[AISWorld] Senior Scholars Best Paper Awards: Call for Nominations

George, Joey F [SCIS] jfgeorge at iastate.edu
Wed Apr 13 01:04:59 EDT 2016

Dear Colleagues,

I am reaching out to editors-in-chief of information systems journals and area editors in IS for related journals.  If you are an editor, then it is that time of year again - time to nominate your journal's best paper of 2015 for the Senior Scholars Best Papers Awards.  If you are a senior editor or associate editor at an IS journal, please remind your EIC that he or she is encouraged to nominate a published paper for the awards.

We will  be presenting the "Best IS Publications of the Year Awards" to five journal papers published in 2015. The official award notifications will be made at a ceremony at ICIS 2016 in December in Dublin, Ireland. The five best papers will not be ranked.

The pertinent information follows:

*Seeking nominations*

Editors-in-chief (EiCs) may nominate one IS paper from their journal published during 2015 by sending a PDF to me, Joey George (jfgeorge at iastate.edu<http://lists.aisnet.org/mailman/listinfo/aisworld_lists.aisnet.org>).

EICs may not nominate papers for which they also serve as author.

*Nomination deadline is June 15, 2016. *

*Award criteria*

Papers must contribute to the IS field rather than simply refer to computing.

The award will reflect the paper's contribution to theory in the IS field, its contribution to practice in the IS field, the uniqueness/originality of its ideas, and the quality of its arguments.


Members of the Best IS Publications of the Year Awards committee will select the five best papers (single blind) from the set of papers nominated.  Each nominated paper will be reviewed by three senior scholars who have no conflicts of interest with either the authors of the paper or the journal in which it was published.


We herewith invite EICs to nominate one IS paper from their journal published in 2015 for the "Best IS Publications of the Year Awards". Please send the paper in PDF format to me, Joey George (jfgeorge at iastate.edu<mailto:jfgeorge at iastate.edu>), on or before June 15, 2016.

Thanks very much.  We look forward to receiving your nominations.


Joey George

On behalf of the awards committee: Dov Te'eni & Shirley Gregor & myself

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