[AISWorld] AIS Global IS Education Report 2016 / Help

vom Brocke Jan jan.vom.brocke at uni.li
Wed Feb 17 11:52:41 EST 2016

Dear colleagues

We are writing to you regarding the AIS Global IS Education Report 2016. We announced the report via AIS World several times in 2015, including an open call for participation to all IS degree programs.

The link below allows you to access the current version of the AIS Global IS Education Report 2016 as we were able to compile it based on the input from the community:


We want to thank all institutions for participating. However, data is still incomplete. Although there are already 41 programs registered from Europe, you will see that the current coverage is not representative, with, for example, only 11 programs included from the US, 3 from Australia, 1 from Russia, 0 from China, 0 from the UK, etc. More programs submitted their data on the online platform EDUglopedia, but only a few of them finally met the completeness criteria for inclusion in the AIS Global IS Education Report 2016.

Because AIS intends to disseminate the report to stakeholders around the world to demonstrate the strength and impact of IS education, we are worried about the impression the report might give in its current stage.  Therefore, we would like to ask your help once again, and we extend the opportunity to register your program until Feb 28, 2016.

Registration is easy via the platform www.eduglopedia.org.

To be included in the AIS Global IS Education Report 2016, the following information needs to be provided by your institution:
- Name
- Abstract
- Logo (Profile & Banner)
- Address
- Website

Further, we are only able to include institutions that have registered at least one program with:
- Name
- Abstract
- Highlights

We kindly ask your support. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Kind regards

Jan vom Brocke, University of Liechtenstein
Bernard Tan, National University of Singapore
Heikki Topi, Bentley University
Markus Weinmann, University of Liechtenstein

AIS Global IS Education Report 2016 (Eds.)

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