[AISWorld] PhD position in business intelligence at Skövde University

Jeremy Rose jeremy at cs.aau.dk
Fri May 23 05:45:08 EDT 2014

The candidate will work on research concerned with understanding the underlying processes of organisations (both businesses and public sector organisations), understanding and developing the information involved in carrying out those processes together with the information systems that store and manipulate that information, and the creation of management intelligence suitable for analysing, governing and improving organisations and their processes. The studies may include a focus on innovative business intelligence for organisations, process and information modelling, business analytics with big data, improving service in the public sector (especially the health service) and the security and privacy aspects of business intelligence.

Further information and application procedure at https://www.his.se/en/about-us/Job-opportunities/job-opportunities/Doktorand/PhD-Student-in-Informatics-with-specialization-in-process-oriented-business-intelligence-HS-2014369-last-application-date-June-12-2014/

I’m happy to answer informal enquiries.

best regards / med venlig hilsen / hälsningar

Jeremy Rose
Professor of Informatics
University of Skövde
PO Box 408
SE-54128 Skövde
jeremy.rose at his.se<mailto:jeremy.rose at his.se>
Work: +46(0)500448344
Skype address: jeremyrose270154

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