[AISWorld] Request for additional review for 23rd IBIMA conference

Dr. Khalid S. Soliman ksoliman at ibima.org
Wed Mar 12 17:12:08 EDT 2014

Dear Colleagues,

Due to the high number of submissions, we would like to ask for additional
reviewers for the 23nd IBIMA Conference in Valencia, Spain 13-14 May 2013
http://www.ibima.org <http://www.ibima.org/>   (IBIMA Conferences are Scopus
indexed, ISI Indexed and ranked by Australian Research Council)

Journal quality papers will be further considered for one of IBIMA
publishing 40+ journals - www.ibimapublishing.com

the conference main theme is on Vision 2020: Sustainable Growth, Economic
Development, and Global Competitiveness.  It covers topics in various
business areas.  Areas such as Management, Marketing, Accounting, Economics,
Finance, Human resources, Organizational  Transformation, Information
systems, Knowledge Management, IT Innovation, Green IT, Internet,
e-commerce,  M-commerce, e-government, ERP, business informatics, among
others. For a complete list of topics:

n return for reviewing JUST ONE PAPER in an expedited fashion, your name and
affiliation will appear on the conference website among the Conference
Program Committee and in the conference proceedings.  (2nd phase (extension)
paper submission Deadline: 4 April 2014)

A positive response would be appreciated and thanks in advance for your help

Please indicate whether you prefer Non-technical paper (geared toward
Business and Management topics) or 
Technical (geared toward computer Science and software Engineering topics) 



Khalid S. Soliman

23rd IBIMA Conference Chair


Dr. Khalid S. Soliman

International Business Information Management Association, USA







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