[AISWorld] Open enrollment online 24/7 PLS path modeling course

Geoffrey Hubona ghubona at gmail.com
Thu Jul 28 09:22:17 EDT 2016

​I have published an open enrollment (and no-cost) online course with a
Certificate of Completion on Udemy that covers the conceptual foundations
of PLS path modeling. The course currently has 982 students and an average
student review rating of 4.5 out of 5.0. With 90 video lessons, the course
is NOT software-specific and covers in detail such topics as:

How does the PLS algorithm 'work'? What are the differences between the
outer measurement and inner structural models in a path model with latent
variables? What are the fundamental distinctions between formative and
reflective constructs? What can one determine about direct, indirect, and
total effects? How do you estimate mediating and moderating effects? What
do path coefficients, weights and loadings tell you about the underlying
data relationships? What are latent variable ‘scores’ or values? What do
the predictive levels of variance explained in the endogenous latent
variables actually mean? And other topics . . .

The course is hosted on Udemy and offers a Certificate of Completion to
anyone who completes the course. If you register for the course, you have
access to it forever, 24/7, anywhere in the world with an Internet
connection, and on any device: smart phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop

Register here:


Best, Geoffrey Hubona, Ph.D.

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