[AISWorld] Keynote from IBM confirmed for IS stream at OR59 - still time to submit a paper

Crispin Coombs C.R.Coombs at lboro.ac.uk
Sat Jun 10 05:19:23 EDT 2017

Call for Papers: Information Systems Stream @ OR59 – Submission 30 June 2017

********* Information Systems at OR59 *********

Annual Operational Research Society Conference (OR59)
12-14 September 2017
Loughborough University, UK
A collaborative stream between the Operational Research Society and the UK Academy for Information Systems

Keynote: Crossing the Analytics Wilderness: The Route According to a ‘Born Again Optimisation Evangelist’, Edmund C. Griffiths Decision Optimisation Client Solution Professional, IBM UK & Ireland

Eddie will discuss why so few businesses are using the full potential of analytics. The original obstacles of poor tools, feeble computers, lack of data and lack of skills and knowledge have largely been overcome. Yet, unenlightened businesses still run their businesses using rudimentary spreadsheets. There is a void, which he terms the ‘Analytics Wilderness’, where predictive and prescriptive analytics should be being used. Eddie will discuss how to examine and solve this problem to unleash the potential of analytics, providing a guide to crossing the ‘Analytics Wilderness’.

Eddie Griffiths has over 40 years’ experience in Information Systems and Analytics. His practical knowledge has been continually developing since he left Leeds University 30 years ago with BSc Operational Research with Computing; a 24 year IT career; 7 years as a logistics consultant including 2 years coaching for Lafarge worldwide, (from Brazil to Malaysia) and 5 years saving millions by optimising supply chains in the UK and across Europe. Eddie has been enthusiastic about decision optimisation technologies since he left Leeds. Now that the technologies have developed to be easy to use by everyone, he helps companies start to understand and use them.

Call for papers

New developments in Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence rely on digital devices and the Internet of Things (IoT) that are in continuous use and are capable of monitoring the minutiae of our lives. Huge quantities of real time data are generated and processed through pre-determined algorithms that provide the information that many decision makers depend on. However, the quality of the information that is produced by these algorithms is contingent on the quality of the information systems and their data. Therefore, embedding sophisticated analytics efforts and simulation models into the everyday work of the business requires integration with the processes and information systems that support them combined with changing the behavior of the people who perform that work.

Motivated by a symbiotic relationship, this collaborative stream between the Operational Research Society and the UK Academy for Information Systems seeks contributions that explore how information systems and operational research can combine for the benefit of individuals, organizations and/or wider society.


The stream’s topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  *   Information sharing and big data analytics
  *   Strategic and change management issues stemming from big data analytics
  *   Big data and management
  *   Social media analytics for business
  *   Organizational learning and innovation from big data and business analytics
  *   Data-driven competitive advantage
  *   Data driven decision making in organisations
  *   Human resource management and big data analytics
  *   Proactive strategy formulation from big data analytics
  *   Data and text mining for business analytics
  *   Big data and analytics for business value
  *   Data quality improvement for business analytics

Abstract Submission

Prospective authors are welcome to discuss proposals for papers with stream organizers, in advance of submission.

Authors need to submit a title and 300-word abstract of their paper by 30 June 2017.

Abstracts should not contain mathematical symbols, graphs, tables, or references. The abstract should state if the paper is theoretical, practical, or a mix of the two. It should indicate important methodological information and major results. It is not compulsory to produce a full paper in order to present at the conference.

Electronic submission: http://www.theorsociety.com/Pages/Conferences/OR59/OR59.aspx


If you have any queries please contact the stream organizers:

Crispin Coombs
Loughborough University
C.R.Coombs at lboro.ac.uk<mailto:C.R.Coombs at lboro.ac.uk>

Oliver Kayas
Manchester Metropolitan University
O.Kayas at mmu.ac.uk<mailto:O.Kayas at mmu.ac.uk>

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