[AISWorld] Inviting Mini-track Proposals to AMCIS 2017 Track on "Information Systems and Positive Organizational Scholarship"

Sutirtha Chatterjee suti.chatterjee at gmail.com
Mon Oct 10 13:49:26 EDT 2016

Dear Colleagues,

We invite you to submit mini-track proposals for a new AMCIS 2017 track.
This track, *Information Systems and Positive Organizational Scholarship*,
is aimed at encouraging research that blends unique strengths of the IS
discipline with a focus on positive human conditions, such as resilience,
compassion, humility, loyalty, and so on. More track details are available


Mini-track chairs will be responsible for (a) promoting their mini track to
generate manuscript submissions to AMCIS 2017; (b) soliciting and assigning
reviewers for manuscripts submitted to the mini track; (c) providing a
summary report to authors based on reviews; (d) making recommendations to
track chairs about each manuscript submitted to the mini track; and (e)
nominating best papers and reviewers.

The deadline for mini-track proposals is Monday, October 17, 2016.

Details on how to submit mini-track proposals can be found on the AMCIS
2017 website call for mini-tracks:


Please feel free to contact any of this track's co-chairs if you have
questions.  We look forward to your participation to make this new track a
vital opportunity for positively-focused IS research.  Thank you for your

Best Wishes,

H. Kevin Fulk, *hkfulk at tarleton.edu <hkfulk at tarleton.edu>*

Suranjan Chakraborty, *schakraborty at towson.edu <schakraborty at towson.edu>*

Sutirtha Chatterjee, *sutirtha.chatterjee at unlv.edu
<sutirtha.chatterjee at unlv.edu>*

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