[AISWorld] Electronic Markets - CfP Special Issue on "Emerging educational business models and marketplaces"

Electronic Markets editors at electronicmarkets.org
Wed Nov 26 11:17:26 EST 2014

- Apologies for cross-postings - 


Dear colleagues,


We would like to draw your attention to our call for papers for the special
issue on „Emerging educational business models and marketplaces". 


The submission deadline is April 15, 2015. The detailed CfP is copied below.


We cordially invite original research contributions to the special issue or
to general research on electronic markets and networked business from all
potential authors. Please note that general research articles can be
submitted anytime whereas special issue articles need to be submitted by the
deadline shown in the CfP.


Please feel free to forward this email to interested colleagues. If
questions arise regarding the submission deadline or potential topics,
please contact the editorial office [editors at electronicmarkets.org].


With best regards,

Carsta Militzer-Horstmann

Executive Editor




Electronic Markets - The International Journal on Networked Business


Call for Papers for Special Issue on 


„Emerging educational business models and marketplaces"



Guest Editors


* Ricardo Colomo-Palacios, Faculty of Computer Sciences, Østfold University
College, Norway,  <mailto:ricardo.colomo-palacios at hiof.no>
ricardo.colomo-palacios at hiof.no

* Francisco José García-Peñalvo, Computer Science Department, Research
Institute for Educational Sciences, University of Salamanca, Spain,
<mailto:fgarcia at usal.es> fgarcia at usal.es

* Robert D. Tennyson, Educational Psychology at the University of Minnesota,
USA,  <mailto:rtenny at umn.edu> rtenny at umn.edu

* Tokuro Matsuo, Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology, Tokyo
Metropolitan University, Japan,  <mailto:tokuro at tokuro.net>
tokuro at tokuro.net




Stephen Downes and George Siemens created the first Massive Open Online
Course (MOOC) back in 2008. However, the popularity of the term grew up
dramatically when, three years later, Stanford University launched the
“Introduction to Artificial Intelligence” course by Sebastian Thrun and
Peter Norvig. In this course, more than 160,000 students were enrolled. From
their early beginnings, MOOCs were involved into a critical discourse, with
passionate advocates that claimed for a new era of Higher Education with a
probably withdraw of most of the current universities, and ferocious
detractors that express their outright rejection for a model that was based
on the worst online learning practices.

However, in the middle of these opposite points of view, one key element was
not popular in research literature: the economic model or the sustainability
of the MOOC movement as a whole and eLearning in general. The topic is not
trivial, especially when the “open education” concept is in the roots of the
MOOCs and “open” is understood in a wrong way as “free” by a large majority
of the educational community.

On the other hand, now that MOOCs appear to have reached the downward slope
of the “hype cycle”, other models have recently emerged on the fringes of
Higher Education and Professional and Corporate training. These models are
promising more disruptive innovation and perhaps are related to a certain
context of crisis in Higher Education worldwide. Thus, professor-less models
or not-for-profit models are appearing in different countries with different
approaches and goals.

Independently of extremist and radical opinions, in both sides of the
spectrum, the interest about MOOCs has really created a context in which
Higher Education institutions are thinking about the educational, business,
market and funding models. Apart from that, a more mature technology is
providing new opportunities for the development of new networked business
models for open online courses, including MOOCs.

Thus, the purpose of this special issue is pursuing innovative business
models enabled by electronic platforms and identifying opportunities related
to newly emerging educational business models and marketplaces.
Specifically, the special issue will explore:

•             New platforms and marketplaces for new ways of learning

•             Open education impacts on higher education and professional
and corporate training business models.

•             New business models for education and training.

•             Changes in the educational marketplace and implications for

Due to the crucial importance of education in current society, more
attention should be paid to the role of technology in facilitating and
managing the new business models as well as in the design of new platforms
and marketplaces. On the one hand, for Information Systems researchers, this
special issue offers a chance to address challenges related to the design,
management and exploitation of these new business models from a technical
perspective. On the other hand, for business researchers interested in new
avenues of research related to the exploitation of platforms and
marketplaces, it provides a room to investigate if business models in the
educational arena have been disrupted by MOOC-like movements as well as new



Central topics


Editors invite researchers to submit original papers that include empirical,
analytical, design-oriented, or conceptual approaches that are relevant for
this important topic and provide new insights for theory and practice.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

•             Emerging educational business models

•             Technologies and platforms supporting new business models

•             New technological platforms and marketplaces in the field of

•             Learning exchange platforms and hubs

•             Acceptance, adoption, diffusion, and infusion of new
educational business models

•             Massive online education business models

•             Implications of MOOCS in learning marketplaces

•             Impact of MOOC models on traditional higher education and
corporate training

•             Policy, strategy, management of emerging educational business

•             Business processes in new educational business models

•             Commercial case studies on new educational platforms and

Methodological and theoretical pluralism is part of the journal’s policy. We
welcome submissions using qualitative or quantitative methods. We also would
like to encourage submissions of interdisciplinary work by authors from
different areas. If authors have any questions regarding the suitability of
their work for this special issue, whether topical or methodological, they
should not hesitate to contact (one of) the guest editors.




Prospective authors should prepare and submit manuscripts according to the
guidelines published at
http://www.electronicmarkets.org/authors/general-information/. All
manuscripts that meet the scope of this special issue will be peer reviewed
and should conform to Electronic Markets publication standards.
Methodological and theoretical pluralism (empirical or theoretical work,
qualitative research, design science, prototypes, etc.) is welcome by the
journal. All submissions should be original, not published nor under review
elsewhere. If you would like to discuss any aspect of the special theme,
please contact the guest editors for the special issue. Submission must be
in English and should consist of 3,500 to 6,500 words. Articles must be
submitted via the electronic submission system at  <http://elma.edmgr.com>

Papers will be evaluated on their general merit, relevance to industry, and
contribution to Business models in Online Education and Corporate Training.
All papers will be rigorously refereed by 2-3 reviewers. Submission of a
manuscript to this special issue implies that no similar paper is already
accepted or will be submitted to any other conference or journal


Important deadline


* Submission Deadline: April 15, 2015


The CfP is also available on our website at





Electronic Markets - The International Journal on Networked Business

Editors-in-Chief: Rainer Alt, Leipzig University and Hubert Österle,
University of St. Gallen 

Executive Editor: Carsta Militzer-Horstmann, Leipzig University


Editorial Office:

Electronic Markets - The International Journal on Networked Business c/o
Information Systems Institute, Leipzig University

04109 Leipzig, Germany

Phone +49 341 9733600

Fax +49 341 9733612

E-mail:  <mailto:editors at electronicmarkets.org>
editors at electronicmarkets.org





Electronic Markets is a SSCI-listed academic journal and published quarterly
by Springer. ISSN: 1019-6781 (Paper) 1422-8890 (Online).




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