[AISWorld] Faculty Position at the University of Alabama

Uzma Raja uraja at cba.ua.edu
Thu Aug 7 15:34:30 EDT 2014

The Culverhouse College of Commerce at The University of Alabama invites
applications for a tenure-track faculty position in Management Information
Systems starting January 1 or August 16, 2015 in the Department of
Information Systems, Statistics, and Management Science. Candidates must
have completed a doctorate in MIS or a related field by the start of the
appointment. An ideal candidate would demonstrate a proven ability to
produce high impact research and to excel in undergraduate and graduate
teaching. Candidates with interests in Business Analytics and Big Data are
especially encouraged to apply. Salary is competitive and commensurate with
experience and achievements. For consideration at the Associate or Full
Professor level, applicants must demonstrate a strong record of relevant
research and teaching appropriate for the level of appointment. Prior to
hiring, the candidate must successfully pass a pre-employment background

Applicants must apply online at https://facultyjobs.ua.edu and include a
one-page cover letter, curriculum vitae, one or two representative examples
of research papers, teaching evaluations (if available), and a list of
three references. Candidates for a junior tenure-track position should
apply to the Assistant Professor posting, and candidates seeking a senior
position should apply to the Associate/Full Professor posting.

The review of applications will begin immediately, and applications will be
accepted until October 15, 2014. All inquiries should be directed to the
search chair, Dr. Uzma Raja, at uraja at cba.ua.edu, (205)348-7688 or the
department chair, Dr. Chuck Sox, at csox at cba.ua.edu; (205) 348-8992.

The University of Alabama is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action
Employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

Representatives of the search committee: Dr. David Hale (dhale at cba.ua.edu),
Dr. Joanne Hale (jhale at cba.ua.edu), Dr. Clay Posey (cposey at cba.ua.edu) and
Dr. Uzma Raja (uraja at cba.ua.edu) will  be available at AMCIS for informal
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