[AISWorld] Call for papers [DSCA at ADBIS2016]

Ajantha Dahanayake ajanthadahanayake at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 26 04:26:07 EDT 2016



DataCentered Smart Applications Workshop at ADBIS2016
August 28, 2016, 
Prague, Czech RepublicDCSA website: www.is.informatik.uni-kiel.de/en/is/events/dcsa2016adbis/

EasyChair Login for DCSA'2016:https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dcsa2016
Workshop in collaboration with 
The 20th international conference of Advanced Data Bases andInformation Systems 2016
(http://adbis2016.vsb.cz/ ) ADBIS 2016
August 28 – 31, 2016

Prague, Czech Republic
  Massive data collections and theusage of that data for smart applications has become the key to the process forimproving the efficiency, reliability, and security of a traditionalapplication. There are many issues that should be taken into consideration asthe first step: (a) Modeling, analytics and design of data and smartapplications, (b) Metadata, ontologies, vocabularies perspectives, (c) Semanticweb for smart applications, (d) Applications of existing technologies, etc. The classical approach where peoplehad to learn how equipment can be used is not appropriate anymore. Applicationsare only accepted if they are natural to the users. In the past, research triedparticipatory design based on some knowledge of the main users, their way ofoperating systems and their main desires and demands. This research andtechnology development must however be extended by tools that can be used in anintuitive way, within many different cultures, within a variety of deploymentscenarios, within a group of people deploying the techniques, within differentcollaboration scenarios, and within different levels of attention. Cities,regions, application will not become directly intelligent and useful.Smart application can be based on: Highquality content,Often updated, withMinimal effort, e.g. download and processing time and space, and Easeof use. Therefore, we need applications that do not require additionaltraining, are simple to operate, are obvious to operate, are simple foreverybody, straightforward, within expectation, provide services and features,context-sensitive help, selection of wording, simple dialogues and tasks, andare simple to remember, error robust, reliable, of high quality. Applicationsare becoming SMART if they are Simple in any stepof usage, are Motivational for any user, are Attainable for the goalsthe user has in mind, tend to be Rewardingsince they seem to be worthwhile, right time, match efforts and needs, and Time-efficient within thelimits and expectations of all members of the community of practice. This setof criteria can be considered as a lacuna of challenges that novel systems mustmeet. The concept of smart applicationsincludes various aspects such as environmental sustainability, socialsustainability, regional competitiveness, natural resources management,cybersecurity, and quality of life improvement. With the massive deployment ofnetworked smart devices and sensors, unprecedented large amounts of sensorydata can be collected and processed by advanced computing paradigms which aretoday the enabling techniques for smart applications. For example, givenhistorical, environmental, population and economic information, salientmodelling and analytics are needed to simulate the impact of potentialapplication development strategies, which will be critical for intelligentdecision making. Analytics are indispensable for discovering the underlyingstructure from retrieved data in order to design the optimal policies for realtime automatic control in the cyber-physical smart system. The uncertaintiesand security concerns in the data collected from heterogeneous resourcesaggravate the problem, making smart planning, operation, monitoring and controlhighly challenging. To address some of those concernsif not all the 2nd International Work-shop on Data CenteredSmart Applications (DCSA 2016) is proposed with the aimto provide a platform for exchanging empirical and theoretical research resultsabout DCSA problems and solutions. The topics of interest for thisworkshop include, but are not limited to:

·      Theories, Methods,Techniques, Applications, and Usage of:·      Modeling,analytics and design of data-centered SMART applications·      Systemadaptation according current needs, life circumstances and  culture·      Enhancementof database technology and techniques for SMART applications·      SMARTdata-intensive applications for users based on semantic web ·      Collaborativebehavior management·      Environmental,privacy and social issues of data centered SMART systems ·      User requirements and engineering life cycle for data centeredSMART systems·      User-aware supportative and intelligent systems·      Intelligent responsive systems·      Learning systems based on cognitive modelling and knowledgeintegration·      Semantic Web content creation, annotation, and extraction·      Use of common vocabularies for smart applications·       Reasoningstrategies for derivation of SMART systems·       Robustand scalable knowledge management and reasoning on the Web·       Machinelearning and NLP techniques for SMART applications·      Bigdata modeling and analytics for SMART systems ·      Sensortechnology and sensor-data processing for support in everyday life ·      Ambientassistant living and healthy well supported aging ·      Data-intensivesupport for social media and crowdsourcing ·      Designand implementation of (embedded) data centered systems ·      SMARTcyber-physical systems for human assistance·      SMARTelectrical vehicle, SMART building and SMART home·      SMART municipality/public services and SMART cities·      Tourist services, museums, digital libraries and other SMARTservices·      Integration of personal, virtual and physical data collections·      Data support for SMART personal home and workspaces·      Mobile and web-based guides  The aim of the DCSAWorkshop is to bring together Computer Science and information systems experts,and more precisely Data Scientists, involved in smart applications engineering.The goal is to exchange experiences, build a state of the art of realizations,challenges, reuse and adapt solutions that have been proposed in other domains.There are no conferences focusing on the data centered smart applications,except the conferences and workshops on big data and smart cities in their ownright. IMPORTANTDATESDeadline for paper submission:April 20 2016
Notifications to authors: May 20 2016
Camera-ready paper: June 12 2016Workshops: August 28-30th 2016Main Conference: August 28-31th2016  ORGANIZERSAjantha Dahanayake (Prince SultanUniversity, Saudi Arabia)
Bernhard Thalheim (Christian Albrechts University, Germany) PROGRAMCOMMITTEE Margita Kon-Popovska, (Ss Cyril andMethodious University in Skopje, Macedonea)Elio Masciari (Universita`della Calabria Via Pietro Bucci, Italy)Heinrich C. Mayr (Alpen-Adria-UniversitätKlagenfurt)Jari Porras (LappeenrantaUniversity of Technology, Finland)Henk Sol (GroningenUniversity, The Netherlands)Bernhard Thalheim (Christian-Albrechts University, Kiel, Germany)Mario Pichler  (SoftwareCompetence Center, Austria)Isabella Watteau (ConservatoireNational des Arts et Métiers, and ESSC, France) Ajantha Dahanayake (Prince SultanUniversity, Saudi Arabia)Naofumi Yoshida (Komazawa University,Japan)Antje Düsterhöft (Hochschule Wismar, Germany)SamiraSi-Saïd (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, France)Klaus-Dieter Schewe (SoftwareCompetence Center, Austria)  DurationThe workshop covers three sessionsof 90 minutes on a single day. Paper submission proceduresPapers will be subject to peerreview by at least three members of an international program committee. The workshop website (https://www.is.informatik.uni-kiel.de/events/dcsa2016adbis/) is maintained by Christian Albrechts University in Kiel,Germany and uses the EasyChair paper submission and review system. DCSA will include main and shortpapers into the LNCS proceedings published by Springer in the Advances inIntelligent Systems and Computing series (http://www.springer.com/series/11156). The expected length of DCSA papers are 11 pages according tothe general policy.  For each accepted paper at least oneauthor will have to register for the workshop and the conference in order topublish the paper in the LNCS proceedings. 

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