[AISWorld] CFP: Information Systems Management (ISM) SIG LEAD Special Issue

Eom, Mike eom at up.edu
Wed Sep 21 11:53:34 EDT 2016

Dear all colleagues and IS researchers,
This is the 4th call for papers.

AIS SIG LEAD and ISM are proudly announce its special issue and ask you to consider submitting your quality works to this issue http://explore.tandfonline.com/cfp/est/uism-cfp-2.2016<https://mail.up.edu/owa/redir.aspx?REF=05QJukWnDF_iPaESc76n_fhSNRDiPT3p6cfVxWq2cJQgXAxqRn_TCAFodHRwczovL21haWwudXAuZWR1L293YS9yZWRpci5hc3B4P1JFRj0zaXE3X1pfRUtwUUx6R042dGVnalFCQzhDZHdwdm5mX2ZwaDJXdnNTX1hEX0VTTzlybjNUQ0FGb2RIUndPaTh2Wlhod2JHOXlaUzUwWVc1a1ptOXViR2x1WlM1amIyMHZZMlp3TDJWemRDOTFhWE50TFdObWNDMHlMakl3TVRZLg..>!

In collaboration with Information Systems Management (ISM) journal, Association for Information Systems (AIS) Special Interest Group on IS Leadership (SIG LEAD) proudly presents the 2017 ISM SIG LEAD Special Issue. This special issue is in line with the mission of the AIS SIG LEAD to:

Create a forum for the discussion, exchange, and dissemination of information on IS Leadership in the areas of:

  *   IS Leadership - CIOs and other senior leaders
  *   IS Professional Development - IS employees/internal workforce
  *   IS Professional Services - IS consultants and contractors/external workforce
  *   Encourage and promote the study of IS leadership
As information technology (IT) has been assuming a greater strategic role in today’s businesses, the role of Information Systems (IS) executives is more important than ever.  The complexities of emerging technologies, interdependencies and intricacies of business operations and processes, and a constantly changing business environment present great challenges to IS executives in setting directions, creating commitment, adapting their IT unit, and fitting the organization’s business goals.
Accordingly, IS leadership is an enduring concern for IS research, practice, and education. For this special issue, topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

  *   Educating and developing IS leaders
  *   Creating sustainable IS leadership
  *   IS leadership research
  *   IS leadership readiness assessment
  *   Attributes of effective IS leaders
  *   IS technological leadership
  *   Impact of IS leadership on firm performance
  *   Types of IS leadership
  *   IS consulting
  *   Emerging issues to leaders and professionals (i.e. impact of cloud or big data on the profession)
Guest Editors: James Denford, Royal Military College of Canada: jim.denford at rmc.ca<https://mail.up.edu/owa/redir.aspx?REF=lMrACZQO2ScMOizwEybF5NCZTZjHHuuK5QM5IVeW1HUgXAxqRn_TCAFodHRwczovL21haWwudXAuZWR1L293YS9yZWRpci5hc3B4P1JFRj0ybHJ0Q1pEV3l1S0Q1Z3dyVlBpNE1TblQ2WXNFWHlGbXNDRVp2b25INVczX0VTTzlybjNUQ0FGdFlXbHNkRzg2YW1sdExtUmxibVp2Y21SQWNtMWpMbU5o> Jennifer Gerow, Virginia Military Institute: gerowje at vmi.edu<https://mail.up.edu/owa/redir.aspx?REF=zP3CKwYioaL65n3CrovC2Qbk8kVNhZoaQ0NgzKOyL7kgXAxqRn_TCAFodHRwczovL21haWwudXAuZWR1L293YS9yZWRpci5hc3B4P1JFRj1EN20tNEhSaDZuNG81OVdTX1M2SE9tT0FMTVpoODF6dU9xRl9VVXkyUUxEX0VTTzlybjNUQ0FGdFlXbHNkRzg2WjJWeWIzZHFaVUIyYldrdVpXUjE.> Mike Taein Eom, University of Portland: eom at up.edu<https://mail.up.edu/owa/redir.aspx?REF=f61y8JQMWEBA1Nwf_rbKBfU76M3SqlBmxYc96azpnZggXAxqRn_TCAFodHRwczovL21haWwudXAuZWR1L293YS9yZWRpci5hc3B4P1JFRj1SRHBuVmk0YWtfMWtxeE56R0FhdjJaanprbjE4VDhDZUNnUzlKOERrNjliX0VTTzlybjNUQ0FGdFlXbHNkRzg2Wlc5dFFIVndMbVZrZFEuLg..>

Submission Guidelines
Authors are invited to prepare original manuscripts with about 9,600 words and 4 tables/figures. The rest should conform to the ‘Instructions for Authors’: http://www.tandfonline.com/action/authorSubmission?journalCode=uism20&page=instructions<https://mail.up.edu/owa/redir.aspx?REF=8WUnhGhWWfTeRrGUNghEUR-2UWWd445lRGVNZh6oJiUgXAxqRn_TCAFodHRwczovL21haWwudXAuZWR1L293YS9yZWRpci5hc3B4P1JFRj1Oc1ptLVlobW8yQ0cxQVVZWXdkS3p3dVlDejZlaVB4ZWRLSDhCM1V4TllqX0VTTzlybjNUQ0FGb2RIUndPaTh2ZDNkM0xuUmhibVJtYjI1c2FXNWxMbU52YlM5aFkzUnBiMjR2WVhWMGFHOXlVM1ZpYldsemMybHZiajlxYjNWeWJtRnNRMjlrWlQxMWFYTnRNakFtY0dGblpUMXBibk4wY25WamRHbHZibk0u>.
Papers should be written in grammatically correct and coherent American English. Manuscripts submitted should not be currently under review by another journal or by a book-length publication.  All submitted papers must also represent original work and should fully reference/describe all prior work on the same subject and compare the submitted paper to that work. Papers awaiting presentation or already presented at conferences must be revised with feedback received at the conference in order to receive consideration (presentation at a conference should be indicated in the acknowledgements).  All papers will be refereed through a double-blind peer review process with at least one guest editor assigned. All submissions must provide:

  *   full author names and affiliations
  *   brief author bios (max of 100 words each)
  *   an email address for the corresponding author
  *   an abstract (max of 75 words)
  *   at least 3 keywords
  *   complete and correct references formatted appropriately
Prospective authors are welcome to submit an abstract to the Guest Editors for preliminary feedback on the appropriateness of their planned manuscript.
Submit your work through the online submission system, ScholarOne Manuscript (https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/uism<https://mail.up.edu/owa/redir.aspx?REF=hbREAbOUn9g3K3-cv-i7tNDPCT9M7XwUt4HxWgC54h0gXAxqRn_TCAFodHRwczovL21haWwudXAuZWR1L293YS9yZWRpci5hc3B4P1JFRj0wYXA2ZlFOOHJXTUN6Q21JbkpLaWhwMkVZYkFxNW14VkFDVHNmRHMwYU9IX0VTTzlybjNUQ0FGb2RIUndjem92TDIxakxtMWhiblZ6WTNKcGNIUmpaVzUwY21Gc0xtTnZiUzkxYVhOdA..>), in which submitting author must indicate the paper is for the SIG LEAD special issue. The submission deadline is October 15, 2016.


Thanks and God Bless,

Mike Eom
Mike (Tae-In) Eom, Ph.D.
Emerald Distinguished Professor of Operations & Technology Management
Associate Professor of Information Systems
President-Elect, AIS SIG LEAD
Franz Hall 412,
Pamplin School of Business Administration,
The University of Portland,
5000 N. Willamette Blvd.,
Portland, OR 97203, USA
Phone: 503-943-7185
Fax: 503-943-8041
Email: eom at up.edu<mailto:eom at up.edu>
Webpage: http://www.up.edu/dir/directory/showperson.aspx?id=001010146
UP OTM: http://business.up.edu/default.aspx?cid=9910&pid=456
AIS SIG LEAD: https://www.linkedin.com/grp/home?gid=6992925

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