[AISWorld] Transforming Assessment webinars: recording 9 Sep and next session 7 Oct (Outdoor sensors for realtime data in e-learning activities) - [AISWORLD]

Mathew Hillier m.hillier at uq.edu.au
Thu Sep 10 21:26:06 EDT 2015

Transforming Assessment Update: webinar recording 9 Sep and next session 7 Oct (Outdoor sensors for realtime data in e-learning activities)

Transforming Assessment Webinar Update
[Via AISWORLD - this is not direct email - apologies for any cross posting]

1) Recording released form 9 Sep "What can we do with assessment analytics?"
2) Next Session 7 Oct "Outdoor sensors for realtime data in e-learning activities"
3) Reminder: Call for papers "Using e-Assessment to enhance student learning and evidence learning outcomes"
4) Call for 2016 presenters for Transforming Assessment webinars.

Please forward to interested colleagues!


1) Recording released: "What can we do with assessment analytics?" (held 9 Sep), presented by A/Prof. Cath Ellis (University of New South Wales, Australia) and Dr. Rachel Forsyth (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK).
View the recording and download resources via

2) Next Session: 7 Oct "Outdoor sensors for realtime data in e-learning activities".
Webinar presenter: A/Prof. Kim Bryceson (University of Queensland, Australia)

Students today use electronic equipment to access information as never before. This session explores the idea that the availability of real time biophysical data from strategically placed outdoor multi-sensor mesh networks on the University of Queensland Gatton Campus and Farm Enterprises - and using these to develop problem based e-learning modules, will bring the outside biophysical environment into the students’ world in an interactive, constantly changing and engaging visual way. This approach to bringing the environment into the classroom is applicable to multiple disciplines including environmental science, agriculture, building and construction, mining and transport, where real-time environmental data feeds could add greatly to the authenticity of learning activities and assessment tasks.

Sessions are hosted by Professor Geoffrey Crisp, Dean Learning and Teaching, RMIT University and Dr Mathew Hillier, Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation, University of Queensland, Australia (Monash University from 5 Oct).

Starting UTC 07:00am (5PM Eastern Australian standard) time for 1 hour.Further information, time zone conversions and registration via

3) Reminder: Call for papers "Using e-Assessment to enhance student learning and evidence learning outcomes" - Universities and Knowledge Society JournalSubmission deadline: 15 September 2015Further information

4) Call for 2016 presenters:
Academics and professional staff interested in presenting innovations and experiences related to e-Assessment in higher and further education are encouraged to email their topic and preferred month to mathew.hillier[at]monash.edu (replace [at] with @).
Most sessions occur on the first Wednesday of the month starting at UTC 07:00 (5PM Eastern Australian standard) time. Note we prefer interactive sessions in the style of 'by academics for academics' exploring coal face experiences rather than vendor presentations.


Further information:
The Transforming Assessment webinars are part of a series of free events covering a range of e-assessment topics.Further information on this and future events, recordings of past sessions, project information and participation/technical help on using the virtual seminar system can be found on our website at transformingassessment.com

Support for this activity has been provided by the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (as the 'e-Assessment SIG'), the Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching, RMIT University and the University of Queensland. The views expressed in this publication/activity do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsoring institutions.


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Dr Mathew Hillier
University of Queensland, Australia
5 Oct 2015 onwards: Monash University (Melbourne, Australia).
Transforming Assessment

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