Boris Shishkov b.b.shishkov at iicrest.org
Fri May 23 05:08:32 EDT 2014

Dear Colleague,

 Please, allow me to bring forward to your attention this Call for 
Participation concerning the 4th Edition of BMSD - the International 
Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design. BMSD is one of the 
representative events touching upon Enterprise Engineering / Modeling and 
its relation to Software Specification, and it is not surprising that 
scientists, such as Ulrich Frank, Marijn Janssen, Leszek Maciaszek, Florian 
Matthes, Erik Proper, Roel Wieringa, and other representative researchers 
in these areas will be present. You may find more information below: 


 The BMSD'14 Call for Participation can be found in the following URL: 



 The BMSD'14 Proceedings will be delivered within days and you may check 
here the ISBN and also my Editor's Foreword: 



 The BMSD'14 Technical Program can be found in the following URL: 


 4. PANEL. 

 The BMSD'14 Panel is scheduled for the 24th of June and information about 
it can be found in the following URL: 


 And in the end - BMSD 2015. 

 What is most rewarding for us as BMSD Organizers is to see people coming 
again to our symposium, submitting serious papers. We do appreciate the 
very strong influence we get from Germany, BeNeLux, and Bulgaria, and at 
the same time, we would like to strengthen the influence from Southern 
Europe (we are happy to have papers from Italy, Portugal, and Spain this 
year but we aim at more). Hence, we decided to go to Italy next year and we 
are happy to inform you that BMSD 2015 will be hosted by one of the most 
prestigious academic institutions in the country, Politecnico di Milano. We 
hope that this would not only lead to many strong submissions from Italy 
and the South but would also keep the strong influence from Germany and 
BeNeLux. Last but not least, I would like to pay special attention to the 
submissions from non-European countries - we certainly value them a lot and 
will work hard for keeping and reinforcing influences from these countries 
as well! The BMSD'15 Call for Papers can be found in the following URL: 


 We look forward to your participation in 2014! 

 Kindest Regards, 

 Dr. Boris Shishkov 
 BMSD'14 Chair
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