[AISWorld] CFP: SEJ Special Issue on Entrepreneurship and Open Innovation

Satish Nambisan nambisan at uwm.edu
Wed Apr 23 09:10:47 EDT 2014

Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal (SEJ)

Special Issue on

Entrepreneurship and Open Innovation


Special Issue Editors: Satish Nambisan, UW-Milwaukee; Donald Siegel,
UAlbany; Martin Kenney, UC-Davis


The wider recognition and adoption of open innovation (OI) approaches
across various sectors and industries has yielded promising new
entrepreneurial opportunities for diffusing knowledge and inventions (by
independent inventors, university researchers, customers/users,
citizens, etc.). This special issue will focus on how such OI
approaches-in all their diversity-affect the nature, structure, process,
and outcomes of entrepreneurship. In particular, we invite scholars to
focus on the implications of OI for corporate, university, and social


Among other topics, we are interested in studies that examine
entrepreneurship opportunities opened up by digital (IT-based) platforms
and ecosystems.


We welcome research that:


(a)   applies existing/emergent theoretical perspectives from economics,
sociology, psychology, and other disciplines to improve our
understanding of how the emergence of more open innovation ecosystems
and models may reshape entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial activities;

(b)   develops new conceptual models integrating concepts from
entrepreneurship and innovation management to develop a fine-grained
understanding of the diverse new actors and their roles in
entrepreneurship due to the adoption of OI approaches; and,

(c)    assesses the impact of the changes in the structure and process
of entrepreneurship driven by OI on technology commercialization.

The submission deadline is May 15, 2015.


For more details, visit



Satish Nambisan

Professor of Entrepreneurship & Technology Management, Sheldon B. Lubar
School of Business 

Professor of Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering, College of
Engineering & Applied Science
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, P. O. Box 742,  Milwaukee, WI 53201
Tel: 414-229-6865 <tel:414-229-6865> ; Email: nambisan at uwm.edu
<mailto:nambisan at uwm.edu> ; Web: http://www.satishnambisan.org


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