[AISWorld] AISWorld Digest, Vol 752, Issue 1

Mullarkey, Matthew mmullarkey at usf.edu
Thu Jun 5 18:31:42 EDT 2014

In messages that are this long why don’t you hyperlink the Topic numbers to the topic so the reader doesn’t have to scroll forever to get to the topic of interest?

Matt Mullarkey
Information Systems & Decision Science
College of Business
University of South Florida
mmullarkey at usf.edu
440.554.3624 mobile

From: aisworld-request at lists.aisnet.org<mailto:aisworld-request at lists.aisnet.org>
Sent: ‎Thursday‎, ‎5‎ ‎June‎ ‎2014 ‎15‎:‎02
To: aisworld at lists.aisnet.org<mailto:aisworld at lists.aisnet.org>

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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
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Today's Topics:

   1. Call for Participation: Pre-ECIS 2014 Workshop "E-Health
      Adoption and Implementation" (Ofir Ben Assuli)
   2. IEEE BIBM 2014 Call for Papers  (deadline: July 10, 2014)
      (Xiaoli Song)
   3. Introducing IJISAM - Free Access to v.1, n.1/2, 2014 (Eldon @COB)
   4. Call for Workshops - IEEE BDCloud 2014 (Big Data and Cloud
      Computing) (Andrew Clashe)
   5. CFP - HICSS 2015 (Riemenschneider, Cindy)
   6. IEEE Big Data 2014 CFP (deadline: July 1, 2014) (Xiaoli Song)
   7. Assistant professor Business Analytics and Digital
      Innovation, VU University Amsterdam (Marleen Huysman)
   8. Final call for participation :: The 16th IEEE Conference on
      Business Informatics (CBI 2014) (Henderik A. Proper)
   9. Marketing EDGE Research Summit Deadline Approaching (Jeff Nesler)
  10. scigen (Prof. Samuel I. Lubbe)
  11. post (hityxb)
  12. Call for Papers ? INFORMS 2014 Data Mining Best Student Paper
      Award (Seref, Onur)
  13. CFP: 2014 Pre-ICIS SIGDSA Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand
      (Lakshmi Iyer)
  14. CfP: ARTEL14 @ ECTEL: 4th Workshop on Awareness and
      Reflection in Technology-Enhanced Learning (Michael Prilla)
  15. AMCIS 2014 (Richard Watson)
  16. Information Technology for Development  Vol. 20, Iss. 2, 2014
      (Sajda Qureshi)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2014 22:40:07 +0300
From: "Ofir Ben Assuli" <ofir.benassuli at gmail.com>
To: <aisworld at lists.aisnet.org>
Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Participation: Pre-ECIS 2014 Workshop
 "E-Health Adoption and Implementation"
Message-ID: <003901cf802c$cb7eb9b0$627c2d10$@gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Dear Researchers and professionals,

Please consider participating in the pre-ECIS 2014 workshop: "E-Health
Adoption and Implementation", on June 8 in Tel-Aviv. Please find additional
information here (the program can be found also below at the mail):




Best wishes!

Andy, Reeva and Ofir.

Title of the workshop: E-Health Adoption and Implementation: Economic,
social and behavioural factors and issues

Format of the workshop: 9:00am - 4pm, Sunday June 8th, Tel-Aviv University.

.           Presentation of position papers, research in progress and
completed research.

.           Panel discussion with international e-health experts.

.           Practical exercises.

.           Presentation and discussion on how to publish in the e-Health
area in both health and mainstream journals.

.           The best papers from this workshop will be considered for a fast
track, special edition of the EJHI (http://www.ejhi.net/ojs/index.php/ejhi).

Challenges in doing research in this area will be analyzed including the
ethical hurdles in finding participants in the health sphere and getting
access to sensitive study environments. Through the panel and discussion of
the presented papers the workshop will examine the major themes for future
research in this area.

Motivation and Description:

The impact of IT innovations on the healthcare sector has been considerable.
These innovations take many forms:  For example, electronic health records,
e-health, interoperable health information exchange networks, mobile health,
telemedicine and personalized electronic health devices. However, the
implementation of such IT solutions has still not been fully endorsed by
physicians, despite their proven benefits. Certain issues must first be
resolved to enable the healthcare sector to fully reap the benefits of these
IT systems - especially regarding the adoption of these systems by the
medical staff at points of care in the field.

The reasons for the poor level of use of IS in healthcare are linked to the
lack of engagement between clinicians and healthcare executives, low IS
maturity, inadequate IS business planning, and poor connections with IS
suppliers responsible for designing and developing workable solutions. Apart
from factors related to the IS itself or organizational aspects of
communication between policy-making departments and the actual points of
care, there are also physician-related factors that affect the adoption of
IS. This complex array of determinants makes studying the adoption of health
IS extremely difficult, and has precluded definitive conclusions.
Nevertheless, there have been notable successful implementations of IT in
the healthcare domain, and there is still work to be done in learning from
successes and failures alike.

This workshop aims to provide an opportunity to explore, discuss and achieve
deeper insights into the issues raised by attempts to computerize and
digitize key aspects of the healthcare domain, issues associated with
choosing to use IT, and possible operationalization of IT contributions to
medical decision-making.

This field is unique in the sense that implementing IT bridges the gap
between informatics and medical decisions per se. It also presents unique
challenges, since the adoption of IT in the healthcare sector involves
complex adaptations on the part of users. Moreover, research highlighting
opportunities and challenges related to the role of distance health and
mobile-health solutions in influencing medical outcomes is still
under-developed and deserving of exploration. Also of interest is how
personal health monitoring and the proliferation of on-line health
information interact with traditional medical services.

Registration: The registration can be made via the main ECIS2014
registration site.

PROGRAM FOR THE WORKSHOP:  <http://www.ono.ac.il/ECISWorkshopProgram>

With regards,

Dr. Ofir Ben Assuli, PH.D.

Senior Lecturer & Researcher

Information Systems and Medical Decision Making
Ono Academic College



 <mailto:ofir at ono.ac.il> ofir at ono.ac.il


 <http://www.ono.ac.il/> www.ono.ac.il


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Message: 2
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2014 09:21:45 -0400
From: Xiaoli Song <xs48 at DREXEL.EDU>
Subject: [AISWorld] IEEE BIBM 2014 Call for Papers  (deadline: July
 10, 2014)
Message-ID: <fcd26be7830e4.538d93a9 at drexel.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"

Call for Papers

2014 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM14)
Nov 2-5 2014, Belfast, UK

The IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM) has established itself as the premier research conference in bioinformatics and biomedicine. IEEE BIBM 2014 provides a leading forum for disseminating the latest research in bioinformatics and health informatics. It brings together academic and industrial scientists from computer science, biology, chemistry, medicine, mathematics and statistics.

We solicit high-quality original research papers (including significant work-in-progress) in any aspect of bioinformatics and biomedicine. New computational techniques and methods in machine learning; data mining; text analysis; pattern recognition; knowledge representation; databases; data modeling; combinatorics; stochastic modeling; string and graph algorithms; linguistic methods; robotics; constraint satisfaction; data visualization; parallel computation; data integration; modeling and simulation and their application in life science domain are especially encouraged Relevant topics include but are not limited to:

1. Genomics and Molecular Structure, Function and Evolution
a. Next-Gen Sequencing and Metagenomics
b. Evolution, Phylogeny, Comparative Genomics
c. SNPs and haplotype analysis, GWAS
d. Protein/RNA Structure, Function and Interactions

2. Computational Systems Biology
a. Transcriptomics - Microarray Data Analysis
b. Gene Regulation, Alternative Splicing, Network/Pathway Analysis
c. Proteomics, PTMs, Metabolomics
d. Epigenomics, non-coding RNA analysis, DNA methylation analysis

3. Medical Informatics and Translational Bioinformatics
a. Biomedical Intelligence, Clinical Data Analysis, and Electronic Health Record
b. Biomedical Signal/Image Analysis
c. Genome-Phenome Analysis
d. Biomarker Discovery

4. Cross-Cutting Computational Methods and Bioinformatics Infrastructure
a. Biomedical Text Mining and Ontologies
b. Biological Data Mining and Visualization
c. Computational Modeling and Data Integration
d. High Performance Computing

5. Healthcare Informatics
a. Healthcare knowledge representation & reasoning
b. Health data acquisition, analysis and mining
c. Healthcare information systems
d. Clinical Decision Support and Informatics

The Industrial Track solicits papers describing implementations of Bioinformatics and Biomedicine solutions relevant to industrial settings. The focus of industry track is on papers that address the practical, applied, or pragmatic or new research challenge issues related to the use of bioinformatics and biomedicine technologies in industry. We accept full papers (up to 8 pages), extended abstracts (2-4 pages), as well as short abstracts (1 page, 500 words).

? Journal special issues: IEEE BIBM has a tradition to publish selected papers as special issues in highly respected journals. We will publish the special issues publications with 8 journals: IEEE Transactions on NanoBiosceince, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics, Proteomics, BMC Genomics, BMC Bioinformatics, BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Journal of Network Modeling and Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics, Methods (In the past BIBM conference, the number of special issues is: BIBM 2013?9 special issue, BIBM 2012?8 special issues, BIBM 2011?8 special issue, BIBM 2010?7 special issues, BIBM 2009?4 special issue, BIBM 2008?4 special issues)

? Student Travel Award: BIBM 2014 will offer as many as possible student travel awards to student authors (including post-doc) (BIBM 2013?40 student travel awards, BIBM 2012?30 student travel awards, BIBM 2011?28 student travel awards, BIBM 2010?22 student travel awards, BIBM 2009?16 student travel awards )

Conference Co-Chairs:
Prof. Kwang-Hyun Cho, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, ckh at kaist.ac.kr
Prof. Yadong Wang, Harbin Institute of Technology, China, ydwang at hit.edu.cn
Dr. Huiru (Jane) Zheng, University of Ulster, UK, h.zheng at ulster.ac.uk

Program Co-Chairs:
Dr. Daniel Berrar, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, berrar.d.aa at m.titech.ac.jp
Prof. Werner Dubitzky, University of Ulster, UK, w.dubitzky at ulster.ac.uk
Prof. David Gibert, Brunel University, UK, david.gilbert at brunel.ac.uk
Prof. Jin-Kao Hao, University of Angers, France, hao at info.univ-angers.fr

Industry Program Committee Chair
Dr. Andreas Kremer, Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Oesterreich, Austria, kremer.andreas at siemens.com
Dr. Paul Wash, Nsilico, Ireland, Paul.Walsh at cit.ie

BIBM Steering Committee Chair:
Prof. Xiaohua Tony Hu, Drexel University, USA, thu at cis.drexel.edu

Paper Submission:
Please submit a full-length paper (upto 8 page IEEE 2-column format) through the online submission system (you can download the format instruction here (https://wi-lab.com/cyberchair/2014/bibm14/cbc_index.php for Latex or word). Electronic submissions (in PDF or Postscript format) are required. Selected participants will be asked to submit their revised papers in a format to be specified at the time of acceptance.

Online Submission:
Important Dates:

Electronic submission of full papers: July 10, 2014
Notification of paper acceptance: Sept 1, 2014
Camera-ready of accepted papers: Sept 30, 2014
Conference: Nov 2-5, 2014

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Message: 3
Date: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 12:13:18 +0800
From: "Eldon @COB" <eli at calpoly.edu>
To: aisworld at lists.aisnet.org
Subject: [AISWorld] Introducing IJISAM - Free Access to v.1, n.1/2,
Message-ID: <538E9CDE.6000106 at calpoly.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"

*International Journal of Information Systems and Management

*/You can read the full text of the articles marked asFree accessbelow
using the links provided/**/./*

    2014 Vol. 1 No. 1/2


Editorial: Information systems and management in the digital era

*Pages*  *Title and authors*
3-36  *Information politics: strategies and counterstrategies*
Varun Grover; Rajiv Sabherwal; Roopa Raman; Rahul A. Gokhale
*DOI*: 10.1504/IJISAM.2014.062282

Free accessFree access

37-59  *Fad-like technology adoption as a social action*
Arthur P. Tomasino; Jane Fedorowicz
*DOI*: 10.1504/IJISAM.2014.062284

Free accessFree access

60-82  *Adoption of mobile internet devices and services: a
multinational study*
Ravi S. Sharma; Eldon Y. Li; Rubie Govindraj
*DOI*: 10.1504/IJISAM.2014.062283

Free accessFree access

83-124  *Flow in gaming: literature synthesis and framework development*
Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah; Brenda Eschenbrenner; Qing Zeng; Venkata Rajasekhar
Telaprolu; Sepandar Sepehr
*DOI*: 10.1504/IJISAM.2014.062288

Free accessFree access

125-145  *Collectivism, creativity, competition, and control in open
source software development: reflections on the emergent governance of
the SPDX^? working group*
Matt Germonprez; Julie E. Kendall; Kenneth E. Kendall; Brett Young
*DOI*: 10.1504/IJISAM.2014.062290

Free accessFree access

146-165  *Comparing drivers of social media marketing adoption by
salespeople in Australia and the USA: a pilot study*
Iryna Pentina; Ellen Bolman Pullins; John W. Wilkinson
*DOI*: 10.1504/IJISAM.2014.062276

Free accessFree access

166-194  *A method for assessing food security information system*
Tugrul Temel; Kinlay Dorjee
*DOI*: 10.1504/IJISAM.2014.062277

Free accessFree access

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Message: 4
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2014 05:45:34 +1000
From: Andrew Clashe <andrew.clashe at gmail.com>
To: aisworld at lists.aisnet.org
Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Workshops - IEEE BDCloud 2014 (Big Data
 and Cloud Computing)
 <CAMuaQi58tcTWAVeAFbjYE1raspH3EQzUUsWVkDJAcL0n7aUFrw at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Call for Workshops:

The 4th IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Cloud Computing
(BDCloud 2014), 3-5 Dec. 2014, Sydney, Australia.

Website: http://www.swinflow.org/confs/bdcloud2014/workshop.htm

Important dates:
Workshop proposal Deadline: 20 June 2014
Workshop Notification: 25 June 2014

Workshop Proposal Submissions: Email to workshop chairs listed below
   Shui Yu, Deakin University, Australia, shui.yu at deakin.edu.au
   Andrew Clashe, UTS, Australia, andrew.clashe at gmail.com
   Rafael Tolosana, University of Zaragoza, Spain, rafaelt.unizar at gmail.com
   Massimo Cafaro, University of Salento, Lecce, Italy,
massimo.cafaro at unile.it

Workshops will be held together with the main conference during the same
dates and venue. We invite you to submit workshop proposals on any topics
related to Big Data and Cloud Computing to the Workshop Chairs. The
purpose of these workshops is to offer to researchers a good opportunity to
present their work in a more focused way than the conference itself and to
obtain feedback from an interested community.

Workshops that focus on new and emerging topics, or on applications and
industry contributions are particularly encouraged. In general, a workshop
takes one day or half day while multiple-day workshops are welcome.

A workshop proposal should contain at least:

?   Title of workshop: International workshop on ...
?   Workshop chairs/organisers: Names, Affiliations, address, e-mail,
?   Brief description of the workshop (several hundred words)
?   The workshop deadlines and website
?   Prior history of this workshop, if any.

Important dates:
Workshop proposal Deadline: 20 June 2014
Workshop Notification: 25 June 2014

Each workshop will start to distribute a call for paper after receiving the
notification. Papers submitted to each workshop will be reviewed by the
program committee and external reviewers of the workshop.

Once accepted, each workshop organisers are in charge of:

?   Setting up a Web site for the workshop according to the template that
will be distributed.
?   Establishing own paper submission system.
?   Deciding own submission deadlines, but following the same camera-ready
deadline and
registration deadline as the main conference.

?   Ensuring that each paper selected for inclusion in the proceedings will
be registered for main conference at the same registration rates. Each
paper must be presented in person by the author, or one of the authors.

Proceedings of the workshops will be published by IEEE Computer Society
Press, in the same proceedings of main conference, and will be made
available to all conference registrants on site. All workshop papers will
also be electronically available through IEEE Xplore Digital Database, and
professionally indexed through INSPEC and EI Index.

Please organize your workshop as early as possible to ensure your effort
turn out to be fruitful. In particular we suggest to make explicit the
different focus of your workshop, if compared with eventual overlapping
conference topics, in order to attract relevant contributions.

For further information on preparing a workshop proposal, please contact
the Workshops Chairs.

Workshop Chairs:
   Shui Yu, Deakin University, Australia, shui.yu at deakin.edu.au
   Andrew Clashe, UTS, Australia, andrew.clashe at gmail.com
   Rafael Tolosana, University of Zaragoza, Spain, rafaelt.unizar at gmail.com
   Massimo Cafaro, University of Salento, Lecce, Italy,
massimo.cafaro at unile.it
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Message: 5
Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2014 20:02:35 +0000
From: "Riemenschneider, Cindy" <C_Riemenschneider at baylor.edu>
To: "aisworld at lists.aisnet.org" <aisworld at lists.aisnet.org>
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP - HICSS 2015
 <86D5A80D8504F14486FCFD9796366EEB19F1D7F3 at HARRY.baylor.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS-48 2015


(Organizational Systems and Technology track)

This minitrack covers issues relating to the places where people and technology meet, that may be examined from an organizational, managerial, psychological, social, political, or cultural perspective.  This minitrack seeks innovative research regarding emerging issues facing IS professionals- (i.e., leaders at the IS project level, CIO level, line staff or external professional service providers) such as the impact of cloud computing, social networking technologies, mobile technologies, and BYOD/consumerization, as well as how these affect the management of human computing resources.  This minitrack welcomes papers that perform analysis at the industry, workgroup or department, and individual level.  Studies developing or extending theory on issues such as the diversity and professional identity of the computing workforce, to the behavioral, technical and managerial implications of mobile computing are examples of the type of papers seen in this minitrack. This minitrack als
 o welcomes papers which offer insights into the training and professional development of current and future generations of IS professionals. This minitrack will welcome all methodologies and research paradigms as well as best practices/lessons learned that focus on the intersection of people and technology.

POSSIBLE TOPICS: The following include suggestions for applicable topics (but not limited to) for this mini-track:

*IT mobile workers


*IT team diversity and performance

*IT professional soft skills

*Mentoring in the IT work environment

*Gender research and IT professionals

            *Managerial influence of social networking on IT professionals

*IT professional career paths

            *Career Development Practices for Computing Professionals

            *Attracting Students to the Computing Professions

*Diversity in the Computing Pipeline

            *Retention of IT professionals

            *Needs, Interests and Abilities of Computing Professionals

            *User- relations

            *Individual Fit / Alignment with the Work Environment

            *Global Talent Management (e.g., Immigration vs Migration)

            *Behavioral Aspects of HCI

            *Communication / Interaction (individuals, groups, networks, organizations)

            *Work-life Balance (Imbalance) in IT

            *Training and certifications

            *Legal and Ethical Issues facing IT personnel

For further conference details, schedules and submission guidelines, please see:


Cynthia K. Riemenschneider, primary contact
MIS Department
Hankamer School of Business
Baylor University
c_riemenschneider at baylor.edu<mailto:c_riemenschneider at baylor.edu>

Deborah J. Armstrong
Department of Entrepreneurship, Strategy and Information Systems
College of Business
Florida State University
djarmstrong at cob.fsu.edu<mailto:djarmstrong at cob.fsu.edu>


1.  Submit an electronic copy of the full paper, 10 pages including title page, abstract, references and diagrams using the review system available at the HICSS site, make sure that the authors' names and affiliation information has been removed to ensure an anonymous review.

2.   Do not submit the paper to more than one minitrack. The paper should contain original material and not be previously published or currently submitted for consideration elsewhere.

3.   Provide the required information to the review system such as title, full name of all authors, and their complete addresses including affiliation(s), telephone number(s) and e-mail address(es).

4.   The first page of the paper should include the title and a (max) 300-word abstract.


*June 15:   Full papers uploaded in the directory of the appropriate minitrack.

*August 15:   Notification of accepted papers mailed to authors.

*September 15:   Accepted manuscripts, camera-ready, uploaded; author(s) must register by this time.

We hope to see you in Hawaii in January 2015.  Mahalo!

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Message: 6
Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2014 16:17:45 -0400
From: Xiaoli Song <xs48 at DREXEL.EDU>
Subject: [AISWorld] IEEE Big Data 2014 CFP (deadline: July 1, 2014)
Message-ID: <fb613eb8855e9.538f46a9 at drexel.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"

Call for Papers

2014 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2014)

October 27-30, 2014, Washington DC, USA

In recent years, ?Big Data? has become a new ubiquitous term. Big Data is transforming science, engineering, medicine, healthcare, finance, business, and ultimately society itself. The IEEE Big Data has established itself as the top tier research conference in Big Data. The first conference IEEE Big Data 2013 ( http://cci.drexel.edu/bigdata/bigdata2013/ ) was held in Santa Clara , CA from Oct 6-7, 2013, 259 paper submissions for the main conference and 32 paper submissions for the industry and government program. Of those, 44 regular papers and 53 short papers were accepted, which translates into a selectivity that is on-par with top tier conferences. Also, there were 14 workshops associated with IEEE Big Data 2013 covering various important topics related to various aspects of Big Data research, development and applications, and more than 400 participants from 40 countries attend the 4-day event.

The IEEE International Conference on Big Data 2014(IEEE BigData 2014) continues the success of the IEEE BigData 2013. It will provide a leading forum for disseminating the latest research in Big Data Research, Development, and Applications.

We solicit high-quality original research papers (including significant work-in-progress) in any aspect of Big Data with emphasis on 5Vs (Volume, Velocity, Variety, Value and Veracity) relevant to variety of data (scientific and engineering, social, sensor/IoT/IoE, and multimedia-audio, video, image, etc) that contribute to the Big Data challenges. This includes but is not limited to the following:

1. Big Data Science and Foundations
a. Novel Theoretical Models for Big Data
b. New Computational Models for Big Data
c. Data and Information Quality for Big Data
d. New Data Standards

2. Big Data Infrastructure
a. Cloud/Grid/Stream Computing for Big Data
b. High Performance/Parallel Computing Platforms for Big Data
c. Autonomic Computing and Cyber-infrastructure, System Architectures, Design and Deployment
d. Energy-efficient Computing for Big Data
e. Programming Models and Environments for Cluster, Cloud, and Grid Computing to Support Big Data
f. Software Techniques andArchitectures in Cloud/Grid/Stream Computing
g. Big Data Open Platforms
h. New Programming Models for Big Data beyond Hadoop/MapReduce, STORM
i. Software Systems to Support Big Data Computing

3. Big Data Management
a. Search and Mining of variety of data including scientific and engineering, social, sensor/IoT/IoE, and multimedia data
b. Algorithms and Systems for Big DataSearch
c. Distributed, and Peer-to-peer Search
d. Big Data Search Architectures, Scalability and Efficiency
e. Data Acquisition, Integration, Cleaning, and Best Practices
f. Visualization Analytics for Big Data
g. Computational Modeling and Data Integration
h. Large-scale Recommendation Systems and Social Media Systems
i. Cloud/Grid/Stream Data Mining- Big Velocity Data
j. Link and Graph Mining
k. Semantic-based Data Mining and Data Pre-processing
l. Mobility and Big Data
m. Multimedia and Multi-structured Data- Big Variety Data

4. Big Data Search and Mining
a. Social Web Search and Mining
b. Web Search
c. Algorithms and Systems for Big Data Search
d. Distributed, and Peer-to-peer Search
e. Big Data Search Architectures, Scalability and Efficiency
f. Data Acquisition, Integration, Cleaning, and Best Practices
g. Visualization Analytics for Big Data
h. Computational Modeling and Data Integration
i. Large-scale Recommendation Systems and Social Media Systems
j. Cloud/Grid/StreamData Mining- Big Velocity Data
k. Link and Graph Mining
l. Semantic-based Data Mining and Data Pre-processing
m. Mobility and Big Data
n. Multimedia and Multi-structured Data- Big Variety Data

5. Big Data Security & Privacy
a. Intrusion Detection for Gigabit Networks
b. Anomaly and APT Detection in Very Large Scale Systems
c. High Performance Cryptography
d. Visualizing Large Scale Security Data
e. Threat Detection using Big Data Analytics
f. Privacy Threats of Big Data
g. Privacy Preserving Big Data Collection/Analytics
h. HCI Challenges for Big Data Security & Privacy
i. User Studies for any of the above
j. Sociological Aspects of Big Data Privacy

6. Big Data Applications
a. Complex Big Data Applications in Science, Engineering, Medicine, Healthcare, Finance, Business, Law, Education, Transportation, Retailing, Telecommunication
b. Big Data Analytics in Small Business Enterprises (SMEs),
c. Big Data Analytics in Government, Public Sector and Society in General
d. Real-life Case Studies of Value Creation through Big Data Analytics
e. Big Data as a Service
f. Big Data Industry Standards
g. Experiences with Big Data Project Deployments


The Industrial Track solicits papers describing implementations of Big Data solutions relevant to industrial settings. The focus of industry track is on papers that address the practical, applied, or pragmatic or new research challenge issues related to the use of Big Data in industry. We accept full papers (up to 10 pages) and extended abstracts (2-4 pages).

Student Travel Award

IEEE Big Data 2014 will offer as many student travel awards as possible to student authors (including post-doc) (IEEE Big Data 2013 ? 17 student travel awards)

Conference Co-Chairs:
Dr. Charu Aggarwal, IBM T.J Watson Research, USA
Prof. Nick Cercone, York University, Canada
Prof. Vasant Honavar, Penn State University, USA

Program Co-Chairs:
Prof. Jimmy Lin, University of Maryland, USA
Prof. Jian Pei, Simon Fraser University, Canada

Industry and Government Program Committee Chair
Mr. Wo Chang, National Institute of Standard and Technology, USA
Dr. Raghunath Nambiar, Cisco Systems Inc, USA

BigData Steering Committee Chair:
Prof. Xiaohua Tony Hu, Drexel University, USA, thu at cis.drexel.edu

Paper Submission:
Please submit a full-length paper (upto9 page IEEE 2-column format) through the online submission system.
Papers should be formatted to IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Manuscript Formatting Guidelines (see link to "formatting instructions" below).

Formatting Instructions
8.5" x 11" (DOC, PDF)
LaTex Formatting Macros
Important Dates:

Electronic submission of full papers: July 1, 2014
Notification of paper acceptance: Sept 1, 2014
Camera-ready of accepted papers: Sept 25, 2014
Conference: October 27-30, 2014

To subscribe to this list, the user sends an email, with blank subject line, to listserv at lists.drexel.edu . In the text box, the user types: subscribe BIGDATA.
To unsubscribe from a list, the user sends an email to listserv at lists.drexel.edu with the message: signoff BIGDATA.
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Message: 7
Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2014 23:17:25 +0200
From: Marleen Huysman <m.h.huysman at vu.nl>
To: <aisworld at lists.aisnet.org>
Subject: [AISWorld] Assistant professor Business Analytics and Digital
 Innovation, VU University Amsterdam
Message-ID: <A31A0757-65E4-4721-A92F-F88C5A4EBA5D at vu.nl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"

Dear Colleagues,

VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands, invites applications for an Assistant Professor of Business Analytics and Digital Innovation (tenure track), in the Department of Information Systems, Logistics and Innovation at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration.

The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (FEWEB) seeks to combine high quality education with excellent research. The Faculty offers three Dutch taught Bachelor?s programmes (Business Administration, Economics and Business Economics, and Econometrics and Operations Research), one English taught Bachelor?s programme (International Business Administration), eight English taught Master?s programmes and thirteen executive and post-experience programmes. The Faculty has several research groups with an outstanding international reputation. FEWEB accommodates approximately 5,000 students and 1,500 postgraduate students.

Amsterdam Center for Business Analytics (ACBA)

The Amsterdam Center for Business Analytics (www.acba.nl) is a newly founded VU institute that aims at developing, disseminating and exploiting business analytics and data science knowledge and applications by bringing together businesses and scientific research. ACBA is a joint initiative of the departments Information, Logistics & Innovation (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration), Mathematics (Faculty of Sciences), and Computer Sciences (Faculty of Sciences). ACBA supports organizations to consider, design and undertake applied research studies concerning analytics. We have a staff of expert researchers, and also have the ability to bring in faculty and researchers from other universities. This capability allows ACBA to provide multi-disciplinary expertise and the highest academic research quality.

The Department of Information Systems, Logistics and Innovation (IL&I)

The Department of Information Systems, Logistics and Innovation has an international research orientation in its research and houses two research streams, one on Logistics and Operations Research and one on Knowledge, Information and Innovation Management (KIN) as being part of the KIN Research Group (www.kinresearch.nl). Researchers active in this research group publish in leading journals such as Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, Organization Science, Information Systems Journal, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Information & Management, Journal of Information Technology, Organization Studies, Communication Research and Journal of Management Studies. The group offers a broad range of courses in both Bachelor and Master programs and strives for high quality in both research and teaching. The group has a collaborative ethos with staff actively working together on research projects and papers. We are looking for a new colleague who can contribute to KIN and
 ACBA?s research on business analytics and digital innovation.


We seek a new colleague who is passionate about doing research and committed to publish at the highest level. Candidates need to have proven expertise in business analytics (business intelligence, big data) and must be able to translate this expertise into consequences for businesses from a digital innovation perspective. Furthermore, candidates for the position are enthusiastic about creating a stimulating and motivating learning environment for students in teaching.

Your tasks will be:

Teaching (in English or Dutch) courses at bachelor, master and post-graduate level on business analytics, including thesis supervision, designing and grading exams and design of courses;
Conducting research related to organizational aspects of business analytics;
Publishing in international journals;
Coordination of courses, and eventually participation in project groups or committees within the Department or Faculty;
Demonstrating an active interest in other work in the group and collaboration.
Contributing to the further development of the Amsterdam Center for Business Analytics.
Candidates are required to have a PhD (completed or with a fixed date for the defense) in Business Administration, Information Systems or a related field (data science), affinity with computer sciences, high analytical skills and should be fluent in English. Also candidates who already have a proven research record are encouraged to apply (salary and position will then reflect the seniority of the candidate).

Candidates should be willing to acquire a basic qualification in teaching (?BKO?) as demanded by Dutch universities (if they do not already have one). The position of Assistant Professor is a tenure track position with initial appointment for 2+4 years and possibility of tenure. The starting date is flexible.


We offer a competitive salary package in accordance with university regulations for academic personnel depending on experience and based on a fulltime employment. In addition to this, we offer holiday allowance, end-of-year allowance, and other benefits. You can find information about our excellent fringe benefits of employment at www.workingatvu.nl.

Information and application

For more information on the position, please contact Frans Feldberg (e-mail: f.feldberg at vu.nl) or Marleen Huysman (to schedule a meeting at ECIS: m.h.huysman at vu.nl).

Applications should be received by 1st of July 2014. Applicants should send a letter with their motivation, CV and list of publications to Mira Maletic, Managing Director of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, preferably by e-mail (vacature at feweb.vu.nl) or otherwise by regular mail (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, De Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV Amsterdam, the Netherlands).

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Message: 8
Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2014 23:52:19 +0200
From: "Henderik A. Proper" <e.proper at acm.org>
To: siksleden at cs.uu.nl, dbworld at cs.wisc.edu, seworld at sigsoft.org,
 aisworld at lists.aisnet.org, ifip-wg81 at idi.ntnu.no
Cc: St?phane Marchand-Maillet  <stephane.marchand-maillet at unige.ch>,
 Birgit Hofreiter <birgit.hofreiter at tuwien.ac.at>, Christian Huemer
 <huemer at big.tuwien.ac.at>
Subject: [AISWorld] Final call for participation :: The 16th IEEE
 Conference on Business Informatics (CBI 2014)
 <CAC9PA+p72ayA35dYpDthiKrrJncphVCR-9SV-Y5_Sbm=j6WxHQ at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

The 16th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics (CBI 2014)
July 14-17, 2014 - Geneva, Switzerland


Detailed programme shown on:
- http://cbi2014.unige.ch/?page_id=921

Business Informatics is the scientific discipline targeting information
processes and related phenomena in their socio-economical business context,
including companies, organisations, administrations and society in general.
Business Informatics is a fertile ground for research with the potential
for immense and tangible impact. As a field of study, it endeavours to take
a systematic and analytic approach in aligning core concepts from
management science, organisational science, economics information science,
and informatics into an integrated engineering science.

The field of Business Informatics involves a broad spectrum of more
specific research domains that focus on important aspect of informatics in
the context of organizations, ecosystems and society at large.

The program of the conference covers different areas of business
informatics including:
   Business Model Innovation, Business Process Engineering, Empowering &
Enabling Technologies, Enterprise Architecture, Enterprise Engineering,
Enterprise Modelling, Enterprise & Business Transformation, Method
Engineering, Service Innovation & Engineering and Social & Frontier

The goal of the IEEE Conference series on Business Informatics (
www.cbi-series.org) is to bring together existing Business Informatics
related research domains and thus stimulate discussions, synergy and
integration of their respective research results and activities.
Accordingly, the CBI conferences use a format that enables in depth
discussions amongst researchers in their respective domains during the

As in previous years, CBI 2014 features several attractive keynotes,
including industrial speakers, such as Ron Tolido, CIO at Capgemini. For
the first time, with the support of CUSO, CBI 2014 hosts a Summer School on
Business Informatics. The CBI programme is further enriched by six
co-located workshops all of them aiming to attract participants from both
industry and academia.

General information about the conference and its co-located events can be
found on:
The detailed program is available at:

If we have raised your interest to participate in this years IEEE
Conference on Business Informatics we cordially invite you to participate
in the conference.

Conference Organization Committee:

General Co-Chairs:
St?phane Marchand-Maillet, University of Geneva, Switzerland
KJ Lin, University of California, Irvine, USA

Program Co-Chairs:
Henderik A. Proper, Public Research Centre Henri Tudor, Luxembourg
Jolita Ralyt?, University of Geneva, Switzerland

Workshop Chair:
Sybren de Kinderen, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Publication Chair:
Birgit Hofreiter, Vienna University of Technology, Austria

Domain Coordinators:
Eng Chew, Sydney University of Technology, Australia
Frank Harmsen, EY EMEIA and Maastricht University, The Netherlands
Henderik A. Proper, Public Research Centre Henri Tudor, Luxembourg
Jorge Sanz, IBM Research, USA
Jos? Tribolet, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
KJ Lin, University of California, Irvine, USA
St?phane Marchand-Maillet, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Thomas Setzer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Ulrich Frank, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Local Organization Chair:
Hasmik Osipyan, University of Geneva, Switzerland
April Morton, University of Geneva, Switzerland

| Prof.dr. Henderik A. Proper
| Enterprise Engineering Team
| Public Research Centre - Henri Tudor
| Luxembourg
| e:  e.proper at acm.org
| w:  www.ee-team.eu
| lu: +352-661425916
| de: +49-15121285869
| Europe; The right to be different
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Message: 9
Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2014 22:25:09 +0000
From: Jeff Nesler <JNesler at marketingEDGE.org>
To: "aisworld at lists.aisnet.org" <aisworld at lists.aisnet.org>
Subject: [AISWorld] Marketing EDGE Research Summit Deadline
 <CF4F529C23E3B74AA8B60A750F23BE06875A43 at mbx026-w1-ca-4.exch026.domain.local>

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Research Summit CFP Deadline:  Monday, June 9

The submission deadline for papers, abstracts, PhD student poster sessions and special topic/roundtable proposals to the Direct/Interactive Marketing Research Summit has been extended to June 9, 2014. Topics include database marketing, marketing analytics, social media text-mining, and more. Abstracts of work in progress, posters, panel proposals, and complete papers are accepted, as well as Visit http://CallForPapers.ResearchSummit.org for details.

For full papers, publication opportunities include the Journal of Customer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction, and Complaining Behavior; Journal of Advertising Education; and International Journal of Interactive Marketing Research. The Summit will be held in San Diego, CA the weekend of October 25-26, 2014 at the San Diego Convention Center.

It's actually two conferences in one.  Full time faculty and PhD Students may also attend the DMA2014 Annual Conference & Exhibition, a global practitioner conference for data-driven marketers, which follows the Research Summit. For further information, visit www.researchsummit.org.  For general questions about the Research Summit, contact Jeff Nesler at JNesler at marketingEDGE.org.

Conference Co-Chairs

- Anjala Krishen | University of Nevada Las Vegas | anjala.krishen at unlv.edu

- Carol Scovotti | University of Wisconsin-Whitewater| scovottc at uww.edu

- Fareena Sultan | Northeastern University | f.sultan at neu.edu

Jeff Nesler | Senior Program & Web Manager | Marketing EDGE | o. 212.790.1525 | e. JNesler at marketingEDGE.org

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Message: 10
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2014 09:18:25 +0000
From: "Prof. Samuel I. Lubbe" <LubbeS at unizulu.ac.za>
To: "aisworld at lists.aisnet.org" <aisworld at lists.aisnet.org>
Subject: [AISWorld] scigen
 <8AC03D2FC94A5C4E8510B154F937FB45A39376 at MAINMS01.Unizulu.local>
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We are busy designing a course for students to review articles and other research. As part of the course we want to test SCIGEN and similar papers that were generated on them to test and see how efficient they were. Are you aware of similar programs form business management, public administration, etc. ?

Kindest regards

Sam Lubbe
Res Professor
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Message: 11
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2014 17:43:27 +0800
From: "hityxb" <hityxb at gmail.com>
To: <aisworld at lists.aisnet.org>
Subject: [AISWorld] post
Message-ID: <009101cf80a2$9ed489a0$dc7d9ce0$@gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="gb2312"

HICSS Mini-track ?IT Enabled Collaboration in Developing Countries


Diffusion (adoption, implementation, and utilization) of collaboration
technologies have been investigated in many countries and regions around the
globe. While the majority of research initiatives have been undertaken in
Western Europe and North America, they have been scarce in developing
regions like East Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. As the world
economy become integrated,  the diffusion of collaboration technologies in
countries such as China, India, Brazil, and South Africa is becoming
prevalent as globalization drives inter and intra-country collaboration
intensity within and across organizations. Technology enhanced collaboration
such as synchronous and asynchronous computer support amongst team members
(co-located or virtual) is being enhanced by hand held mobile devices in
communities of practice and social media environments in developing

We would like to invite the authors to submit their research on IT enabled
collaboration in developing countries from theoretical, technological,
social, psychological, behavioral, and design science perspectives. Research
deploying different theoretical lenses could focus on process and system
design, methods, modeling, and techniques in addressing various aspects of
IT enabled collaboration. The mini-track will focus on a wide range of
topics including but not limited to:

1. Case studies (education/business/government/organization) of IT enabled
collaboration in developing countries.

2. Cross-cultural and intra and/or inter-organizational IT enabled
collaboration in developing countries.

3. Global, virtual, distributed, blended, and face-to-face IT enabled
collaboration in developing countries.

4. Emerging issues in collaboration technology diffusion in developing

5. Deployment of mobile technologies for collaboration in developing

6. Group decision making, negotiation, facilitation and intelligent system
and communication technologies in developing countries.

7. Factors influencing IT enabled collaboration in developing countries.

Mini-track Co-Chairs

Xusen Cheng (Primary Contact)

School of Information Technology and Management

University of International Business and Economics

Huixing Dongjie 10, Beijing, China

Phone: +86(0)1064495074

xusen.cheng at uibe.edu.cn

Xusen Cheng is an Associate Professor of Information Systems in the School
of Information Technology and Management at the University of International
Business and Economics, China. He received his PhD in informatics from
Manchester Business School at the University of Manchester in the UK in
2010. His research interests include collaboration engineering and
facilitation, trust in virtual teams, IS/IT design to support collaboration.
His research has been presented at international conferences such as ICIS,
HICSS and GDN and published in journals such as Group Decision and
Negotiation, Information Technology and People, Computers in Human Behavior,
and Journal of Global Information Technology Management.

Xiangbin Yan

School of Management, Harbin Institute of Technology

No. 13, Fayuan Street, Nangang District, Harbin, China, 150001

Office Phone: +86-451-86414017

Departmental phone: +86-451-86414022

Fax: +86-451-86414024

Email: xbyan at hit.edu.cn

Xiangbin Yan is a Professor and head of the Department of Management Science
& Engineering in the School of Management at Harbin Institute of Technology
(HIT), China. He received a PhD from the Department of Management Science &
Engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology. He has been a visiting
research scholar in the AI Lab in the MIS Department at the University of
Arizona from 2008 to 2009. His current research interests include electronic
commerce, social media analytics, social network analysis, and business
intelligence. His research has appeared in journals such as Journal of
Informetrics, Scientometrics, Information Systems Frontiers, Journal of
Homeland Security and Emergency Management, and PhysicaA: Statistical
Mechanics and its Applications

Deepinder Bajwa

Professor of Information Systems

Department of Decision Sciences

College of Business and Economics

Western Washington University

Bellingham, WA 98225

Voice: +1-360-650-7309

Fax: +1-360-650-4844

Email:Deepinder.bajwa at wwu.edu

Deepinder Bajwa is a Professor of Information Systems in the Department of
Decision Sciences at Western Washington University. He received his PhD from
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale in 1993. His research interests
include: collaborative information technologies and business intelligence.
Over the past 12 years, he has led research projects exploring the diffusion
and impacts of collaborative information technologies in six global regions.
His research has been published (or forthcoming) in several journals
including: Australian Journal of Information Systems, Decision Support
Systems, Decision Sciences, Group Decision and Negotiation Journal,
Information Resources Management Journal, Journal of Computer Information
Systems, Journal of Information Technology, Journal of Information
Technology Theory and Application, Journal of Management Information
Systems, amongst others. He is the recipient of the best paper award at the
Midwest Business Administration Association Conference held in Chicago in
1995. His papers were also nominated for the best paper awards in the
Collaboration Technology track at the Hawaii International Conference on
System Sciences in 2003 and 2007.

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Message: 12
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2014 09:34:30 -0400
From: "Seref, Onur" <seref at vt.edu>
To: "aisworld at lists.aisnet.org" <aisworld at lists.aisnet.org>
Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers ? INFORMS 2014 Data Mining Best
 Student Paper Award
 <2F81C2A8477A7A498E9253BE2F87CDAD288D8CA5 at mirkwood.cc.w2k.vt.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Call for Papers ? INFORMS 2014 Data Mining Best Student Paper Award
The Data Mining (DM) Section of INFORMS announces the Best Student Paper Award to recognize excellence among its student members. Four finalists for the Best Student Paper Award will be selected by a panel of members of the DM section on any topic related to data mining by a student author.
Rules and Information:

1.        The presenting student author must be a student on or after January 1, 2014.

2.        The research must have been conducted while the presenting author was a student.

3.        The paper must be written by the student author(s) with minor assistance from advisors. ?The effort of the student(s) must comprise at least 50% of the work presented in the ?paper.

4.        The presenting student author must be a member of the Section on Data Mining.

5.        A student author must be available to present the work at a student session at the 2014 INFORMS Annual Meeting if selected as a finalist.

6.        Papers must be submitted with a maximum of 10 printed pages (1 inch margins, single column, single-spaced, 12 point font, and Times New Roman).

7.        Papers will not be published as part of the competition.

8.        Papers can be in any stage with regard to publication (unpublished, submitted, published, etc.).
Students who meet the above criteria and wish to submit their paper for consideration can submit their papers to the competition chair, Dr. Onur Seref via email (seref at vt.edu<mailto:seref at vt.edu>), by July 15, 2014. The subject of the email should be ?2014 DM Best Student Paper Award Submission?. Late submissions will not be accepted.
Four finalists will be announced on or before August 15, 2014, and will make presentations at the INFORMS 2014 Annual Meeting in San Francisco, California (November 9-12, 2014). The winner will be announced at the INFORMS DM Business Meeting and all finalists will receive an award certificate.
Please send any questions to Dr. Onur Seref (seref at vt.edu<mailto:seref at vt.edu>).

Onur Seref, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Business Information Technology / Virginia Tech
2060 Pamplin Hall (0235) Blacksburg, VA 24061
Phone: (540)231-7749 Fax: (540)231-3752

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Message: 13
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2014 10:18:41 -0400
From: Lakshmi Iyer <lsiyer at uncg.edu>
To: aisworld at lists.aisnet.org
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: 2014 Pre-ICIS SIGDSA Workshop, Auckland, New
 <CAA14_kUNqYgGuod1U_t1rAQYQd_u_ZbhEEuRJgGnbFB9gNfSxw at mail.gmail.com>
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                   *A Special Interest Group on Decision Support and
Analytics (SIGDSA) Workshop *

*Sunday, December 14, 2014 in Auckland, New Zealand*

In keeping with the ICIS2014 theme of "Building a Better World through
Information Systems", the 2014 SIGDSA (formerly SIGDSS) Workshop aims to
bring together academic professionals from around the world who have a
passion for research and education innovation in ?Building a Better World
through Analytics and Collaboration".

The *research track* seeks research that promote theoretical, design
science, behavioral research and emerging applications in innovative areas
of analytics, collaboration and decision support. The *teaching track*
invites contributions that focus on pedagogical practices addressing
acquisition, application, and continued development of the knowledge and
skills required in the use of analytics, collaboration, and decision
support systems. Both complete and research-in-progress papers are invited.
Details on submission guidelines, template, and registration information
can be found on the website. <https://sites.google.com/a/uncg.edu/sigdsa/>

List of topics can be found at:

?         Research -

?         Teaching:

Those interested in *panels* are requested to contact the Panels Chair. All
accepted papers will be published in the Pre-ICIS SIGDSA workshop
proceedings. Authors will retain copyright ownership. *Quality completed
research papers will be selected and fast tracked for a special issue of
Information Systems Frontiers journal (details forthcoming). Selected
papers will be subject to further review and editing as determined by the
special issue editors.*

Registration Fees (online payment through AIS/ICIS links to open late
August 2014)

Early Bird Registration Ends: October 25, 2014
Regular Registration Ends: December 5, 2014

*Workshop/Meeting Registration Fees*  (in US Dollars)*

AIS Member

Early: 150

Reg: 175

Onsite: 200

AIS Student, Retired Academic, Low and Medium Human Development Nations as
designated by AIS

Early:   75

Reg:   85

Onsite: 100

AIS Professional or Non AIS

Early: 175

Reg: 200

Onsite: 225

*The registration fee will include:

   - One year membership to SIGDSA who are AIS members ($10 fee for AIS
   - Workshop Program
   - Lunch, refreshments during breaks
   - Copy of proceedings - soft copy in a flash drive

The Workshop Committee encourages a paper-less conference. In line with
this, final version of accepted papers will be compiled on the workshop
website and shared with registrants in a flash drive.

*Tentative schedule*:

* Date*

*Event *

*Monday*, September  1, 2014

Deadline for manuscript submission: by midnight PST

Monday, September 29, 2014

Communication of Accepted Papers

Friday, October 25, 2014

*Early Registration Deadline *

Monday, October 27, 2014

Camera ready papers for workshop due by midnight PST

Sunday, December 14, 2014

SIGDSA Pre-ICIS workshop from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm

Sunday, December 14, 2014

SIGDSA Reception from 4.45 pm to 5.45 pm

*SIGDSA Workshop Co-Chairs*

*Lakshmi Iyer*

University of North Carolina Greensboro; Lsiyer at uncg.edu

*Thilini Ariyachandra*

Xavier University; ariyachandrat at xavier.edu

*Olivera Marjanovic*
University of Sydney; olivera.marjanovic at sydney.edu.au
Research Track Co-Chairs

*Babita Gupta, *California State University Monterey Bay; bgupta at csumb.edu

*Sagnika Sen, *Pennsylvania State University; sagnika.sen at psu.edu (
Teaching Track Co-Chairs

*Amit Deokar, *Pennsylvania State University; amit.deokar at psu.edu
*Joseph Clark, *Arizona State University; joseph.w.clark at asu.edu
Panel/Workshops/Tutorials Co-Chairs

*David Douglas*, University of Arkansas, DDouglas at walton.uark.edu

*Ashish Gupta, *University of Tennessee Chattanooga, Gupta at utc.edu
Program Committee

 Abdelkader Adla; University of Oran

Agugua Augustine ; University of Lagos

Henning Baars, University of Stuttgart, Germany

Peter Bednar; Lund University

Frada Burstein; Monash University

Elsa Cardoso, University Institute of Lisbon

Michael Chau, The University of Hong Kong

Cheng Siong Chin; Newcastle University

Mihaela Dinsoreanu; Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

Sean Eom; Southeast Missouri State University

Dianne Hall; Auburn University

A.I. Hamid-Mosaku; University of Lagos, Nigeria

Fl?vio Horita; University of S?o Paulo

Uday Kulkarni; Arizona State University

Prabin Panigrahi, Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Indore, India

Jason Papathanasiou; University of Macedonia

David Paradice, Florida State University

Souren Paul, Nova Southeastern University

Daniel Power, University of Northern Iowa

Gloria Phillips-Wren; Loyola University Maryland

Jo?o Porto de Albuquerque; University of Sao Paulo

Ana Respicio; Universidade de Lisboa

Vicki Sauter, University of Missouri - St. Louis

Ramesh Sharda; Oklahoma State University

S. Sankara-Subramanian, Idaho State University

Ian Sims; Griffith University

Geordie Tait, SAS Australia

Rafael Timoteo de Sousa Junior, University of Brasilia

Ozgur Turetken; Ryerson University

Ieva Zeltmate; Riga Technical University

Lakshmi S. Iyer, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Information Systems Graduate Programs Director
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Email: Lsiyer at uncg.edu; Phone: 336/334-4984; Fax: 336/334-5580
URL: http://lsiyer.wp.uncg.edu/
*Women in IT - http://wiit.uncg.edu <http://wiit.uncg.edu>*,
www.facebook.com/wemakeIT <http://www.facebook.com/wemakeit>
Global IT conference <http://www.gitma.org>;  AMCIS 2014
<http://amcis2014.aisnet.org>   Pre-ICIS SIGDSA Workshop
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Message: 14
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2014 15:48:57 +0000
From: Michael Prilla <Prilla at iaw.ruhr-uni-bochum.de>
To: "aisworld at lists.aisnet.org" <aisworld at lists.aisnet.org>
Subject: [AISWorld] CfP: ARTEL14 @ ECTEL: 4th Workshop on Awareness
 and Reflection in Technology-Enhanced Learning
 <6F0D392EA3C74F43A5F2DD211A0786BF5423A46A at mail-imtm.IAW.RUHR-UNI-BOCHUM.DE>

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CfP: ARTEL14 @ ECTEL: 4th Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology-Enhanced Learning

*** Call for papers and demos ***

4th Workshop on Awareness and Reflection
in Technology-Enhanced Learning (ARTEL 2014)

to be held in the context of EC-TEL 2014, Graz (Austria):
September 16 (Tuesday), 2014.

Workshop webpage: http://teleurope.eu/artel14
Twitter hashtag: #artel14

Enhancing "awareness" of learners and other participants involved in learning processes by technology means augmenting formal or informal learning experiences, typically in real-time, with information on progress, presence, outcomes, workspace, and the like.

Supporting "reflection" means enabling learners to capture, adapt, re-evaluate, and share experience in anticipation of future situations it will prove relevant to. Reflection supported digitally is a creative act, adding sense and meaning to experiences made.

Combining support for "awareness and reflection" bears huge potential for improving the learning and training with respect to utility, self-regulation, usability, and user experience.

This 4th ARTEL workshop brings together researchers and industry from different backgrounds to discuss and advance support of awareness and reflection for learning. This year?s workshop will run under the headline ?application in practice?, additionally emphasising feasibility and sustainability aspects in education and in the workplace.

The workshop seeks to attract both research results and work in progress in order to chart out the current state-of-the-art and to define main enablers and future challenges. Naturally, it will serve as a forum for establishing new collaborations.
The workshop will therefore include both presentations and discussions of research insights (papers), as well as a demo and prototype slam. Using presentations as catalyst for continuing post-talk debate, the workshop will conclude the day with an open discussion exchanging ideas, summing up, and defining a medium to long-term research agenda.

The main findings and highlights of the workshop will be presented back to the full EC-TEL plenary in the wrap up session (see main programme, once available).

Proceedings of the predecessor workshops are available via http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-790/ (2011), http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-931/ (2012), and http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1103/ (2013).

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to contributing original theories, methods, evaluation studies, design and application (case) studies in and on:

- Reflective writing and knowledge maturing
- Analytics, text- and data mining
- Integration of reflection support into other approaches of learning
- Social and group virtual and super-real presence
- Scaffolding approaches and techniques
- Real-time awareness and reflection
- Personalisation and Social Technologies
- Awareness and reflection in inquiry-based learning
- Augmented reality, wearable, pervasive applications
- Collaborative reflection
- Social network analysis
- Visual analytics, dashboards
- Models, ontologies, and annotation
- Processes and workflows

Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished work as either a full paper (limit: 15 pages), research note (limit: 7 pages), or demo (limit: 3 pages). Full papers thereby report on novel theoretical, empirical, or development work, including a significant contribution to the field. Research notes report work in progress to share early insights with the community. Demos describe novel prototypes, design studies, or tools, which can be shown and further discussed during the workshop.

All contributions will be peer reviewed by at least two members of the programme committee evaluating their originality, significance, and rigour. The papers will be published in the CEUR workshop proceedings (http://ceur-ws.org). Submissions should use the Springer LNCS template (http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0).

ARTEL14 will award the best paper and demo submitted.

Please submit your paper via EasyChair:

*Important dates*
30.06.2014 Submission deadline
11.08.2014 Notification of acceptance
30.08.2014 Camera-ready papers due
16.09.2014 Workshop

Milos Kravcik, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Alexander Mikroyannidis, The Open University, United Kingdom
Viktoria Pammer, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Michael Prilla, University of Bochum, Germany
Thomas Ullmann, The Open University, United Kingdom
Fridolin Wild, The Open University, United Kingdom

*Programme Committee*
Alexander Nussbaumer, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Carsten Ullrich, DFKI, Germany
Denis Gillet, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), Swiss
Ines Di Loreto, UTT- Universit? de Technologie de Troyes, France
Jaakko Karjalainen, VTT, Finland
John Cook, University of West of England, UK
Joris Klerkx, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Kaj Helin, VTT, Finland
Kinshuk, Athabasca University, Canada
Marcus Specht, Open University of the Nethderlands, Netherlands
Monica Divitini, IDI-NTNU, Norway
Paul Lefrere, CCA, UK
Peter Kraker, Know-Center, Austria
Peter Scott, The Open University, United Kingdom
Peter Sloep, Open Universiteit Nederland, Netherlands
Philippe Dessus, Universit? Pierre-Mend?s-France, France
Riina Vuorikari, European Commission JRC IPTS, Spain
Stefan Trausan-Matu, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
Stefano Bianchi, Softeco Sismat S.p.A., Italy
Xavier Ochoa, Escuela Superior Polit?cnica del Litoral, Ecuador

*Supporting projects*
MIRROR: Reflective Learning at Work: http://www.mirror-project.eu/
LEARNING LAYERS: Scaling up Technologies for Informal Learning in SME Clusters: http://learning-layers.eu/
TELLME: Technology enhanced learning livinglab for manufacturing environments: http://tellme-ip.eu/
weSPOT: Propagating scientific inquiry for science learning and teaching: http://wespot-project.eu
EmployID:  Scalable & cost-effective facilitation of professional identity transformation   in public employment services: http://employid.eu
BOOST: Business perfOrmance imprOvement through individual employee Skills Training: http://www.boost-project.eu/

*Social platform*
To stay tuned, consider joining the ARTEL social space on TELeurope:

The workshop will take place as part of the 9th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL), will take place in Graz, Austria, September 16-19, 2014. The motto for this year is "Open Learning and Teaching in Educational Communities". The European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL) is a unique opportunity for researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to address current challenges and advances in the field. Through EC-TEL, established and emerging researchers as well as practitioners, entrepreneurs, and technology developers explore new collaborations, strengthen networks, and complement their core expertise. For more information visit http://www.ec-tel.eu

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Message: 15
Date: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 18:27:38 +0200
From: Richard Watson <rickwatson at mac.com>
To: AISWorld <aisworld at lists.aisnet.org>
Subject: [AISWorld] AMCIS 2014
Message-ID: <F98F7146-91DD-4163-80E1-403ADEF5ABA1 at mac.com>
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I remind you that early registration ends on June 17.

Save yourself $50 by registering early.

To truly experience what makes Savannah a special tourist destination requires walking along the river, eating fine food, and meandering through the planned city's many squares. Since evenings in August are ideal for these activities, AMCIS 2014 is emphasizing the Historic District's evening social experience. Following the conclusion of each day?s activities, enjoy cocktails on the convention center's waterfront lawn and catch the water taxi to cross the river to walk the squares and dine with friends and colleagues at the city's outstanding restaurants.The AMCIS coupon book will include special deals on restaurants that are especially interested in hosting you.

To learn more about Savannah, see http://www.savannah-georgia-vibe-guide.com


Co-chairs of AMCIS 2014.

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Message: 16
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2014 18:43:57 +0000
From: Sajda Qureshi <squreshi at unomaha.edu>
To: "aisworld at lists.aisnet.org" <aisworld at lists.aisnet.org>
Subject: [AISWorld] Information Technology for Development  Vol. 20,
 Iss. 2, 2014
 <a37a9c44ade14e5bb21236552d0870ee at BLUPR07MB098.namprd07.prod.outlook.com>

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Special Issue on Cyber-Security for Development
Kweku-Muata Osei-Bryson, Doug Vogel

Institutions for Cyber Security: International Responses and Global Imperatives
Nazli Choucri, Stuart Madnick, Jeremy Ferwerda

A Model for the Impact of Cybersecurity Infrastructure on Economic Development in Emerging Economies: Evaluating the Contrasting Cases of India and Pakistan
Elizabeth White Baker

Architecture for Managing Knowledge on Cybersecurity in Sub-Saharan Africa
Francis Andoh-Baidoo, Babajide Osatuyi, K. Niki Kunene
Information Technology for Development

Using Frugal Innovations to Support Cybercrime Legislations in Small Developing States: Introducing the Cyber-Legislation Development and Implementation Process Model (CyberLeg-DPM)
Corlane Barclay

Improving Password Cybersecurity Through Inexpensive and Minimally Invasive Means: Detecting and Deterring Password Reuse Through Keystroke-Dynamics Monitoring and Just-in-Time Fear Appeals
Jeffrey L. Jenkins, Mark Grimes, Jeffrey Gainer Proudfoot, Paul Benjamin Lowry

To access content online, see: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/titd20/current#

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