[AISWorld] Professorship in Network-based Information Systems, FU Berlin

Lutz Prechelt prechelt at inf.fu-berlin.de
Mon Oct 10 13:35:45 EDT 2016

Freie Universität Berlin
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
invites applications for a tenured
Professorship in Practical Computer Science focusing on 
network-based Information Systems (salary grade W 2)

Appointment requirements are governed by Article 100 of the 
Berlin Higher Education Act (Berliner Hochschulgesetz).

Successful candidates will have a track record of
international teaching and excellent research activities in
the area of decentrally managed information systems with a
broad spectrum of possible issues of technical and
socio-technical topics, such as scaling, robustness,
consistency, heterogeneity, security, data harnessing,
collaboration, community building, and community care. The
appointee will have experience with acquiring and
implementing externally funded research
programs. Additionally, experience with field research and
successful industry cooperations are desirable.

The selectee will strengthen the integration of Computer
Science with other research areas of Freie Universität
Berlin, and foster cooperations especially with colleagues
of the Social Sciences. Desirably, the professor should
define and acquire funding for an interdisciplinary research
training group in the near future.

Applications quoting the reference code W2 NetzInfSys should
include a CV, copies of all certificates of academic
qualification, a list of publications and working papers,
evidence of teaching competence (such as courses previously
taught) as well as of involvement in ongoing and future
research endeavors, joint research projects and externally
funded projects. One's three best publications relevant for
this position should be attached. If applicable,
applications should also include information on industrial
co-operations, inventions/patents and spin-offs.

All materials, including a private postal and an email
address must be received electronically no later than 
2016-10-27 at

Freie Universität Berlin
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Dean's Office c/o Mrs. Üzel
Arnimallee 14
14195 Berlin

Email: bewerbungen at mi.fu-berlin.de

Application guidelines and general information on the
appointment procedure as well as requirements for
professorships at Freie Universität Berlin can be found at

For additional details, please visit 
http://www.fu-berlin.de and http://www.mi.fu-berlin.de/en/inf.
Send requests for clarification to Prof. Lutz Prechelt,
prechelt at inf.fu-berlin.de.

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