[AISWorld] Consumerization of IT/BYOD. CFP for IEEE IT Professional, Submissions Due 24th Feb

San Murugesan san at computer.org
Mon Feb 3 14:06:02 EST 2014

Call for Papers


Consumerization of IT/BYOD

IEEE IT Professional <http://www.computer.org/itpro> 

Submission deadline: 24 February 2014
Publication: September/October 2014

 <http://tinyurl.com/itpro-2014cfp5> http://tinyurl.com/itpro-2014cfp5

This special issue of IT Professional will review trends, risk factors, and
approaches that businesses must consider to capitalize on demographic and
technological shifts in the information environment and avoid the pitfalls
brought about by the blurring line between consumer and business

In today's enterprise, the consumerization of IT is being pushed by a
younger, more mobile workforce comprising active users of new technologies
and applications. Employees expect to be able to use their personal devices
- and applications they are familiar with - at work, which relates to
concepts of BYOX - Bring Your Own Device, Cloud, App, and Network. Instead
of new technology flowing down from business to the consumer, as it did with
the desktop computer, the flow has reversed and the consumer market often
gets new technology before it enters (and is fully leveraged by) the

This blending of personal and business technology is having a significant
impact on corporate IT departments, which traditionally issue and control
the technology that employees use to do their jobs. Consequently, IT
departments must decide how to protect their networks and manage technology
that they perhaps did not procure or provision.

We are looking for high-quality contributions from industry, government,
business, and academia that address these trends, issues, and challenges.
Topics of interest include:

.         How organizations have successfully embraced the consumerization
of IT

.         Frameworks for governance and policy development

.         Risk identification and mitigation, including regulatory issues
and protection of IP

.         Assessing impact on processes and legacy environments

.         Changes to technology evaluation criteria

.         Vendor strategies around consumerization issues

.         Pros and cons of consumerization

.         Cultural implications around adoption and buy in

.         Impact on innovation, collaboration, and economic performance

.         Applying consumer technology development approaches to internal
development processes

.         Understanding and modeling business users from a consumer

.         Security challenges


We also welcome multimedia features (related videos, demos, audio clips, and
so on). Feature articles should be no longer than 4,200 words (with tables
and figures each counting as 300 words) and have no more than 20 references.
Illustrations are welcome. For author guidelines, including sample articles
see  <http://www.computer.org/portal/web/peerreviewmagazines/acitpro>

Submit your article at  <https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/itpro-cs%20>


For further information contact the Guest Editors:

.         Seth Earley,  <mailto:seth at earley.com> seth at earley.com, Earley &
Associates, Inc.

.         Robert Harmon,  <mailto:harmonr at pdx.edu> harmonr at pdx.edu, Portland
State University

.         Maria R. Lee,  <mailto:maria.lee at mail.usc.edu.tw>
maria.lee at mail.usc.edu.tw, Shih Chien University

.         Sunil Mithas,  <mailto:smithas at umd.edu> smithas at umd.edu,
University of Maryland


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