[AISWorld] 16th International Conference of Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer2016)

Mr. Harsha Perera hdp at ucsc.cmb.ac.lk
Wed May 11 03:52:37 EDT 2016


We are pleased to announce that the 16th International Conference of
Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer2016) will be held from 1st to 3
rd September 2016 in Negombo, Sri Lanka.

 ICTer is technically co-sponsored by IEEE Sri Lanka section and is the
successor to the seminal International Information Technology Conference
(IITC) held in Sri Lanka since 1998. The ICTer conference is a unique
opportunity for researcher and practitioners alike to present research and
development activities in the Computer Science and Information and
Communication Technology domains. The Proceedings of the conference will be
published in book form and all presented papers and abstracts will be
submitted to IEEE Xplore. Selected papers will be invited for publication
in the special issue of the ICTer Journal (journal.icter.org).

Submission Schedule for full papers and abstracts;

Round 1: Submission Deadline 18th April 2016. Notification including review
comments will be provided on or after 20th May 2016.

Round 2: Submission Deadline 23rd May 2016. Notification including review
comments will be provided on or after 24th June 2016.

Final Manuscript due date and Author registration Deadline: 25th July 2016.

All presented papers and abstracts will be submitted to IEEE Xplore.

All inquiries about the submission of the papers should be made to:

E-mail: info at icter.org, Phone: +94-11-2581245-7, +94-11-2581248,  Fax:
WebSite: http://icter.org/conference/

Thank you.
Best Regards,
Harsha Perera
​Media Coordinator
ICTer2016 - Main Organizing Committee​
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