[AISWorld] MIS Quarterly Seeks Nominations for Editor-in-Chief (Due date: June 1, 2015)

Jan DeGross degro003 at umn.edu
Wed May 6 15:43:06 EDT 2015

The Policy Committee of the MIS Quarterly invites nominations from the 
IS community for the position of Editor-in-Chief. Nominations, in the 
form of a letter of support from the nominator, are due on June 1, 
2015.  Nominations may be submitted to any member of the MISQ Policy 
Committee (Alok Gupta, alok at umn.edu; Virpi Tuunainen, 
virpi.tuunainen at aalto.fi; Detmar Straub, straubdetmar at gmail.com; Gautam 
Ray, rayxx153 at umn.edu; or Paulo Goes, pgoes at eller.arizona.edu), with a 
copy to misq.eicsearch at gmail.com.

For information on the nomination process, selection process, and time 
lines, go to http://misq.org/.

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