[AISWorld] Call for Submissions, OCIS PDWs, AOM 2015

Emmanuelle Vaast, Dr emmanuelle.vaast at mcgill.ca
Tue Dec 30 12:11:22 EST 2014

Organizational Communication & Information Systems (OCIS) PDW Call for Submissions

Organizational Communication & Information Systems (OCIS)

PDW Chair: Emmanuelle Vaast, McGill University, ocispdw at gmail.com<mailto:ocispdw at gmail.com>

2015 OCIS Professional Development Workshops: Call for Proposals

Proposals are invited for Professional Development Workshops (PDWs) for the Academy of Management Meeting to be held in Vancouver, BC, Canada, 7-11 August 2015. PDW sessions are an opportunity to be innovative, discuss unresolved questions, learn (or teach) best practices in teaching and research, debate future directions for our field and organize novel activities that bring the expertise and experience of OCIS members to bear on the challenges that we all face in our daily professional lives.

PDW sessions (to be held on Friday and Saturday 7-8 August 2015) might include lectures, workshops, tutorials invited speakers, town hall meetings, debates, tours and any other activity that will help members develop their professional skills. We welcome proposals for activities that will challenge and strengthen the members of the OCIS community. Proposals will be evaluated on their ability to draw an audience (from OCIS and across the Academy), innovativeness and potential impact on the professional success of participants.

We particularly seek proposals that address the conference theme: Opening Governance<http://aom.org/annualmeeting/theme/>. For example, a PDW might invite participants to reflect upon how new Information and Communication Technologies create new opportunities for effective and innovative processes within and among organizations, as well as upon how creativity and control get enmeshed and transformed in the era of open innovation and governance.

If you are interested in proposing a PDW session or helping with the OCIS Doctoral or Junior Faculty Consortia, you are invited to contact the OCIS PDW chair before 15 December 2014 so we can work with you to develop the idea. All proposals for PDW activities must be submitted through the AOM submission website (http://aom.org/annualmeeting/submission/) by January 13, 2015, 5PM ET (NY Time).

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