[AISWorld] Enhance Your Time @ ICIS 2014 in Auckland – APPLY FOR THE JUNIOR FACULTY CONSORTIUM

Tuure Tuunanen tuure at tuunanen.fi
Fri Aug 29 04:24:24 EDT 2014

ICIS 2014 Junior Faculty Consortium
Sunday, 14 December 2014, 8:30 am – 4:30pm
The University of Auckland Business School
Invitation and Overview

Applications are invited from IS junior faculty to participate in the Junior Faculty Consortium which will take place on Sunday 14 December 2014 from 8:30am – 4:30pm. The event will be held at University of Auckland Business School Auckland, New Zealand.

The Junior Faculty Consortium revolves around panels, group-discussions, Q&A sessions with senior colleagues, and other interactive activities to promote active and successful membership in the international IS academic community. Each activity will be facilitated by a group of highly successful IS faculty from universities around the world in order to expose junior participants to a wide and nuanced set of successful experiences.

Topics that might be covered include: research strategies, publishing issues, building a network of colleagues, teaching strategies and issues, tenure pitfalls and experiences, time management, collegiality and academic norms, and work-life balance.

The consortium is intended to not only provide some answers, but to provoke you to think about your own personal issues and challenges to become successful in academia.


Eligible participants include all AIS members in their first four years in an academic position (including post-docs). The number of participants is limited in order to maintain the richness and intimacy of the experience.

Junior Faculty Consortium Co-Chairs

Prof. Guy Gable, Queensland Univ. of Technology
Prof. Tuure Tuunanen, Univ. of Jyväskylä

Junior Faculty Consortium - Keynote Speaker

Prof. Suprateek Sarker        

Junior Faculty Consortium - Mentors

Prof. Soon Ang                                  Nanyang Technological University
Prof. Ola Henfridsson                         University of Warwick
Prof. Wayne Huang                            Ohio University
Prof. Elena Karahanna                        University of Georgia
Prof. Hope Koch                                 Baylor University
Prof. TP Liang                                     National Sun Yat-Sen University
Prof. Jan Pries-Heje                            Roskilde University
Prof. Arun Rai                                    Georgia State University
Prof. Michael Rosemann                    Queensland University of Technology
Prof. Suprateek Sarker                       University of Virginia
Prof. Mikko Siponen                          University of Jyväskylä
Prof. Christina Soh                             Nanyang Technological University

Deadline for Application – September 15, 2014

You must submit your application for participation by September 15, 2014 via email to Tuure Tuunanen at Tuure at tuunanen.fi. Your application email must include the following information:
1.         First and Last Name.
2.         Affiliation (university, college, department, country where located).
3.         Rank and number of years in rank.
4.         Email address.
5.         Brief statement (a paragraph or two) about how you would benefit from the consortium and why it is important for you to participate at this time.
6.         If you have previously attended the ICIS Junior Faculty Consortium, please indicate what year(s) you attended.

Since the number of participants is limited, applications will be evaluated with the goal of having a diverse group of people who can benefit the most from the experience. We will strive for diversity across the globe and in years of experience. Applicants will receive confirmation of acceptance to attend the JFC by October 1, 2014.

Schedule and Counsellors

We will start promptly at 9:00 a.m. (following a welcome coffee from 8.30 to 9.00), so participants should plan on arriving the day before and be ready to participate in the full day of activities.
Program Outline

8:30am - 9:00am      Registration/ Coffee
9:00am - 9:15am      Welcome/Introductions
9:15am -10:45am     Topic #1: Speed Dating – Meet Your Mentors
10:45am - 11:15am  Coffee Break
11:00am - 12:00pm  Topic #2: Developing a Successful Research Program
                                 Keynote speech:  Prof. Suprateek Sarker
12:00pm - 1:00pm    Lunch
1:00pm - 2:00pm      Topic #3: Publication trade-offs – What/Where to Publish and with Who?
2:00pm - 3:00pm      Topic #4: Pedagogics and Curriculum Development
3:00pm - 3:15pm      Coffee Break
3:15pm - 4:15pm      Topic #5 Career Planning – What next?

4:15pm - 4:30pm      Wrap Up and Close


A small fee of US$ 65 is charged for participation in the Junior Faculty Consortium in order to cover some of the facility, lunch and coffee breaks. The fee is to be paid at the time of registration for ICIS (after your place in the Consortium has been confirmed). If you are attending the Consortium, you are required to register for the ICIS conference.

Contacting the Consortium Chairs

For questions, please contact one of the Junior Faculty Consortium co-chairs:
Guy Gable, g.gable at qut.edu.au
Tuure Tuunanen, tuure at tuunanen.fi

Please also see http://icis2014.aisnet.org/index.php/program/junior-faculty-consortium for further details.

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