timely data, a failure of considering the time-lag effect, and the application of inappropriate data analysis techniques. To address the aforementioned symptoms, this study developed a system to examine the influence of IT investment on two categories of performance indicators, namely cost efficiency and profit effectiveness. Specifically, we collected actual enterprise operating data, applied two different data analysis techniques (i.e., regression analysis and artificial neural networks), and conducted analysis using data collected over a period of four years. The results indicate that: (1) the higher the ratio of maintenance costs, the poorer business performance will be; (2) the higher the ratio of IT investment, the better the business performance and the lower the operating cost will be; (3) we also found that the time lag effects of IT investment on business performance for a period of two to three years; (4) regarding the estimation of the influence of IT investment on business performance, artificial neural networks are superior to regression analysis for their explanatory power.


Keywords: IT Investment, Business Performance, Artificial Neural Networks, Regression Analysis



Best Regards, 

Dr. Ting-Peng Liang, Editor in Chief, 

Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems 

Information Systems Department 

College of Business Administration 

Electronic Commerce Research Center
National Sun Yat-sen University 
70 Lien-Hai Road, Kaohsiung 804 Taiwan
TEL:886-7-5252000 ext 4781

Ju-min Michelle Yen
Research Assistant
Electronic Commerce Research Center
National Sun Yat-Sen University
70 Lien-Hai Road, Kaohsiung 804 Taiwan
TEL:+886-7-5252000 ext 4711
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