[AISWorld] Post Doc Position Openings in Networks, Information, Technology and Innovation Management

Francesc Miralles miralles.francesc at gmail.com
Fri Jul 11 07:08:13 EDT 2014

The positions are open for immediate recruitment but no later than October
2014 by University BW Munich (D) and La Salle Barcelona (E) as partners of
the NITIM Graduate School www.nitim.org.

Research of NITIM is positioned at the interface of management,
specifically entrepreneurship, innovation and technology management,
computer science and information systems. Research focuses on studies of
dynamic organizational and societal phenomena, such as innovation and
change, from a network perspective. NITIM research is scientifically
rigorous and practically relevant. Engaged scholarship as preferred
methodological orientation builds on the cooperation of industrial and
academic partners.

The now open positions are supported by Europe´s Marie Curie Program
(Project no. 317382, A Networked and IT-enabled Firm’s Perspective on
Crisis Management) and complement a portfolio of 14 related on-going
research projects from multiple disciplinary backgrounds on the phenomenon
of “Crisis Management Networks”. Crisis Management Networks are formed to
respond to crisis situations. They emerge and are reconfigured rapidly
after a disaster, like Hurricane Katrina, a Tsunami, or a terror attack.
With the rapidly growing number and increasing cost of worldwide disasters
this phenomenon is practically relevant and calls for novel technological
and managerial solutions. At the same time it is theoretically interesting
and a benign object of study because of the scale, the impact and the
dynamics of crises. Individual projects focus on

- The governance of dynamic network
- The dynamics and organization of humanitarian logistics
- Entrepreneurial actors in Crisis Networks, and
- Information Systems for collaboration and coordination in networks

Position in Barcelona
The position in Barcelona is for a PostDoc position at the Innova
Institute. The Innova Institute is the research body of the Business
Engineering School at La Salle – Ramon Llull University. The PostDoc will
participate in leading the research projects of the Institute. Currently,
five PhD candidates develop their research activity in the Institute.

The research scope of the Innova Institute focuses on the challenges that
organizations face in the current dynamic competitive environment and how
these challenges can be addressed by proposing enhanced design and
implementation choices that allow improving organizational performance. Our
motivation is that new insights are needed to design and implement those
capabilities that organizations need. In this vein, at least three
environmental settings have been considered. We see new technologies
(social media, mobility, new ways of work) as drivers of the competitive
change and therefore one of the elements that conditions any further
analysis. In addition, organizations cannot remain competitive if they do
not co-operate, consequently network structures and coalitional settings
help to support collaboration among different firms and institutions.
Finally, turbulent and dynamic settings affect most competitive markets.
Current design and implementation efforts cannot be based on assumptions of
stable environments.

In this vein, crisis management is an application area of our research
work. Crises pose organizations to deal with extreme situations and to call
in question most of design and implementation settings to develop adequate
organizational capability models. Crises push organizations to coordinate
and collaborate with the rest of agents that are active in emergencies.
Crises generate adhoc or established networks of organizations that are
necessary to face disaster recovery endeavours. Crises foster organizations
to manage information generate by the public and, finally, within this
environment, crises force organizations to design and implement new sets of
capabilities that allow fulfilling better their governance models.

In designing and implementing those challenging capabilities, at least, two
perspectives are of primary interest for the Innova Institute researchers.
First, coordination in networked organizations needs to address design and
implementation requirements for inter- and intra-organizational
capabilities that can enhance governance models performance. Secondly,
extreme, dynamic, and fast responding environments foster to propose new
economic value, in this vein, participants in new venture creation
(entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, business model innovators) require new
insights to design and implement those capabilities that can succeed in
generating new governance models.

In concrete, it is expected that the successful candidate will analyse
implementation issues for a coordination and communication
platform/infrastructure for network governance models and propose
implementation models for a coordination and communication
platform/infrastructure for the networked governance model.

Position in Munich.

The position in Munich is for the co-head of the research lab “Decision
Support for Network Management” and its team of four Ph.D. candidates. The
research lab targets new theoretical and algorithmic solutions to improve
decision making in such dynamic networked situations. The candidate should
ideally have experience with engaged scholarship methodologies for
research, sometimes referred to as action research or living lab methods.

Decision making is undergoing fundamental change through two developments.
The first is the “Big Data” phenomenon, or – in this context – the end of
scarcity of planning data, which has been the dominant constraint to
planning in the past. Not long ago, data had to be fed manually into
computers with so low processing capability that the calculation time was
the limiting factor to support management decisions under time constraints.
Massive data from online databases now provide faster access to data and
rapidly growing sensor data provide a new quality of in-depth process data.
The second major change is the organizational transition from closed
organizational hierarchies to open networks through social media.
Communication and cooperation across organizational boundaries not only
creates new possibilities, but also reduces structural certainty for those
who make decisions and on what. High expectations in fact are often not
(yet) met by the performance of the new network organizations. Closing this
gap poses new challenges to management, operations, and decision science.

 Prominent application domains for networked decision science are highly
networked environment, which show high dynamics of structural change.
Crisis management is such environment, when global players rush into a
disaster theatre after a storm, war, or flood has hit and need to establish
their coordination while already engaging in the rescue and rebuilding
operation. “Smart” logistics and travel planning are another dynamic
network setting, where multiple modes of transport like car, train, ship,
or plane need be coordinated, and re-scheduled in real-time if travel
events require. Or, innovation describes economic network settings where
Schumpetrian entrepreneurs introduce structural dynamics that lead to
“market failure” as situations that are not easily explainable by
neo-classic theory.

In concrete, it is expected that the successful candidate will identify the
relevant characteristics for a living lab environment in crisis network
management, design living labs real-life demonstrator for crisis
management, and develop and implement a testing environment based on a
living lab setting.

What do we expect?

We are looking for excellent and highly motivated Post Doctoral researchers
from around the world, who are interested in developing an academic or
professional research career in the domain of NITIM, notably related to the
theoretical foundations and/or application domain. Applicants should have a
background in one or more of the following fields: innovation management,
technology management, information management, business administration,
entrepreneurship, engineering, and/or, computer science and should fulfil
admission requirements for a Post Doc position.

Candidates are expected to take initiative and responsibility in their
career development, in shaping their research, in teaching, in designing
and participating in international research projects, and in engaging in
the NITIM network and the academic community. Previous experience in fields
directly related to the specific position is a plus. Excellent research
skills and analytical abilities, proficiency in English (both spoken and
written), and proactive communication behaviour are required. Successful
candidates will join a cross-cultural and multi-disciplinary group of
researchers who are developing their activity under the umbrella of the
NITIM network.

What do we offer?

Labour contract

PostDocs will be employed for a period of two years longest until September
2016 by University BW Munich or LaSalle Barcelona.

Salaries for Post Docs candidates are about 4.000 Euro per month depending
on marital status and host country cost index (refer to the file “The
People Work Programme 2012”).

A European PostDoc program

We view Post Docs as young colleagues, who are building their own research
profile while enjoying distinct institutional and personal support. The
program is designed for career development and allows you to hone your
research and leadership skills on-the-job in an international research

The NITIM Graduate School Since 2005

The NITIM graduate school is a European-wide academic cooperation for Ph.D.
education that emerged from collaboration with CEMS, the Community of
European management schools. It has been studied by EUA the European
University association as a model for a networked European Ph.D. program
and is recognized by Europe´s Marie Curie people development program.

How to apply?

Eligibility and Selection Criteria:

Applicants for the Post Doc position should have a PhD degree in
engineering, computer science, business administration, management of
technology, or related fields and should have less than five years of
full-time equivalent research experience.

Applicants need a high level of proficiency in English, the program’s
working language.

For all applicants the EU rules of mobility will apply: The applicant may
not have lived for more than 12 cumulative months in the hosting country
during the 36 months preceding the recruitment date. Short holiday stays
are not counted. Candidates may be of any nationality. Candidates are
selected based on academic merits and the criteria set out in this position
offering. NITIM´s diversity policy aims at gender equality and a sustained
global international mix of the team.


Send your application no later than August 1st 2014 by email, to Prof.
Katzy, chairman of NITIM, Prof.Katzy at CeTIM.org, and Prof. Miralles,
fmiralles at salleurl.edu, the education dean of NITIM.

The application in English language should at least consist of the
- Motivation letter outlining previous research experience, research
interests and career perspective,
- Curriculum Vitae,
- Scanned copies of degree certificates,
- Proof of proficiency in English, e.g. TOEFL test, if English is not your
native language,
- At least one letter of reference and a list of three individuals who are
willing to provide a letter of reference.

Inquiries about the post should be sent to either Prof. Katzy for the
position in Munich or Prof. Miralles for the position in Barcelona.

Web links:

www.nitim.org – NITIM graduate school

http://ec.europa.eu/research/mariecurieactions/ - European Commission Marie
Curie Program

The People Work Programme 2012
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