[AISWorld] M.Sc. in Information Systems / Jyvaskyla, Finland

Tuure Tuunanen tuure at tuunanen.fi
Wed Nov 15 09:14:12 EST 2017

Application period is open! Apply 15.11.2017-10.1.2017 at https://studyinfo.fi/app/#!/korkeakoulu/

Master's Degree Programme in Information Systems, Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration (2 yrs)

The degree in Information Systems is unique in Finland in combining Information Technology with Economic Sciences. Our annual M.Sc. student cohort is 140-150 students and 100+ B.Sc. students. We are one of the largest information systems study programs in Scandinavia and Europe. The curriculum follows the most recent AIS curriculum recommendations (with a twist!).

Our graduates will be able to:

* Analyse real-life problems and provide ICT-based solutions to them;
* Design intelligent ICT-enabled services;
* Manage an existing ICT organisation;
* Create a new, ICT-driven business.

Graduate characteristics will include good international communication skills due to the integrated language and communication studies; argumentation and logical thinking; team working abilities and social skills.

Our aim is to train highly competent professionals of the ICT domain and to provide professionals working in other fields with basic skill sets in using and managing information technology, as well as to carry out internationally acclaimed, high quality research in selected fields of expertise.

See detailed M.Sc. program information available at http://www.jyu.fi/is <http://www.jyu.fi/is>.

Ystävällisin terveisin / Best regards,

Tuure Tuunanen
Professor, Information Systems, Faculty of IT, Univ. of Jyväskylä
Value Creation for Cyber-Physical Systems and Services Group
T: +358 40 805 4628 <tel:+358 40 805 4628>	
W: https://www.jyu.fi/it/laitokset/cs/en/research/cpss <https://www.jyu.fi/it/laitokset/cs/en/research/cpss>	
E: tuure.tuunanen at jyu.fi <mailto:tuure.tuunanen at jyu.fi>	
 <http://twitter.com/tuuret>   <https://www.linkedin.com/in/tuuretuunanen>   <skype:tuuret?call>	
** Would you like to know more about value co-creation and co-destruction in an information systems artifact? See http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/7427339/
--- For my other publications please see http://pubs.tuunanen.fi

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